Defining Item Quantities

PeopleSoft Inventory helps you monitor and verify inventory quantity balances for a business unit and for each material storage location within the unit:

  • To determine the availability of lot-controlled items, the system summarizes the quantities tracked for the business unit, item, and lot ID.

  • Inventory quantity balance audit reports enable you to troubleshoot potential quantity discrepancy issues.

Item quantities are primarily stored in three records: BU_ITEMS_INV, PHYSICAL_INV, and LOT_CONTROL_INV (for lot-controlled items). This section defines the item quantity fields on each of these records and illustrates how system transactions affect these quantity balances.

Item Quantity on the BU_ITEMS_INV Record

The BU_ITEMS_INV record includes quantity totals for the items in a specific business unit, expressed in the item's standard unit of measure (UOM). Item balances in this table reflect totals for the business unit as a whole, not for an individual material storage location within the business unit. The quantity values on this table answer two basic inventory questions: How much item quantity exists in the business unit? How much of that quantity is available to fulfill orders?

Whether an item quantity is counted as available in PeopleSoft Inventory depends on whether the inventory status of the stock quantity is open, restricted, hold, or rejected and whether the business unit counts stock with a non-open status as part of the quantity available to fulfill orders.

Note: Stock quantities stored in work-in-progress (WIP) locations are considered reserved for production and are not counted as part of the business unit's quantity available to fulfill orders.

The BU_ITEMS_INV record includes four fields related to item quantity: Quantity On Hand, Quantity Available, Quantity Reserved, and Quantity Owned.

See Understanding Inventory Status.

Quantity On Hand (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_onhand)

The Quantity On Hand field represents the total item quantity in a particular business unit, regardless of the stock's inventory status and material storage location. The field value includes both the item quantity available and the quantity reserved. However, this total does not reflect the total item quantity that you can use to fulfill demand.

The following transactions update a business unit's quantity on hand:

Field or Control


Putaway and Express Putaway

Putaway transactions increase the business unit's on-hand quantity, adding stock quantities put away in material storage locations within a business unit.


The Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process (IN_FUL_DPL) decreases on-hand quantity, subtracting the quantity shipped.

Adjustments and Bar Code Adjustments

Positive or negative ad hoc quantity adjustments made through the Adjustments page or the Adjustments process (INPVIADJ) increase or decrease the business unit's on-hand quantity.

Counting Inventory

The Stock Quantity Update process (INPOPOST) increases or decreases the business unit's on-hand quantity to account for any quantity adjustments discovered during a counting event.

Receipt Changes

Positive or negative quantity adjustments made in PeopleSoft Purchasing to the receipts that have already been put away increase or decrease the business unit's on-hand quantity.

Material Release for Kits

If you initially release material to a production ID using the kit-issue method, the system decreases the business unit's on-hand quantity.

Kit Issues and Returns

Issuing additional kit components to a production ID decreases the business unit's on-hand quantity. Returning kit components from a production ID to inventory increases the business unit's on-hand quantity.

Component De-Kit

The Component De-Kit process increases the business unit's on-hand quantity.

Record Completions and Scrap

Recording completions consumes components from inventory, so recording positive completions decreases the business unit's on-hand quantity of the components and increases the business unit's on-hand quantity of the completed assembly. Recording negative completions increases the business unit's on-hand quantity of the components and decreases the business unit's on-hand quantity of the assembly.

Edit/Issue Components

Issuing components to production decreases the business unit's on-hand quantity. Returning components to inventory increases the business unit's on-hand quantity.

Issues to Work Orders

Transactions that issue stock to work orders decrease the on-hand quantity, subtracting the quantity shipped/issued to the work order. Work orders are created in PeopleSoft Maintenance Management to perform maintenance and repair work to assets. Work orders can require parts stored in a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. In addition, stock can be returned to the inventory business unit, increasing the on-hand quantity.

Quantity Available (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_available)

The business unit's quantity available is a subset of the quantity on hand, reflecting the total item quantity that you can use to fulfill demand. If soft reservations processing is in effect for the item, the Quantity Available field contains the total item quantity that can be reserved for orders by the Reserve Materials process (IN_FUL_RSV) or through the Shortage Workbench. If soft reservations processing is not in effect, this field reflects the total item quantity that may be included on the Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) or confirmed as picked by the Picking Confirmation process (IN_FUL_CONF). Once quantity is soft reserved for the business unit or allocated from a specific material storage location, the quantity available for the business unit decreases and the quantity reserved increases.

The following transactions update a business unit's quantity available:


Method to Update Business Unit Quantity

Putaway and Express Putaway

If the putaway material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), putaway transactions increase the quantity available. Quantity available also increases by putaway transactions to nettable, non-WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3). Stock with an inventory status of Rejected (avail_status = 4) is never included in the business unit's quantity available. Stock that is put away in a WIP location does not affect quantity available.

Lot Allocation

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), lot-allocation transactions decrease the business unit's quantity available.

Reserve Materials

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y) and the transaction stock quantity is not lot allocated, the Reserve Materials process decreases the business unit's quantity available.

