Setting Up Profiles

This section discusses how to manage personal templates for a profile, copy a personal template for a profile, manage favorites group for a profile, and copy a favorites group for a profile.

Page Name

Definition Name


My Profile Page


Define information about users, including email addresses, passwords, alternate IDs, and preferred languages.

Manage Personal Templates Page


Add item templates to the user, allow the templates to be shared with other roles and users, view the item details within each template, and copy templates that are created by other users.

Copy a Personal Template(s) Page


Copy personal templates for a profile.

Request Procurement Card Page


Define user information for a procurement card. The information includes amount and transaction limits.

Manage Favorites Groups Page


Add favorite groups to the user, allow the favorites groups to be shared with other roles and users, view the item details within each favorite group, and copy favorite groups that are created by other users.

Copy a Favorites Group Page


Copy favorites groups for a profile.

Use the Manage Personal Templates page (PV_REQ_TEMP_MGR) to add item templates to the user, allow the templates to be shared with other roles and users, view the item details within each template, and copy templates that are created by other users.


eProcurement > My Profile

Click the Manage Personal Templates link.

See Creating Requisitions.

Field or Control


Allow Sharing

Select to indicate that this template can be copied by other roles and users. If not selected, the template cannot be copied.

Share Details

Click to access the Share Details page. Select Share with All Roles and Requesters to share this template, or select specific roles and requesters to specify only the individuals who can share the template.

View Details

Click to access the View Details page, which lists the items in the template. Items can be removed from this page, but they cannot be added.

Copy a Personal Template

Click to access the Copy a Personal Template page, which enables you to copy a template that is shared by other requesters.

Use the Copy a Personal Template(s) page (PV_REQ_TEMPL_COPY) to copy personal templates for a profile.


eProcurement > My Profile

Click the Manage Personal Templates link.

Click the Copy a Personal Template link.

Source Template

Field or Control



Select a requester who has granted you access on the Share Details page for the template.

Template Name

Select a template that a requester has granted you access.

Target Template

Field or Control


Template Name

Enter a template that will be used for the profile. Press the Tab key after completing this field.


Enter a description that will be used for the profile. This field appears after you tab out of the Template Name field.

Copy to Target Template

Click to copy the items that are selected from the Source Template section to the Target Template section.

Use the Manage Favorites Groups page (PV_REQ_FAV_GRP) to add favorite groups to the user, allow the favorites groups to be shared with other roles and users, view the item details within each favorite group, and copy favorite groups that are created by other users.


eProcurement > My Profile

Click the Manage Favorites Groups link.

See Create Requisition — Favorites Page.

See Create Requisition Page.

Field or Control


Allow Sharing

Select to indicate that this favorites group can be copied by other roles and users. If this option is not selected, the favorites group cannot be copied.

Share Details

Click to access the Share Details page. Select Share with All Roles and Requesters to share this favorites group, or select specific roles and requesters to specify only the individuals who can share the favorites group.

View Details

Click to access the View Details page, which lists the items in the group. Items can be removed from this page, but they cannot be added.

Copy a Favorites Group

Click to access the Copy a Favorites Group page, which enables you to copy favorites groups that are shared by other requesters.

Use the Copy a Favorites Group page (PV_REQ_GRP_COPY) to copy favorites groups for a profile.


eProcurement > My Profile

Click the Manage Favorites Groups link.

Click the Copy a Favorites Group link.

Source Favorites Group

Field or Control



Select a requester who has granted you access on the Share Details page for the Favorites Group.

Group Name

Select a favorites group that a requester has granted you access.

Target Favorites Group

Field or Control


Group Name

Enter a name that will be used for the profile. Press the Tab key after completing this field.


Enter a description that will be used for the profile. This field appears after you tab out of the Group Name field.

Copy to Target Group

Click to copy the items that are selected from the Source Favorites Group section to the Target Favorites Group section.