Understanding Receiving Stock

This section discusses:

  • The common element used in this chapter.

  • Stock receipt.

  • Items received by amount.

  • Receipt notification workflow.

  • Options for receiving stock.

Field or Control


Receipt Status

Select from these values:

Open: The receipt is being entered into the system and has not yet been saved, or the receipt has been entered and saved but might be missing required information.

Received: The receipt has been entered and saved.

Hold: A power user has put the receipt on hold.

Moved: The necessary items in the receipt have been successfully passed to PeopleSoft Asset Management, PeopleSoft Inventory, or PeopleSoft Manufacturing (if those applications are installed).

Complete: The receipt has finished all steps and is closed.

Cancelled: The receipt was entered and saved, but then canceled. A cancellation cannot be reversed.

When you enter a requisition, PeopleSoft eProcurement processes it, places it on a purchase order (PO), and sends (dispatches) it to the supplier. If PeopleSoft Inventory is installed, the requisition might come from the warehouse stock instead of from a supplier. When you receive the requested items, you record the receipt, which enables the buyers to track the quality and promptness of suppliers.

The PeopleSoft application assigns a receipt ID to each saved receipt. Because a one-to-one ratio does not exist between POs and receipts—a PO might have multiple receipt IDs due to multiple shipments or a shipment might have multiple POs—this ID is stored separately from the dispatched purchase order or the original requisition. If PeopleSoft Payables is installed, a process matches the receipts to the POs (to confirm that the goods were shipped) before the supplier is paid.

Note: To record a receipt before the accounts payable department can pay the supplier, select Receiving Required for the item.

A receipt is usually recorded based on the quantity that is received. However, you can also receive by amount in PeopleSoft eProcurement. This feature is particularly useful if you order and receive services.

PeopleSoft eProcurement enables requesters to record the receipt of their own goods. Because some requesters do not record their receipts promptly, the workflow process for receipt notification reminds requesters to receive their goods. If PeopleSoft Payables records the voucher (supplier's invoice) for the PO but no receipt is entered, workflow inserts a reminder in the To Do List of the requester.

After a PO is dispatched, the supplier ships the stock. When the stock arrives at the location, use the receiving area to record the receipt. PeopleSoft eProcurement offers several options for receiving stock:



Casual user receiving

This is the default setting. Items are delivered directly to a casual user's desk or area without being routed through the central receiving department. For example, a Federal Express shipment is delivered directly to you or an assistant. To enter the receipt, the user opens the original requisition and links to the requisition's PO. The user then records the receipt on a simplified form.

Casual user receiving with edit and cancel privileges

A casual user can also be granted privileges to edit and cancel receipts and to override a supplier's return address. To have these privileges, the casual user's roles must contain a user role that is included under RECV_CASUAL_ALL on the eProcurement Role Actions page.

Receiving by Ship To Location

A casual user can be set up to receive all items shipped to a ship to location specified as the Default Ship To location in the Receiver Setup page. This is controlled by role action RECV_BY_SHIPTO.

No receiving privileges

To prevent the casual user from having access to the receiving area of PeopleSoft eProcurement, the roles must contain a user role that is included under NO_CASUAL_RECV on the eProcurement Role Actions page.

Power receiving

A power user is an individual in the receiving department or a purchasing professional who receives items by using the receiving pages in PeopleSoft Purchasing. The power user selects the PO and creates the receipt. The power user can also record a receipt without a PO. To be a power user, the roles must contain a user role that is included under RECV_POWER on the eProcurement Role Actions page.