Identifying Slow Moving Inventory

Page Name

Definition Name


Slow Moving Inventory Page


Define parameters for the Slow Moving Inventory report.

Use the Slow Moving Inventory page (RUN_INS5200) to define parameters for the Slow Moving Inventory report.


Inventory > Manage Inventory > Reports > Slow Moving Inventory

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Slow Moving Inventory process page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Slow Moving Inventory process page

Field or Control


Number of Transactions

Sorts by the number of demand transactions. Items with the fewest demand transactions are at the top of the list.

Number of Units Transacted

Sorts by the number of units transacted. Items with the fewest units transacted are at the top of the list.

Demand Value Transacted

Sorts by demand transaction value. Items with the smallest demand transaction valuation are at the top of the list.