Flow Production

Flow production is a JIT-based pull system that manufactures to customer order rather than to forecasts. You design the production lines and processes to produce a constantly changing mix of products at a steady rate (known as TAKT time). Use schedules for mixed model production instead of work orders to drive production. The schedules for the mixed models are sequenced based on customer orders, and material is replenished using Kanban Cards or replenishment requests. The role of material resource planning (MRP) in flow manufacturing is primarily only for long-term planning of material and capacity requirements.

With PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can source a WIP location directly from a supplier, a feeder line, or an inventory storage location. Replenishment requirements can be communicated using workflow, email, fax, and electronic data interchange (EDI). You can use Kanban cards or replenishment requests to request that more material be sent to the WIP location. You can also import Kanban cards and replenishment requests into the system using the replenishment request EIP. Use backflushing, Kanban cards, or a manual system to trigger replenishment.

Kanban replenishment requests can be printed in two formats: pull list or pull ticket. The pull list is a list of Kanban IDs with associated details, similar to a pick list. Pull tickets are similar to Kanban cards in that you print one pull ticket per Kanban ID. Once you complete a pull ticket, the system changes its Kanban ID status to complete, which is similar to the way in which a one-time Kanban card works.

If you have PeopleSoft eSupplier Collaboration, after the replenishment request is dispatched, the suppliers can view the request on the internet.