Responding on Behalf of the Supplier (Buyers)

Page Name

Definition Name


Manage PO Acknowledgements Page


Buyers can search for online POAs and POAs received using EDX.

Acknowledge Purchase Orders - Acknowledgement Summary Page


Use to view the acknowledgement information for the selected purchase order.

Acknowledge Purchase Orders - Acknowledgement Details Page


Review and approve supplier-entered POAs.

Buyers can use the Manage PO Acknowledgements page (PO_SS_POA_SEARCH) to accept and create acknowledgements for the supplier against a purchase order. For example, the supplier called a buyer with changes and the buyer wants to log them as acknowledgements.


Purchasing > Purchase Orders > Acknowledgements > Manage PO Acknowledgements

This process basically functions the same as that discussed in the section Reviewing and Approving Online POAs (Buyers) except the buyer will search for POAs with an Awaiting Acknowledgement status.

Select the Awaiting Acknowledgement check box on this page under the Current Acknowledgements option to retrieve the POAs that you want to address for the supplier.

See Reviewing and Approving Online POAs (Buyers).