Canceling In-Transit Interunit Transfers

You can use the Interunit Cancellations page to cancel a shipped and depleted interunit transfer at any time before the destination business unit receives the order. When you cancel an intransit transfer, the system posts an adjustment transaction (Interunit Business Transfer Adjustment - Transaction Group 042) to debit the intransit stock owner established on the Interunit Ownership page.

Note: You cannot cancel interunit transfers that require intercompany processing. These goods must be received at the destination business unit using the Interunit and RMA Receiving component and then returned to the source business unit using the Express Issue component. In addition, you cannot cancel an order that has been partially or fully received by the destination business unit. If the destination business unit is a VMI business unit, you cannot cancel interunit orders created from sales orders.

Page Name

Definition Name


Cancel Interunit Transfers Page


Cancel a request for an interunit transfer that has been shipped and depleted but not yet received.

Use the Cancel Interunit Transfers page (INTERUNIT_CANC_INV) to cancel a request for an interunit transfer that has been shipped and depleted but not yet received.


Inventory > Fulfill Stock Orders > Shipping > Cancel InterUnit Transfers

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Cancel InterUnit Transfers page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Cancel InterUnit Transfers page

Field or Control


Unit, Destination Unit, InterUnit ID, Order No (order number), and Item

Enter any combination to select an interunit transfer order to cancel. Only the source business unit is required.


Click to retrieve intransit transfer orders matching your criteria.

Only transfer orders with a status of In transit appear. To view the interunit status of all interunit transfers, use the InterUnit Stock Status page.