Staging Sales Orders and Intercompany Transfers for PeopleSoft Billing

To stage orders manually for PeopleSoft Billing processing:

  1. For sales orders, run the OM Billing Interface process (OMBILL).

    This process populates the interface tables in PeopleSoft Billing with the shipment history from PeopleSoft Inventory.

    For intercompany transfers, run the Transfer Order Billing Load process (INS6300), using the InterUnit Bill Load page. This process extracts intercompany transfer information from the PeopleSoft Inventory demand table (IN_DEMAND) and loads it into the PeopleSoft Billing interface tables (INTFC_BI, INTFC_BI_AEDS, and INTFC_BI2). PeopleSoft Billing then uses this information for the remaining processing.

    To complete processing, you must know the interface ID created by the Transfer Order Billing Load process. You can find this ID in either the message log or Process Monitor.

    Note: If the process terminates abnormally, go to the message log to investigate the error. After fixing the problem, restart the process where it stopped, using the InterUnit Bill Load Restart page.

  2. Run the Interface & VAT Defaulting multiprocess job (BIJOBI01), using the Billing Interface page in PeopleSoft Billing.

    This job runs both the Billing Interface process (BIIF001), which creates bills from the order information in the PeopleSoft Billing interface table, and the Process VAT Defaults process (BIPVAT00), which calculates VAT.

    For intercompany transfers designated for direct invoicing, the Interface & VAT Defaulting job creates bills in RDY (ready) status. For intercompany transfers without direct invoicing selected, the job creates bills according to the status defined on the PeopleSoft Billing Bill-By Identifier page: New, Hold, or Pending.

  3. Run the Single Action Invoice multiprocess job (BIJOB03), using the Single Action Invoice page in PeopleSoft Billing.

    This job finalizes and prints bills, generates accounting entries, and initiates voucher creation. Only bills in RDY status are eligible for this step.

  4. Run a report to print the invoices.

    Note: If you launch the Deplete On Hand Qty (Depletion) process from the Express Issue page or from the Shipping/Issues component and the order is set up for direct invoicing (on the General Information - Bill To Options Page), you do not need to perform these manual steps.

Page Name

Definition Name


InterUnit Bill Load Page


Run the Transfer Order Billing Load process by selecting Inventory > Fulfill Stock Orders > Shipping > Load IU Shipments for Billing.

InterUnit Bill Load Restart Page


Restart a prematurely terminated Transfer Order Billing Load process by selecting Inventory > Fulfill Stock Orders > Shipping > Restart IU Billing Load.

Process Billing Interface Page


Run the Interface & VAT Defaulting multiprocess job.

Single Action Invoice Run Control Page


Run the Single Action Invoice multiprocess job.

See Running Single-Action Jobs for Regular and Consolidated Invoices