Reviewing Account Balances

Page Name

Definition Name


Account Balances - Select Supplier Page


Suppliers select a supplier to navigate to its account balance inquiry pages. This page is available only if more than one supplier is associated with the user.

Account Balances - Balances by Currency Page


View account balances, including the currency in which each balance is shown.

Account Balances - Invoice List Page


Review general invoice account balance information and access details for a specific invoice.

Account Balances - Invoice Details Page


Review account balance details.

Use the Account Balances - Balances by Currency page (PO_SSVNDRBALST) to view account balances, including the currency in which each balance is shown.


Review Payment Information > Account Balances

This page appears only if the supplier has outstanding vouchers in different currencies. Otherwise, the Account Balances - Invoice List page appears.

Field or Control


Gross Amount

For all outstanding vouchers for the selected supplier. Click a gross amount link to access the Account Balances - Invoice List page, which displays the invoices that are included in the gross amount for this supplier and currency.

Use the Account Balances - Invoice Details page (PO_SSINVC_LINES) to review account balance details.


  • Click an invoice number link on the Account Balances - Invoice List page.

  • Click an invoice number link on the Purchase Order Details page.

The supplier name and gross amount appear if you selected them on the Account Balances - Balance by Currency page. Otherwise, the supplier from the Account Balances - Select Supplier page appears.

The system displays detailed information for each invoice in the list.

Payment Schedule

Field or Control



Payment selection status. Values are Selected, Unselected, Paid, Canceled, Prepaid, Convert Error, Closed, Negative Voucher Sum, and In Process.