Using the Fixed Picking Replenishment Workflow

You can use workflow to transfer stock from the main warehouse or stockroom to the fixed picking locations. When you run the Replenishment multiprocess job from the Create Replenishment Requests page, the system generates replenishment information for all items in fixed picking locations with quantities below the optimal item quantity defined on the Fixed Picking Locations page. Information about which fixed picking locations need additional quantity is placed into the INV_REPLEN_TMP workflow temporary table, which populates a worklist for an assigned user to transfer stock to the fixed picking location. When the user selects the task on the work list, the system populates the EZ Transfers page with the data from the worklist so that inventory personnel can transfer the stock. When the transfer is complete, the user selects Worked for the entry to clear the entry from the worklist.

You can use the Fixed Bin Replenishment report to view a list of items in the fixed picking locations that have an on-hand quantity below the optimal quantity.

To use the Fixed Picking Replenishment workflow:

  1. Set up an item in a fixed picking location on the Fixed Picking Locations page.

  2. Select the Fixed Bin Replenishment option on the Setup Replenishment page.

  3. Run the Replenishment multiprocess job from the Create Replenishment Requests page.

  4. Select the task on the worklist to transfer items to the fixed picking location.