Order Release

If soft reservations processing is not in effect (soft_alloc_flg = N), the Order Release process can hard allocate stock from a nettable, non-WIP location, decreasing the business unit's available quantity.

Shortage Workbench

Allocating stock to a demand line increases or decreases the business unit's quantity available, depending on whether the new allocation quantity is less or greater than the currently allocated quantity.

Material Picking Feedback and Bar Code Picking

If you make an item substitution on the Material Picking Feedback page and the original item had soft reservations in effect, the system increases quantity available and decreases quantity reserved for the original item. Then, if the new item has soft reservations in effect, it decreases the quantity available for the substitute item and increases quantity reserved.

Picking Confirmation

In soft reservation environments, the Picking Confirmation process and the shipping processes with a picking confirmation component, increases the quantity available and decreases quantity reserved to account for stock that was picked from material storage locations containing stock not included in quantity available. Essentially, the Picking Confirmation transaction unreserves the stock that was soft reserved, but not used, to fulfill the demand quantity. Quantity available increases, and quantity reserved decreases to account for stock picked from the following:

  • A non-nettable location.

  • A nettable location with a Restricted inventory status, if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Quantity option has not been selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = N).

For business units that do not use soft reservations, the Picking Confirmation process decreases the quantity available and increases the quantity reserved for the business unit. Quantity available decreases and quantity reserved increases to account for stock picked from the following:

  • A nettable location with an Open inventory status.

  • A nettable location with a Restricted inventory status, if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Quantity option has been selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = Y).

If an overpick situation exists, the Picking Confirmation process (IN_FUL_CONF) reduces the quantity available and increases the quantity reserved to account for the amount overpicked. If soft reservations are in effect, the additional quantity to reserve is the picked quantity minus the allocated quantity. If soft reservations are off, the full picked quantity is reserved as in normal processing.

Adjustments and Bar Code Adjustments

If the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), adjustment transactions increase or decrease the quantity available. Quantity available also increases or decreases by adjustment transactions for nettable locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Online Transfers, Online Container Management, Bar Code Transfers, and Bar Code Containers

If stock in a non-nettable material storage location transfers to a non-WIP, nettable location, the business unit's quantity available increases. If stock transfers from a non-WIP, nettable location to a non-nettable location, the business unit's quantity available decreases. If the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is not selected for the business unit and stock in a non-WIP hold location transfers to an open location, the business unit's available quantity increases. Similarly, if the stock transfers into a non-WIP hold location, it decreases available quantity.

Demand Line Quantity Reduction

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), quantity reduction transactions made with the Maintain Stock Request component or on the sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management increase the business unit's quantity available and decrease quantity reserved for soft reserved non-lot-allocated demand lines not assigned to a pick batch ID.


If a demand line was soft reserved but not assigned to a pick batch ID, the cancellation transaction increases the business unit's quantity available and decreases quantity reserved. If a demand line is canceled after the demand quantity was confirmed as picked, the canceled demand quantity is staged for putaway processing if:

  • The Stage for Putaway option is selected on the Setup Fulfillment page.

  • The business unit's quantity balances are adjusted when the putaway transaction is performed for the canceled demand line.

If the Putaway at Save option is selected, the stock is automatically put away. Reserved quantity decreases by the putaway transaction if the stock was picked from a nettable location and the inventory status is Open or Restricted and the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is selected. Available quantity may be increased by the putaway transaction; for details, see the Putaway and Express Putaway description for quantity available (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_available).


If a demand line was unreserved using the Shortage Workbench, the quantity available increases and the quantity reserved (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_reserved) decreases.

Issues to Work Orders

The Work Order Pick Plan process can hard allocate stock from a nettable, non-WIP location, decreasing the business unit's available quantity.

Stock returned to the inventory business unit using the WO Issues Location page can increase the on-hand quantity.

Counting Inventory

The Stock Quantity Update process increases or decreases the business unit's quantity available to account for any quantity adjustments discovered during a counting event if the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1). Quantity available also increases or decreases by Stock Quantity Update transactions for nettable locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit, non-WIP location, and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3). The count quantity adjustment for the item that is in a WIP location does not affect quantity available.

Receipt Changes

Positive or negative quantity adjustments made in PeopleSoft Purchasing to receipts that have already been put away increase or decrease the business unit's quantity available.

As with other putaway transactions, if the original receipt was put away into a non-nettable or WIP location, the inventory status is Rejected, or the inventory status is Restricted or Hold and the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is not selected. The receipt change does not affect the business unit's quantity available.

Inventory Status Changes

Changing the inventory status of an item using the Inventory Status page can affect the business unit's quantity available. For stock in non-WIP, nettable material storage locations:

  • Changing the inventory status of an item from Rejected to Open increases the quantity available.

  • Changing the inventory status of an item from Open to Rejected decreases the business unit's quantity available.

  • In addition, if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is not selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = N):

    • Changing the inventory status of items with a Hold or Restricted status to Open increases the business unit's quantity available.

    • Changing the inventory status of an item from Open to Hold or Restricted decreases the business unit's quantity available.

