Common Elements Used in Count Dates and Times

Field or Control



Click to search for storage locations. On the Transfer page, click the Storage Location Search link.

Cycle Count Option

Select a default for the type of cycle counting that you perform most often. Values are:

Due to Count: Creates a cycle counting event to count those items that are due to be counted based on the last cycle count date and the cycle interval defined on the Counting Event Setup - Utilization Types page.

Family: Creates a cycle counting event for items in a specific item family.

Item ID: Creates a cycle counting event for items with a specific item ID.

Manual Count: Creates a manual cycle counting event for count quantity data loaded from an electronic data collection device or entered using the Manual Counting Entry page. Because the manual counting event is restricted to the specified items, selecting this option makes the Zero Qty Count Options (zero quantity count options) field unnecessary and, therefore, unavailable for entry.

Negative Balance: Creates a cycle counting event for items in storage locations with a negative available quantity. Because the negative balance counting event considers only items with negative quantity balances, selecting this option makes the Zero Qty Count Options field unnecessary and, therefore, unavailable for entry.

Storage Location: Creates a cycle counting event for items in specific storage locations.

Max Items (maximum items)

The number of items to include in the count. To include all of the items, leave this field blank.

Utilization Type

Classifies inventory items based on their demand and usage. If you leave the field blank, the counting event includes all items with defined cycle intervals until the maximum number is reached.

Count Qty (count quantity)

The amount that you enter for a count.

Zero Quantity Option

Controls the number of zero-quantity item rows included in the counting event. Values are:

Include All: Ensures that all valid items are included in the event, regardless of their quantity.

Exclude Zero Quantity: Excludes all zero-quantity items from the event. If you select this option, storage locations that the system identified as empty are not included in the event. To confirm that these storage locations are empty, perform a manual count of the empty storage locations either by adding a new line to the existing counting event on the Item Counts page or by requesting a separate counting event on the Manual Counting Entry page.

Include Zero Quantity: Includes all zero-quantity items in the event that inventory transactions occur after the date that you entered in the As of Transaction Date field. Use that field to limit the zero-quantity items that you include in the counting event. The counting event includes all zero-quantity items with transaction records that have transaction dates falling on or after the as of transaction date that you enter.

Inv Tag ID (inventory tag ID)

A sequential number automatically assigned to each counting event detail line when you run the Counting Sheet process (INS9051). This number is also printed on each count line of the Counting Sheet report. You can confirm that you are entering the correct data line from the report by comparing the tag ID on the report with the ID that appears on the page.

Unit Cost

The minimum cost per unit. The system calculates the cost variance by multiplying the quantity variance by the unit cost. The item's unit cost depends on the cost method and cost flag and is extracted from PeopleSoft Cost Management tables.

  • For non-costed items, the unit cost is zero.

  • For consigned and non-owned items and for periodic average costed items, the unit cost is the default average cost for the business unit (BU_ITEMS_INV.AVERAGE_COST).

  • For perpetual average costed items, the unit cost is the most current unit cost in the Perpetual Average Cost table (CM_PERPAVG_COST.CM_UNIT_COST).

  • For periodic average costed items, the unit cost is the default average cost for the business unit (BU_ITEMS_INV.AVERAGE_COST).

  • For standard costed items, the unit cost is the most current effective-dated total standard cost in the Standard Cost table (sum of CM_STDCOSTD_ VW.TL_COST and CM_STDCOSTD_VW.LL.COST).

  • For actual costed items, the unit cost is the default actual cost for the business unit (BU_ITEMS_ INV.DFLT_ACTUAL_COST).