Common Elements Used in Understanding Inventory Status

Field or Control



Click to access the pages where you define parameters for the element with which you are working.


Click to access the Copy to All Selected Items (Where Allowed) page, where you enter an item status. The information that you enter on the page is assigned to all items that appear.


Click to access the pages where you modify element details.

Location On Hold

Places the storage location on hold. Clear this check box to remove the location from hold. You cannot put a location on hold if there is quantity reserved for any item in the location (excluding lot-controlled items with non-open lots). Changing the location status may affect items in the location that do not appear on the page (that is, items that did not meet the search criteria).

Retest Date

Enter a date to schedule retesting of items.

Status Type

Provides detail about why items are assigned a status other than Open. For example, for defective material, you can set up a status type called DEF (defective) and a reason code specifying why the inventory is defective. Set up status types on the Inventory Status Types page.

Reason Code

Provides details about inventory adjustments. Establish codes on the Reason Codes page under the General Options menu.