Storage Location Attribute Changes

Changing the attributes of a material storage location on the Material Storage Locations page or the Location Status page can affect the business unit's quantity available.

Hold Attribute (STOR_LOC_INV.avail_status = 3)

If the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is not selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = N), placing a non-WIP, nettable material storage location on hold decreases the business unit's quantity available for stock that had an Open inventory status before this change. Taking a non-WIP, nettable location off hold increases the business unit's quantity available for stock that had a Hold inventory status before this change and that had an Open lot status (if the item is lot-controlled). If the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = Y), the business unit's quantity available is not affected by the material storage location's hold attribute.

Nettable Attribute (STOR_LOC_INV.nettable_flg)

If the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is not selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = N):

  • Changing a non-WIP, nettable location to non-nettable decreases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open.

  • Changing a non-WIP, non-nettable location to nettable increases the quantity available only for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open.

If the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = Y):

  • Changing a non-WIP, nettable location to non-nettable decreases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open, Hold, or Restricted.

  • Changing a non-WIP, non-nettable location to nettable increases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open, Hold, or Restricted.

WIP Attribute (STOR_LOC_INV.wip_loc_flg)

If the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is not selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = N):

  • Changing a non-WIP, nettable location to a WIP, nettable location decreases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open.

  • Changing a WIP, nettable location to a non-WIP, nettable location increases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open.

If the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = Y):

  • Changing a non-WIP, nettable material storage location to a WIP, nettable location decreases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open, Hold, or Restricted.

  • Changing a WIP, nettable material storage location to a non-WIP, nettable location increases the quantity available for stock stored in the location with an inventory status of Open, Hold, or Restricted.

Production Picking Plan

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y) and you request material from nettable, non-WIP locations, the Production Picking Plan process (SFS6000) decreases the business unit's quantity available.

Review Plan

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y) and you insert a row for a nettable, available non-WIP location on a pick batch ID or increase quantities for a nettable, available non-WIP location while reviewing the plan, you decrease the business unit's available quantity. If you delete or decrease a pick quantity for a nettable, available non-WIP location in Review Plan and if soft reservation processing is in effect, you increase the business unit's available quantity.

Update Pick Batch

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), deleting a pick batch (SFS6002) increases the business unit's available quantity for all components issued from nettable, available non-WIP locations.

Material Release

If soft reservations processing is not in effect (soft_alloc_flg = N), releasing material (SFS6001) issued from a nettable, non-WIP location decreases the business unit's available quantity.

Record Completions and Scrap

Recording completions to a non-WIP, nettable location increases the business unit's available quantity for the completed assembly. Recording negative completions decreases the business unit's available quantity for the assembly, if the assembly comes from a nettable, available non-WIP location.

Kit Issues and Returns

When you issue kit components from nettable, available non-WIP locations to production, you decrease the business unit's available quantity. When you return kit components to nettable, available non-WIP locations, you increase the business unit's available quantity.

Component De-Kit

If you process a component de-kit (SFS6003), you increase the business unit's available quantity for components that are returned to nettable, available non-WIP locations.


Overpicking in the Shipping/Issues component decreases the quantity available if the material storage location is nettable, non-WIP, and has an Open inventory status (nettable_flg = Y; wip_loc_flg = N; avail_status = 1). Quantity available also decreases by overpicking from nettable, non-WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the location's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Underpicking (picking a smaller quantity than that recommended by the picking plan) increases the quantity available if the material storage location is nettable, non-WIP, and has an Open inventory status (nettable_flg = Y; wip_loc_flg = N; avail_status = 1). Quantity available also increases by underpicking from nettable, non-WIP material storage locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the location's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Unpicking demand lines in the Shipping/Issues component increases the quantity available by the quantity last shipped, which is calculated as the quantity picked minus any short shipments previously processed that were not identified with the scrap option, if the item is non-soft reserved and the material storage location is nettable, non-WIP, and has an Open inventory status (nettable_flg = Y; wip_loc_flg = N; avail_status = 1). Quantity available also increases by unpicking for non-soft reserved items from nettable, non-WIP material storage locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the location's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Short shipment with online putaway (shipping less than the picked quantity) increases the quantity available by the quantity undershipped if the material storage location is nettable, non-WIP, and has an Open inventory status (nettable_flg = Y; wip_loc_flg = N; avail_status = 1). Quantity available also increases when short shipping from nettable, non-WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the location's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Express Issue

When issuing stock from a nettable, non-WIP material storage location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), the quantity available decreases. Quantity available also decreases by express issue transactions from nettable, non-WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

See Defining and Maintaining Material Storage Locations.

See Understanding Inventory Status.

Quantity Reserved (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_reserved)

If soft reservations processing is selected, the Quantity Reserved field represents the total item quantity reserved or hard allocated for all demand lines within the business unit that have not yet been depleted. If soft reservations processing is not selected, this field represents the total quantity allocated from specific material storage locations for all demand lines in the business unit that have been confirmed but not yet depleted. The Quantity Reserved field value also includes nettable, available WIP quantity, regardless of whether soft reservation processing is in effect.

