Sending Email Messages

The Email Message page is accessible from several supplier- and employee-facing pages. Use the Email Message page (WV_PE_EMAIL_SP) to send an email that contains a link to the page from which the Email Message page was accessed.

The body of the message contains two URLs: one that an internal recipient uses to access the referenced page through the PeopleSoft Applications Portal, and one that an external recipient uses to access the page through an external portal (in this case, the supplier portal registry). Even though the recipients get a URL, they need the correct privileges to access the system.

Note: This email messaging is not intended to be the facility for sending out self-registration emails. Instead, the online registration system provides email templates for ongoing email communications to registrants at various stages of registration, including invitations, notifications of approved or rejected requests, requests for additional information to complete registration, notice of duplicate supplier identification or OFAC and options for proceeding, and reminders about pending requests in the system. See Using Supplier Registration Email Templates.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Email Message page. A supplier who sends email notification from one of the pages in the ASN History component would use this version of the Email Message page.

Email Message page