Navigating in PeopleSoft eProcurement

PeopleSoft eProcurement provides a custom navigation center page that contains a grouping of folders that support the activities of an organizational buyer, specific to business processes and tasks.

Note: In addition to the custom navigation center page, PeopleSoft eProcurement provides menu navigation, standard navigation pages, and PeopleSoft Navigator.

PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide

This table lists the custom navigation pages that you use to navigate in the PeopleSoft eProcurement Procurement Card Center.

The Procurement Card Center custom navigation pages are intended for the person in the organization who is responsible for all aspects of the Procurement Card, including setup and maintenance.

Page Name



Procurement Card Center

eProcurement > Procurement Card Center

Access the primary Procurement Card Center menu and activities.

Inquire Procurement Card Request

Click the Request Procurement Card link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Add new or inquire existing procurement card requests.

Statement Summary

Click the Review Bank Statement link on the Procurement Card Center page.

View statement summaries by credit card supplier, billing date, or status.


Click the Reconcile link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Access the Reconcile Statement and Review Disputes menu options on the Reconcile page.

Process Statements

Click the Process Statements on the Procurement Card Center page.

Access the Load ProCard Stage, Load Statement, Correct Errors, Load Voucher Stage, Budget ChartField Validation, Bank Statement Has Arrived, and Grace Period Has Expired menu options on the Process Statements page.

List of Merchants

Click the Preferred Suppliers link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Define preferred suppliers by associating a merchant with a specific supplier.

Review Disputes - Procurement Card Transactions

Click the Review Disputes link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Review and enter comments for disputed transactions.

Correct Errors

Click the Correct Errors link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Review and correct errors for statements loaded to the staging tables.


Click the Reports link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Generate reports for procurement card summary and exception reporting. Reports include: Account Summary, Cardholder Information, Expected Credits, Purchase Details, Purchase Exceptions, Credit Detail By MCG, Non-Preferred Supplier, Top Supplier Chains, Top Merchant Category, and MCC Exceptions (merchant category code exceptions).


Click the Security link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Define roles, access rights, proxies and SpeedCharts for procurement cards. Menu options include: Register Roles, Assign Access Rights, Assign Proxies, and Assign SpeedCharts.


Click the Definitions link on the Procurement Card Center page.

Define procurement card setup data such as card profiles and card-issuing banks. Menu options include: Cardholder Profile, Preferred Suppliers, and UOM Mappings.

Note: In this release of eProcurement the left hand menu navigation will not appear by default. To make the left hand menu navigation appear navigate to PeopleTools > Portal > General Settings. On General Settings page select Navigation Type as Left and click the Save button. Now the left hand menu navigation will appear constantly till you change the Navigation Type setting.

See the product documentation for

PeopleTools: Portal Technology