The following transactions update a business unit's reserved quantity:

Field or Control


Putaway and Express Putaway

If the putaway material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP (wip_loc_flg = Y) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), putaway transactions increase the reserved quantity. Quantity reserved also increases by putaway transactions to nettable, WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Lot Allocation

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), lot allocation transactions increase the business unit's reserved quantity.

Reserve Materials and Online Reservations

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y) and the transaction stock quantity is not lot allocated, the Reserve Materials process or online reservations process increase the business unit's reserved quantity.

Shortage Workbench

Allocating units to a demand line increases or decreases the business unit's reserved quantity, depending on whether the new allocation quantity is greater or less than the currently allocated quantity.

Material Picking Feedback and Bar Code Picking

If an item substitution is made on the Material Picking Feedback page and the original item had soft reservations in effect, the system increases quantity available and decreases quantity reserved for the original item. If the new item has soft reservations in effect, the system decreases quantity available for the substitute item and increases the quantity reserved.

Picking Confirmation

In soft reservation environments, the Picking Confirmation process increases the quantity available and decreases quantity reserved to account for stock that was picked from material storage locations containing stock not included in quantity available. Essentially, the Picking Confirmation transaction makes the stock that was soft reserved, but not used, available to fulfill the demand quantity. Quantity available increases and quantity reserved decreases to account for stock picked from the following:

  • A non-nettable location.

  • A nettable material storage location with a Restricted inventory status, if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Quantity option has not been selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = N).

For business units that do not use soft reservations, the Picking Confirmation process decreases the quantity available and increases the quantity reserved for the business unit. Quantity available decreases and quantity reserved increases to account for stock picked from the following:

  • A nettable material storage location with an Open inventory status.

  • A nettable material storage location with a Restricted inventory status, if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Quantity option has been selected for the business unit (BUS_UNIT_TBL_IN.incl_quar_avail = Y).

If an overpick situation exists, Picking Confirmation decreases quantity available and increases quantity reserved to account for the amount overpicked. If soft reservations are in effect, the additional quantity to reserve is the picked quantity minus the allocated quantity. If soft reservations are off, the full picked quantity is reserved as in normal processing.


If the material storage location is nettable (nettable_flg = Y) and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process decreases the quantity reserved. The Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process also decreases quantity reserved for transactions of stock in nettable material storage locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2).

Demand Line Quantity Reduction

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), quantity reduction transactions made with the Maintain Stock Request component and on the sales order in PeopleSoft Order Management increase the business unit's quantity available and decrease the quantity reserved for soft reserved, non-lot-allocated demand lines not assigned to a pick batch ID.


If a demand line was soft reserved but not assigned to a pick batch ID, the cancellation transaction increases the business unit's quantity available and decreases quantity reserved. If a demand line is canceled after the demand quantity was confirmed as picked and the Stage for Putaway option is selected on the Setup Fulfillment page, the canceled demand quantity is staged for putaway processing and the business unit's quantity balances are adjusted when the putaway transaction is performed for the canceled demand line. If the Putaway at Save option is selected, the stock is automatically put away. Reserved quantity decreases by the putaway transaction if the stock was picked from a nettable location and the inventory status is Open or the inventory status is Restricted and the Incl Non-Open in Avail option is selected.


If a demand line was unreserved using the Shortage Workbench, the quantity available (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_available) increases and the quantity reserved decreases.

Adjustments and Bar Code Adjustments

If the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP (WIP loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), adjustment transactions increase or decrease the reserved quantity. Quantity reserved also increases or decreases by adjustment transactions for nettable, WIP material storage locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Online Transfers, Online Container Management, Bar Code Transfers, and Bar Code Containers

If stock in a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP location (WIP loc_flg = Y) transfers to an open, non-WIP location, the business unit's reserved quantity decreases. Similarly, if the stock in an open location transfers into a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP location (WIP loc_flg = Y), quantity reserved increases. If the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and stock in a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP location (WIP loc_flg = Y) transfers to a hold location, the business unit's reserved quantity decreases. Similarly, if the stock in a hold location transfers to a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP location (WIP loc_flg = Y) and the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit, quantity reserved increases.

Counting Inventory

If the count material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), WIP location (WIP loc_flg = Y) and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), Stock Quantity Update transactions increase or decrease the reserved quantity. Quantity reserved also increases or decreases by Stock Quantity Update transactions to nettable, WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Receipt Changes

Positive or negative quantity adjustments made in PeopleSoft Purchasing to receipts that have already been put away increase or decrease the business unit's reserved quantity if the original putaway location was a nettable, WIP location and the inventory status is Open or if the inventory status is Restricted or Hold and the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected.

Production Picking Plan

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), running the Production Picking Plan process (SFS6000) increases the business unit's reserved quantity when picking from nettable locations.

Review Plan

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y) and you insert a row for a nettable, available non-WIP location on a pick batch ID or increase quantities for a nettable, available non-WIP location while reviewing the plan, you increase the business unit's reserved quantity. Deleting a row for a nettable, available non-WIP location on a pick batch ID or decreasing quantities for a nettable, available non-WIP location while reviewing the plan decreases the business unit's reserved quantity.

