Personalizing Supplier-Facing Pagelets

Note: Suppliers can personalize some of the supplier-facing pagelets.

Page Name

Definition Name


<Pagelet Name> - Personalize User Defaults Page


Users associated with multiple supplier IDs can select a default supplier and where applicable, define the maximum number of retrieved records (rows) to display on the pagelet.

Personalize User Defaults - Save Confirmation Page


Confirm the changed user defaults.

Suppliers can select default suppliers, and in some cases, the number of rows to display on a pagelet.

Note: Your system administrator can further control the content and appearance of the supplier performance pagelets at the reporting entity or supplier-SetID level.

Select a default supplier (this option is only available when the user is associated with multiple supplier IDs).

If the pagelet displays transaction IDs, select the maximum number of records (rows) to appear on the pagelet.