Understanding the Integration Between the Oracle Supplier Network, PeopleSoft eProcurement, and PeopleSoft eSettlements

The Oracle Supplier Network (OSN) is an hosted service offering in which buyers and sellers use a common hub for exchanging and monitoring transactions. The integration between OSN and PeopleSoft enables you to pass the following transactions:

  • Purchase orders and change orders from PeopleSoft to the OSN supplier (outbound transactions). The purchase order is passed to suppliers through OSN. Suppliers can decide their delivery method, and monitor transactions on OSN.

  • Purchase order acknowledgement (POA) or a POA with changes from the OSN supplier to PeopleSoft (inbound transactions). The supplier's POA is sent through OSN to PeopleSoft.

  • Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) from the OSN supplier to PeopleSoft (inbound transaction). The supplier's ASN is sent through OSN and loaded into PeopleSoft as an advanced shipment receipt (ASR) where you can create a receipt in PeopleSoft.

  • Invoices from the OSN supplier to PeopleSoft (inbound transaction). The supplier's invoice is sent through OSN and loaded into PeopleSoft where you can create a voucher in PeopleSoft eSettlements.

The following diagram illustrates the communication protocols between PeopleSoft, the Oracle Supplier Network, and the OSN suppliers. PeopleSoft should use OAG (Open Applications Group) XML for the outbound transaction since OSN supports incoming OAG messages over HTTP. The OSN suppliers can send and receive messages using cXML or OAG.

This image illustrates the communication protocols between PeopleSoft, the Oracle Supplier Network, and the OSN suppliers.

Overview of PeopleSoft to Oracle Supplier Network Integration

For outbound transactions from the PeopleSoft eProcurement or Purchasing applications, the PeopleSoft Integration Broker (Integration Gateway) uses application engine transformation programs and the fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector IB connector to convert XML messages that use the PeopleSoft format (PSXML) into OAG XML files. For inbound transactions from the Oracle Supplier Network to PeopleSoft eSettlements, OAG XML messages are sent to the PeopleSoft Integration Gateway where transformation programs and the fscm_epo_OSNListeningConnector IB connector convert the incoming files into the PSXML format.