Update Pick Batch

If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y), deleting a pick batch (SFS6002) decreases the business unit's reserved quantity for all components issued from nettable, available non-WIP locations.

Material Release

If soft reservations processing is not in effect (soft_alloc_flg = N), releasing material (SFS6001) issued from a nettable, available non-WIP location using the issue method and to a nettable, available WIP location increases the business unit's reserved quantity. If soft reservations processing is in effect (soft_alloc_flg = Y) and you are releasing material issued from a nettable, available non-WIP location using the kit method, the business unit's reserved quantity decreases.

Component De-Kit

If you de-kit (SFS6003) a production ID to a nettable, available WIP location, you increase the business unit's reserved quantity.

Record Completions and Scrap

Recording positive completions to a nettable, available WIP location increases a business unit's reserved quantity for the completed assembly. Recording negative completions from a nettable, available WIP location decreases a business unit's reserved quantity for the assembly.

Edit/Issue Components

If you issue material from a nettable, available WIP location, this decreases the business unit's reserved quantity. If you return components to a nettable, available WIP location, the business unit's reserved quantity increases.


When you unpick using the Shipping/Issues component, the quantity reserved decreases by the quantity last shipped, which is calculated as the quantity picked minus any short shipments previously processed that were not identified with the scrap option. If the item is non-soft reserved, the material storage location is nettable, non-WIP, and has an Open DEMAND_PHYS_INV inventory status (nettable_flg = Y; wip_loc_flg = N; avail_status = 1). The quantity reserved also decreases when unpicking a non-soft reserved item from nettable, non-WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the DEMAND_PHYS_INV inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Express Issue

When issuing stock from a nettable, non-WIP material storage location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), the quantity reserved increases. Quantity reserved also increases by Express Issue if stock from nettable, non-WIP locations if the Incl Non-Open in Avail Qty option is selected for the business unit and the stock's inventory status is Restricted (avail_status = 2) or Hold (avail_status = 3).

Quantity Owned (BU_ITEMS_INV.qty_owned)

The Quantity Owned field represents the total quantity of stock that is owned by the business unit. Quantity owned is a subset of the business unit's quantity on hand. The Inventory Value Report process (INS7000) calculates the inventory value on the basis of owned inventory at the business unit. Although non-owned stock is not included in the inventory value, it can be used in fulfillment processing if it is stored in a nettable location and has an appropriate status. Therefore, non-owned quantities can be included in the business unit's quantity available and quantity reserved.

The following transactions update a business unit's quantity owned:

Field or Control


Putaway and Express Putaway

Putaway transactions of owned stock to owned material storage locations increase the business unit's quantity owned.


Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process transactions for owned items (non_own_flg = N) decrease the business unit's quantity owned, subtracting the owned stock that was removed from the business unit.

Issues to Work Orders

Transactions that issue owned stock (non_own_flg = N) to work orders decrease the business unit's quantity owned, subtracting the owned stock that was removed from the business unit. In addition, stock can be returned to the inventory business unit, increasing the owned quantity.

Adjustments and Bar Code Adjustments

Positive or negative ad hoc adjustment transactions against owned material storage locations (non_own_flg = N) decrease or increase the business unit's quantity owned.

Counting Inventory

The Stock Quantity Update process increases or decreases the business unit's quantity owned to account for any quantity adjustments discovered during a counting event of an owned material storage location with available stock.

Online Transfers, Online Container Management, Bar Code Transfers, and Bar Code Containers

If stock in a non-owned material storage location transfers to an owned location, the quantity owned increases.

Receipt Changes

If the receipt has been put away to an owned material storage location, positive or negative quantity adjustments made to the receipt in PeopleSoft Purchasing increase or decrease the business unit's quantity owned.

Material Release for Kits

For owned items, if you release material (SFS6001) issued using the kit-issue method, the system decreases the business unit's quantity owned.

Kit Issues and Returns

For owned items, issuing kit components to production decreases the business unit's quantity owned. Returning owned kit components to inventory increases the business unit's quantity owned.

Component De-Kit

For owned items, the component de-kit process (SFS6003) increases the business unit's quantity owned.

Record Completions and Scrap

For owned items, recording positive completions increases the business unit's quantity owned for the assembly being completed. Recording negative completions for owned items decreases the business unit's quantity owned for the assembly.

Edit/Issue Components

For owned items, issuing components to production decreases the business unit's quantity owned. Returning owned components to inventory increases the business unit's quantity owned.

Item Quantity on the PHYSICAL_INV Record

The PHYSICAL_INV record tracks the quantity of an item stored in a specific material storage location within a business unit. However, the sum of all material storage location quantities for an item in the Physical Inventory (PHYSICAL_INV) table does not necessarily equal the quantity on hand for the item record in BU_ITEMS_INV. In distribution environments, the Picking Confirmation process decreases the quantities in the PHYSICAL_INV table. If the Picking Confirmation process has run, but not the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process, quantities for the two tables are not the same. To validate the quantities between the two tables, the stock that has been picked and confirmed but not yet depleted from DEMAND_PHYS_INV is summarized and added to the PHYSICAL_INV quantities. To compare these values using the online pages, you can add the Total Staged for Shipping value and the Total in Storage Locations value on the Item Balance by Location page and compare the total to the Quantity on Hand value that appears on the Item Balance by Unit page.

