Understanding Mobile Approvals

The PeopleSoft Mobile Approvals feature provides an option to approve transactions using a mobile device using the Fluid User Interface as opposed to using the Classic User Interface. Approvers continue to take Application Workflow Engine (AWE) actions on PeopleSoft transactions pending their approval, but can do so using any form factor. See Access Approval Pages.

Important! PeopleSoft Financials and Supply Chain Management is converting from PeopleTools - Mobile Approval Platform (MAP) technology to Enterprise Components - Fluid Approval technology. This chapter discusses Enterprise Components - Fluid Approval only. For information about PeopleTools MAP technology, see previous image documentation.

Note: When taking PeopleSoft Image 20, if you select “make me current” you receive Fluid approval technology for applications that previously used MAP technology. In addition, if you pull any MAP main Unit of Work (UOW) from a previous image, it switches all MAP applications to a Fluid Approval application.

Enterprise Components - Fluid Approval Framework technology consists of; Enterprise Objects Approval Workflow (EOAW), Application Workflow Engine (AWE), and Enterprise Objects Page Composer (EOPC). A minimum tools release of 8.54 is required for Fluid Approvals.

In order to use the Mobile Approval feature, applications must utilize the Approval Framework, also known as Approval Workflow Engine (AWE). All transactions must be created in the database, and adhere to the Approval Framework logic and configuration within each application.

Mobile Approvals provides a convenient option to review and approve pending requisitions, including these tasks from a mobile device, depending on the application:

  • Approve, deny, push back, or hold pending requisitions at the header level and the line level.

    You can perform approval actions for one or more requisitions, depending on setup.

  • Add comments for approval actions.

  • View approvals that other approvers have approved.

  • View requestor comments and attachments associated with the pending transaction.

  • View header and line level comments and attachments.

  • View distribution details for the line item.

ChartField Display Templates are used to extend ChartField configuration to control the display of individual ChartFields on PeopleSoft Fluid components. It displays ChartFields in a consistent manner on PeopleSoft Fluid transaction pages across PeopleSoft products. For mobile approval the default ChartField display template ALLCFS is used for all users, a permission list, or user ID. Use the Assign by Key Field Values page to assign ChartField display template to the fluid approval process.

The PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface is designed for users to access PeopleSoft pages using multiple form factors:

  • SFF: Small Form Factor, such as smart phones.

  • MFF: Medium Form Factor, such as tablets.

  • LFF: Large Form Factor, such as large tablets.

  • XLFF: Extra Large Form Factor, such as desktops.

When using a mobile device, you can access the approval page by selecting the Approvals tile from the Employee Self Service page. When you access the approval page by selecting the Approvals tile, the first page you see is the Pending Approvals page. The Pending Approvals page displays differently depending on your form factor. Approval transactions listed for each user depends on the permission level established for the user logged in.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Employee Self Service page.

Employee Self Service page