Understanding Pegging

Pegging links demand to incoming supply. You can create a peg chain between a supply transaction and a demand transaction from either side. Demand transactions can peg to supply transactions and, conversely, supply transactions can peg to demand transactions. A peg prevents the incoming supply from being reserved, or allocated to another demand transaction.

Sources of supply include:

  • Requisitions and purchase orders from PeopleSoft Purchasing

  • Incoming interunit transfers into the inventory business unit from another inventory business unit

  • The primary outputs of Production IDs from PeopleSoft Manufacturing

Sources of demand include:

  • Materials stock requests in PeopleSoft Inventory

  • Outgoing interunit transfers from the inventory business unit to another inventory business unit

  • Sales orders from PeopleSoft Order Management

  • Work orders from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management

Note: You cannot create a peg to stock that has been received and putaway in the inventory business unit.

There are two types of pegs:

  • A soft peg links an outgoing order to the quantity included in an incoming supply. A soft pegged supply can be pegged to one or many demands. A soft pegged demand can be pegged to one or many supply orders. When a soft peg is changed or canceled, the peg is changed but the other side of the peg (that is, the incoming supply or outgoing demand) is not changed. A notification is sent using the Message Dashboard. For example, a sales order for 10 units is soft pegged to an incoming purchase order with 2,000 units. Later, the customer service representative changes the sales order quantity from 10 units to 2 units. When the sales order is altered, the system changes the peg but the incoming supply (in this case the purchase order) is not changed. A notification is sent to the buyer (on the PO) informing them that a change in the demand pegged to the PO has taken place. Soft pegs are useful when items are in short supply and you want to peg higher priority customer orders to specific supply.

  • A hard peg is created when a sales order (demand) creates a new purchase order, requisition, or interunit transfer to fulfill it. A hard pegged supply/demand can only be pegged to a single demand/supply. All other orders would be considered soft pegs and result in notifications only upon changes. When a hard peg is changed or canceled, not only is the peg changed, but also the incoming supply is changed. For example, a sales order for 10 units is hard pegged to an incoming purchase order with 10 units. If the sales order is changed to 4 units, then the purchase order is changed to 4 units. Hard pegs are useful for make-to-order items or special products.

    Note: A change to a hard-pegged supply transaction does not update the demand transaction.

To create, change, or cancel a peg chain, you can:

  • Access the Pegging Workbench where you can link demand to supply or supply to demand. The Pegging Workbench can be accessed directly through the menu or by a link located on other components in PeopleSoft Inventory > Order Management > Manufacturing > Purchasing > and Maintenance Management.

  • Create pegs from the Alternate Sources of Supply page in PeopleSoft Order Management.

  • Create pegs from the Maintain Requisitions or Maintain Purchase Orders components in PeopleSoft Purchasing for work orders with non-inventory items and description-only items.

Information about peg chains can be viewed and monitored using the:

  • Pegging Inquiry page where you can view the pegging information without changing it.

  • Pegging Exception report to review problems in pegging due to changes in dates, quantities, or canceled orders; for example, the supply date is later than the demand ship date.

For inventory items, the following rules apply:

  • Product kits cannot be pegged; however the kit components on a demand line can be pegged.

  • Configured product kits cannot be pegged.

  • VMI (vendor-managed inventory) items cannot be pegged.

  • ATP (available to promise) items can be pegged from a work order from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. ATP items cannot be pegged from material stock requests or sales orders; however, ATP items can be pegged to an transfer supply (interunit transfer).

  • Only soft-reserve items can be pegged when working with material stock requests and sales orders. Work orders can use items that are not defined as soft-reserved.

  • Return to vendor stock requests cannot be pegged.

You can only peg to non-inventory items for a sales order creating a direct ship purchase order or direct ship requisition and for a work order from PeopleSoft Maintenance Management. There will be peg chains in the pegging table for these items but you cannot maintain the pegs in the Pegging Workbench.

The peg chain is maintained in the IN_PEGGING table. This table links the demand transaction to the supply transaction and includes the following fields:

  • The QTY_PEGGED field, which stores the total pegged quantity between the demand and supply transactions. This quantity is in the standard unit of measure for the item.

  • The PEG_STATUS field identifies the current state of the peg chain and includes the following values:

    • Open: (10) Indicates the line has a currently active peg.

    • Completed: (20) Indicates the peg chain is finished and the pegged supply has been received.

    • Canceled: (30) Indicates that either the pegged supply or pegged demand was canceled.

  • The QTY_RECEIVED field, which stores the amount of the supply-side pegged quantity that has been received or completed. This quantity is in the standard unit of measure for the item.

  • The QTY_COMPLETE field, which stores the amount of the supply-side pegged quantity that has been putaway into PeopleSoft Inventory. This quantity is in the standard unit of measure for the item.

  • The HARD_PEG field is a yes/no field indicating a hard or soft peg.

  • The DMD_DTTM field stores the schedule date of the demand transaction.

  • The SUP_DTTM field stores the due date of the supply transaction.

  • The DMD_OPEN_QTY field stores the order quantity of the demand transaction. This quantity is in the standard unit of measure for the item.

  • The SUP_OPEN_QTY field stores the order quantity of the supply transaction. This quantity is in the standard unit of measure for the item.

  • The DEMAND_HASH and SUPPLY_HASH fields identify the transactions that are pegged. The hash field can be converted to the order keys of the demand or supply transaction using the hash tables of the associated record. The hash tables and associated records are:

    • IN_DEMAND_HASH and IN_DEMAND: Demand fulfillment record in PeopleSoft Inventory.

    • PO_HASH and PO_LINE_DISTRIB: The purchase order distribution line record in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

    • REQ_HASH and REQ_LN_DISTRIB: The requisition distribution line record in PeopleSoft Purchasing.

    • SF_OUTPUT_HASH and SF_OUTPUT_LIST: The production ID line in PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

    • WM_WO_PO_HASH and WM_WO_SCHED_PO: For items to be ordered from PeopleSoft Purchasing, the work order task IDs resource line in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

    • WM_WO_MAT_HASH and WM_WO_SCHED_MAT: For items to be picked from PeopleSoft Inventory, the work order task IDs resource line in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management.

If a demand or supply date is changed, the system automatically updates the peg (including canceling the peg chain for canceled orders). If the peg is a hard peg and the user changes a demand date or quantity, the associated supply order itself is automatically changed as well. Optionally, notification can be sent to the relevant users (or user roles) that a change has taken place. Notifications are sent using the Message Dashboard. The setup for the Message Dashboard determines if the notification is logged on the dashboard, sent as an email and/or sent as a worklist entry in workflow.