The PHYSICAL_INV record includes four fields related to item quantity: Quantity, Quantity Base, Quantity Reserved, and Quantity Reserved Base.

Quantity (PHYSICAL_INV.qty)

The Quantity field reflects the gross quantity in the material storage locations, expressed in the item's stocking UOM. The field value also includes any quantity in the material storage location that has been allocated to demand lines.

The following transactions update a material storage location's gross quantity:

Field or Control


Putaway and Express Putaway

Putaway transactions increase the quantity at the location where the stock is stored, adding stock quantity that was put away in the material storage location.

Picking Confirmation

Picking Confirmation process transactions decrease the quantity at the material storage locations, subtracting the demand quantity that was picked from each material storage location.

Adjustments and Bar Code Adjustments

Positive or negative ad hoc adjustment transactions increase or decrease the quantity for a material storage location.

Counting Inventory

The Stock Quantity Update process increases or decreases the material storage location's quantity to account for any quantity adjustments discovered during a counting event.

Online Transfers, Online Container Management, and Bar Code Transfers

Transfer transactions decrease quantity for the original material storage location and increase quantity for the destination material storage location.

Receipt Changes

Positive or negative quantity adjustments made in PeopleSoft Purchasing to receipts that have already been put away increase or decrease the quantity at the material storage locations.

Material Release for Kits

If you release material (SFS6001) issued using the kit-issue method, the system decreases the material storage location's quantity.

Kit Issues and Returns

Issuing kit components to production decreases the material storage location's quantity. Returning kit components to inventory increases the material storage location's quantity.

Component De-Kit

The component de-kit process (SFS6003) increases the material storage location's quantity.

Record Completions and Scrap

Recording completions consumes components from inventory, so recording positive completions decreases the material storage location's quantity for the components and increases the material storage location's quantity for the completed assembly. Recording negative completions increases the material storage location's quantity for the components and decreases the material storage location's quantity for the assembly.

Edit/Issue Components

Issuing components to production decreases the material storage location's quantity. Returning components to inventory increases the material storage location's quantity.


Overpicking stock using the Shipping/Issues component decreases the material storage location's quantity by the quantity overpicked.

Picking less than the quantity recommended by the picking plan increases the material storage location's quantity by the quantity underpicked.

Unpicking increases the material storage location's quantity by the quantity last shipped.

Short shipping increases the material storage location's quantity by the quantity undershipped (if you have elected to put undershipped stock away online).

Express Issue

Issuing stock using the Express Issue component decreases the material storage location's quantity by the quantity requested.

Issues to Work Orders

Transactions that issue stock to work orders decrease the material storage location's quantity by the quantity issued to the work order. In addition, stock can be returned to the inventory business unit, increasing the material storage location's quantity.

Quantity Base (PHYSICAL_INV.qty_base)

The Quantity Base field reflects the gross quantity in the material storage locations (PHYSICAL_INV.qty) in the item's standard UOM. System transactions update the item quantity in the item's standard UOM and also convert to the stocking UOM to update the PHYSICAL_INV.qty field.

Quantity Reserved (PHYSICAL_INV.qty_reserved)

The Quantity Reserved field is a subset of the material storage location's gross quantity, reflecting the item quantity in the material storage locations that was allocated to a specific demand line. The quantity reserved is tracked in the item's stocking UOM.

The following transactions update a material storage location's reserved quantity:

Field or Control


Lot Allocation

If you decrease the allocated quantity for a particular lot, the reserved quantity decreases for the PHYSICAL_INV rows that were initially updated. If you increase the allocated quantity for a particular lot, the reserved quantity increases for the corresponding PHYSICAL_INV rows.

Order Release

If an Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) is generated for demand lines that are not lot allocated, the process increases the quantity reserved at the material storage locations listed on the pick batch ID.

Issues to Work Orders

If the Work Order Pick Plan process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) is generated for work orders, the process increases the quantity reserved at the material storage locations listed on the pick batch ID.

Material Picking Feedback and Bar Code Picking

If the picked quantity amount increases or decreases on the Material Picking Feedback page, the quantity reserved at the material storage location also increases or decreases by an equal amount.

Picking Confirmation

The Picking Confirmation process decreases the quantity reserved at the material storage locations where the demand quantity was picked.

Production Picking Plan

If you generate a push picking plan (SFS6000), the system increases the quantity reserved at the material storage locations listed on the picking plan.

Review Plan

If the picked quantity increases or decreases on the Review Plan page, the quantity reserved at the material storage location also increases or decreases by an equal amount.

Material Release

When you run the Material Release process (SFS6001), the quantity reserved at the material storage location decreases by the picked quantity.

Update Pick Batch

If you delete a pick batch (SFS6002), you decrease the quantity reserved at the material storage location.


