Setting Up Supply Side Print Capability

To configure the setup and defaults of external access for suppliers, use the Configure External Access component (PO_SUPP_SETUP).

For users created prior to release 8.8, you may need to set up security so that suppliers can use the print functionality with PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection. You need to:

  • Edit the permission list supplied to all external Supplier users to enable permission for supply side print.

    If you are using the delivered EPSS8000 permission list (recommended), then you will not need to do this step as the permission list will already be modified.

  • Edit any existing Supplier Portal User profiles to which you wish to add the PO Print capability.

    Edit user profiles in the PeopleTools User Profile component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Permission Lists - Process Page


Set the attributes and system defaults.

Permission Lists - Permission Page


Specify to what capacity a user, or Role, can modify certain Process Scheduler settings.

Permission Lists - Process Page

User Profile Page


Set general user profile attributes.

Configure External Access Page


Make the View PDF/Print option available to suppliers and indicate the default server.

Use the Permission Lists - Process page (ACL_PROCESS) to set the attributes and system defaults.


PeopleTools > Security > Permissions & Roles > Permission Lists > Process

This step enables the supply side permission list to allow for printing POs. If you are using the delivered permission list EPSS8000, then this step will already be done for you.

  1. Enter permission list that is equivalent to the EPSS8000-All user access, permission list that you are using for suppliers and select the Process page.

  2. Click the Process Group Permissions link on the Process page.

    Use the Permission Lists - Permission page (ACL_PROCESS_GROUPS) to specify to what capacity a user, or Role, can modify certain Process Scheduler settings.

  3. Add POALL to the grid, and click OK. The POALL Process group is required on this page so that the supplier user has security to run the PO Print report.

    Note: This does not allow suppliers to run other internal buyer side PO processes.

  4. Access the User Profile page (USER_GENERAL) in PeopleTools for any existing supplier users added in prior releases for which you want to enable print capability, and if the Process Profile field is blank, enter the permission list you modified, EPSS8000, in the Process Profile and Primary Permission Lists fields.

    Note: For any external users already created in the system, you must edit the user profile if you want them to have print capability. This will be done automatically for any new external user as long as they are created using the Distributed Supplier User pages. If you aren't already using the delivered permission lists, you only need to make sure there is a permission list called EPSS8000 defined in the system. It can be an empty permission list, but it does need to exist so that the Distributed Supplier User page can automatically enable printing for new users.

Use the Configure External Access page (PO_SUPP_SETUP) to make the View PDF/Print option available to suppliers and indicate the default server.


Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Product Related > Procurement Options > Suppliers > Define External Suplr Access

Field or Control


Allow Supplier access to launch/print PO report

Select to allow suppliers to view and print POs.

Print Options

Options include creating the report via REN Server or via Report Repository.

If you are using REN server capability, the system displays a separate window to monitor the report status when the supplier clicks the button to print the PO, enabling your supplier to go on to other transactions. When the report is ready, the system displays it in a separate window.

If you are using the Report Repository, the system initiates the print process immediately when the supplier clicks the button to print the PO. If the print process takes more than several seconds, the system generates a message that they can continue within the same transaction and return to the button later when the report is completed.

Note: If you are using REN server capability, you must set up a REN server that users outside your firewall can access. The Report Repository requires less setup. Oracle recommends trying the Report Repository method first and migrating to REN server technology if needed.