If a demand line on a Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) or lot allocated demand line is canceled before the line has been confirmed as picked, the quantity reserved at the material storage location decreases.

Quantity Reserved Base (PHYSICAL_INV.qty_reserved_base)

The Quantity Reserved Base field reflects the allocated quantity in the material storage locations (PHYSICAL_INV.qty_reserved) in the item's standard UOM. System transactions update the item quantity in the item's standard UOM and also convert to the stocking UOM to update the Quantity Reserved field. Transactions update the Quantity Reserved Base field in the same manner as the Quantity Reserved field.

Item Quantity on the LOT_CONTROL_INV Record

The record LOT_CONTROL_INV stores item quantities by lot, in the item's standard UOM, for all lot-controlled items. It provides a business unit view of lot quantities by summarizing quantity information for lot-controlled items recorded in the PHYSICAL_INV record.

The LOT_CONTROL_INV record includes three fields related to item quantity: Quantity On Hand, Quantity Available, and Quantity Allocated.

Quantity On Hand (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_onhand)

The Quantity On Hand field represents the total lot quantity, regardless of the stock's inventory status and material storage location in a business unit. Quantity on hand represents the gross item balance for the business unit and lot, regardless of item status. This total does not reflect the total lot quantity that you can use to fulfill demand.

The following transactions update a business unit's lot quantity on hand:

Field or Control


Putaway and Express Putaway

Putaway transactions for lot-controlled items increase the lot quantity on hand, adding the lot-controlled stock quantity that was put away in material storage locations within the business unit.

Picking Confirmation

Picking Confirmation process transactions for lot-controlled items decrease the lot quantity on hand, subtracting the lot-controlled stock that was picked.


Positive or negative ad hoc adjustment transactions for lot-controlled items increase or decrease the lot quantity on hand.

Counting Inventory

The Stock Quantity Update process increases or decreases the lot quantity on hand to account for quantity adjustments discovered during a counting event.

Receipt Changes

Positive or negative quantity adjustments made in PeopleSoft Purchasing to lot-controlled item quantities on receipts that have already been put away increase or decrease the lot quantity on hand.

Material Release for Kits

If you release (SFS6001) lot-controlled items that are issued using the kit-issue method, the system decreases the lot quantity on hand.

Kit Issues and Returns

Issuing lot-controlled kit components to production decreases the lot quantity on hand. Returning lot-controlled kit components to inventory increases the lot quantity on hand.

Component De-Kit

Running the component de-kit process (SFS6003) for lot-controlled items increases the lot quantity on hand.

Record Completions and Scrap

Recording completions consumes components from inventory, so recording positive completions decreases the lot quantity on hand for lot-controlled components and increases the lot quantity on hand for the completed assembly, if it is lot controlled. Recording negative completions increases the lot quantity on hand for lot-controlled components and decreases the lot quantity on hand for the assembly, if it is lot controlled.

Edit/Issue Components

Issuing lot-controlled components to production decreases the lot quantity on hand. Returning lot-controlled components to inventory increases the lot quantity on hand.


Overpicking stock using the Shipping/Issues component decreases the quantity on hand by the quantity overpicked.

Picking less than recommended by the picking plan increases the quantity on hand by the quantity underpicked.

Unpicking increases the quantity on hand by the quantity last shipped.

Short shipping increases the quantity on hand by the quantity undershipped (if you have elected to put undershipped stock away online).

Express Issue

Issuing stock using the Express Issue component decreases the lot quantity on hand by the quantity requested.

Quantity Available (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_available)

The business unit's lot quantity available is a subset of the lot quantity on hand, reflecting the total lot quantity at the business unit that can be allocated to demand lines. The lot quantity available includes only stock in nettable, non-WIP material storage locations with an inventory status of Open. The LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_available should equal PHYSICAL_INV.qty minus PHYSICAL_INV.qty_reserved, where the lot-controlled item has an Open status (avail_status = 1) and the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location.

Once lot quantity is allocated to a demand line, the lot quantity available (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_available) for the item lot decreases and the lot quantity allocated (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_allocated) increases.

The following transactions update a business unit's lot quantity available:

Field or Control


Putaway and Express Putaway

If the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), putaway transactions increase the lot quantity available.

Lot Allocation

For transactions in which the allocated quantity for a lot-controlled item decreases, the lot quantity available increases. For transactions in which the allocated quantity for a lot-controlled item increases, the lot quantity available decreases.

Inventory Picking

If the system generates an Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) for lot-controlled demand lines that are not lot allocated, the Order Release process decreases the lot quantity available. If a lot different from that suggested by the push picking plan is picked for the demand line and reported on the Material Picking Feedback page or through a bar code picking transaction, the lot quantity available increases for the original lot and decreases for the picked lot as long as the picked lot is from a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and has an Open inventory status (avail_status = 1).

Picking Confirmation

For lot-controlled items on an Order Release process without a Create Allocations action (pull picking plan) that were not lot-allocated, the Picking Confirmation process decreases quantity available for stock picked from a nettable, non-WIP material storage location with an inventory status of Open.

Adjustments and Bar Code Adjustments

If the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), adjustment transactions for lot-controlled items increase or decrease the lot quantity available.

Online Transfers, Online Container Management, Bar Code Transfers, and Bar Code Containers

If lot-controlled stock with an Open inventory status transfers from a non-nettable or WIP material storage location to a nettable, non-WIP location, the lot quantity available increases. If lot-controlled stock with an Open inventory status transfers from a nettable material storage location to a non-nettable or a WIP material storage location, the lot quantity available decreases. If stock in a hold location transfers to an open location (nettable, non-WIP), the lot's available quantity increases; similarly. If stock with an Open inventory status transfers into a hold location, available quantity decreases.

Counting Inventory

The Stock Quantity Update process increases or decreases the lot quantity available to account for any quantity adjustment discovered during a counting event of a nettable, non-WIP material storage location.

Receipt Changes

Positive or negative quantity adjustments made in PeopleSoft Purchasing to lot-controlled items on receipts that have already been put away increase or decrease the lot quantity available if the original receipt was put away into a nettable, non-WIP location, and the inventory status is Open.

Production Picking Plan

If you pick a lot-controlled component with an Open inventory status (avail_status = 1) from a nettable location, the lot quantity available decreases when the Production Picking Plan process (SFS6000) runs.

Review Plan

If you increase quantities or insert a row for lot-controlled components issued from a nettable, available non-WIP location, the lot quantity available decreases. If you decrease quantities or delete a row for lot-controlled components issued from a nettable, available non-WIP location, the lot quantity available increases.

Component De-Kit

De-kitting (SFS6003) lot-controlled components to a nettable, available non-WIP location increases lot quantity available.

Update Pick Batch

If you delete a pick batch (SFS6002) that includes quantities for lot-controlled components, the lot quantity available increases.

Record Completions and Scrap

Negative assembly completions decrease the lot quantity available for the completed assembly if returned from a nettable, available non-WIP location.

Kit Issues and Returns

If you are issuing lot-controlled components from a nettable location and the component's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), lot quantity available decreases. If you are returning lot-controlled components to a nettable location and the components inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), the lot quantity available increases.


Underpicking using the Shipping/Issues component increases the lot quantity available if the location is nettable and has an Open status (avail_status = '1').

Unpicking increases the lot quantity available by the quantity last shipped if the location is nettable and has an Open status.

Short shipping increases the lot quantity available by the quantity undershipped (if you have elected to put undershipped quantities away online).

Express Issue

Issuing stock from an open, non-nettable, non-WIP material storage location using the Express Issue component decreases the lot's quantity available by the quantity requested.


If a demand line for a lot-controlled item appears on an Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) or a lot-allocated demand line is canceled before the line has been confirmed as picked, the lot's quantity available increases.

Quantity Allocated (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_allocated)

The business unit's lot quantity allocated is a subset of the lot quantity on hand, reflecting the total lot quantity at the business unit that was allocated to demand lines. The allocated quantity represents the sum of allocated lot-controlled item quantities listed on the PHYSICAL_INV record. Specifically, LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_allocated should equal the sum of PHYSICAL_INV.qty_reserved for all lot-controlled items, where the lot-controlled item has an Open status (avail_status = 1) and the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location.

Once lot quantity is allocated to a demand line, the lot quantity available (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_available) for the business unit decreases and the lot quantity allocated (LOT_CONTROL_INV.qty_allocated) increases.

The following transactions update a business unit's lot quantity allocated:

Field or Control


Lot Allocation

For transactions in which the allocated quantity for a lot-controlled item decreases, the lot quantity allocated decreases. For transactions in which the allocated quantity for a lot-controlled item increases, the lot quantity allocated increases.

Order Release

If the system generates an Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) for lot-controlled demand lines that are not lot allocated, the process increases the lot quantity allocated. If a lot different from that suggested by the push picking plan is picked for the demand line and reported on the Material Picking Feedback page or through a bar code picking transaction, the lot quantity allocated decreases for the original lot and increases for the picked lot as long as the picked lot is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and has an Open inventory status (avail_status = 1).

Picking Confirmation

If the material storage location is a nettable (nettable_flg = Y), non-WIP (wip_loc_flg = N) location and the stock's inventory status is Open (avail_status = 1), Picking Confirmation process transactions for lot-controlled items decrease the lot quantity allocated.

Production Picking Plan

Running the Production Picking Plan process (SFS6000) for lot-controlled components issued from nettable locations increases the lot quantity allocated.

Review Plan

If you increase quantities or insert a row for lot-controlled components issued from a nettable, available non-WIP location, the allocated lot quantity increases. If you decrease quantities or delete a row for lot-controlled components, the allocated lot quantity decreases.

Update Pick Batch

If you delete a pick batch (SFS6002) that includes quantities for lot-controlled components issued from nettable, available non-WIP locations, the lot quantity allocated decreases.


Unpicking using the Shipping/Issues component increases the lot quantity allocated by the quantity last shipped.


If a demand line for a lot-controlled item appears on an Order Release process with a Create Allocations action (push picking plan) or if you cancel a lot-allocated demand line before the line is confirmed as picked, the lot's quantity allocated decreases.