Moving Completed End Items and Assigning Serial and Lot Numbers

To define default putaway locations, use the Default Putaway Locations (DEFAULT_LOCATION) component. Use the DEFAULT_LOCATION_CI to load data into the tables for this component.

Once you have recorded completions for the last operation sequence on the operation list, you can move the completed end items:

  • To predefined stores locations within PeopleSoft Inventory.

    Use this method when you want to put away completed end items to default stores locations defined in PeopleSoft Inventory. After completing the last operation, use the Completions/Scrap Update process. There is no need to use the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area unless you need to identify serial numbers, lots, or containers.

  • To other production areas to fulfill component requirements and relieve shortages out on the shop floor.

    Use the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area to move the completed end items.

  • To a specific location where you want to stock the completed end item.

    Use the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area to specify the location.

  • To a production ID, if the end item is a component on a higher-level end item using the Kit issue method.

    This bypasses the putaway process into inventory. You can use the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area to specify the production ID.

In addition, select the serial number for the appropriate assembly that is being completed and moved.

For serial genealogy production, you must enter the specific serial ID that is being completed. If the serial ID has not previously been associated, you are given the option to create the association.

If you're assigning a lot or serial number for teardown outputs that were based on an original production ID's components, the system compares the new lot or serial number to the original component serial or lot numbers and issues a warning if they are different.

Note: If the assembly is serial in production and you are tearing out a serial ID that has not been issued to this assembly, you receive this message: "Tearing out more than has been issued to the original assembly serial. Okay to continue?" Double-check the quantity and serial ID. Click OK to continue or cancel to change information. The edit check is only looking one level deep, not through all the nested subassemblies.

Route-To PID/Stor Locations

When you route to a production ID, the system checks that:

  1. The item being completed is a component of the production ID parent item.

  2. The issue method is Kit.

  3. The production ID status is Released or In Process.

  4. The shortage quantity is greater than zero.

When routing an end item to another production ID from a production ID, you needn't run any putaway processes. The system automatically updates the issue quantity for the component on the target production ID as well as the quantity completed for the source production ID.

However, if you're routing the end item to a production ID from a production schedule, you still need to run the Completions Update process to update the production information for the production schedule, either at save time or as a deferred process.

Note: You cannot route waste by-products. They are expensed in the same manner as scrapped end items.

Capacity Checking

You activate weight and volume capacity checking on the PeopleSoft Inventory Options page. You can define the capacity for each storage location on the Volume/Weight Capacity page, which you can access from the Material Storage Locations page.

If the item is designated as an isolate item on the Inventory-Shipping/Handling page in the Define Business Unit Item component, the item can only be put away or transferred to empty storage locations or to locations containing stock with the same item ID. The system prevents you from putting away an isolate item to a location with other items.

If you designate a storage location as storing only one item on the Volume/Weight Capacity page, the system only puts away material with that item ID in the location. If you do not specify an item ID for a single-item storage location, the first putaway transaction to the empty storage location defines the only item ID that the location can contain until the item quantity has been fully depleted.

Page Name

Definition Name


Complete Production Page


Select a production ID or production schedule.

Record Completions/Scrap page - Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area Page


Move completed end items to a production ID or to a storage location.

Complete Production Page

Shortages Page


Select a production ID to which you want to route a completed end item.

Before you move the items to another WIP location, production ID, or inventory stores location:

  • Assign serial and lot numbers to the completed end items if the completed end items are serial- or lot-controlled.

  • (Optional) Identify a container to which you want to move the completed end items.

  • Select the production ID to which the completed end items will be moved.

Use the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page (SF_COMPL_ID) to move completed end items to a production ID or to a storage location.


Production Control > Process Production > Complete Production > Record Completions and Scrap > Record Completion/Scrap

Enter a completed quantity and the last operation sequence to access the Route-To/PID Stor Locations (route to production ID and storage locations) scroll area.

You can move the completed end items to a storage area, another production ID, or a WIP location. In addition, if the end item is lot- or serial-controlled or if you're using containers, you can assign serial numbers, a lot ID, or a container ID to the completed end items using this portion of the page.

Note: If you're completing operations at an operation sequence where a by-product is generated, the Route-to PID/Stor Locations scroll area appears. However, the operation sequence for all end items, except by-products, is unavailable.

Field or Control


Shortages Button

Click the Shortages button on the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page.

See Shortages Page.

Storage Areas

You can choose different storage areas by different levels such as Area, Lev 1, Lev 2, and Lev 3.

Storage Location Search

Click the Storage Location Search button and click the Storage Location Search link to select a different storage location.


Enter the number of completed end items being routed.

Use the Shortages page (SF_COMPL_SHORTAGE) to select a production ID to which you want to route a completed end item.


Production Control > Process Production > Complete Production > Record Completions and Scrap > Record Completion/Scrap

Click the Shortages button in the Route to PID/Storage Locations scroll area.

A component is considered short if the pending consumed quantity or the pending yield loss quantity is greater than zero. The production ID is In Process or Pending Complete if the issue quantity is less than the current scheduled quantity.

Route-To Production ID

Field or Control



Select this option to use the completed end items on the production ID with shortages.


Click this button to cause the production ID to appear in the To Prdn ID (to production ID) field in the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area on the Record Completions/Scrap page.

Routing to IDs and Storage Areas

You can apply the default storage location or production ID to the entire production quantity or to each output, or you can route multiple quantities to different locations or production IDs by adding rows. For each row, you can only select either a storage location or a production ID for the entered quantity. If a storage location is specified, you cannot route end items to a production ID. If you route to a production ID, you cannot route to a specific storage location.


Enter the number of end items to be routed.

Orig Comp ID (original component ID)

Displays the original component ID if the end item is a substitute.


Click to route completed end items.

Access the Apply Defaults page (Production Control > Process Production > Complete Production > Record Completions and Scrap > Record Completions/Scrap. Click the Apply Defaults link).

Field or Control


Deft Storage Loc (default storage location)

Displays the default putaway location for the completed end items, if defined. When you accept the defaults in these fields, the completed end items are automatically moved to the default putaway location for the item when you run the PeopleSoft Inventory putaway process.

If you are not going to move the completed end items to the default storage location, you can select a specific location or route them to another WIP location where they can be used on a higher-level end item.

The system displays the number of storage levels, such as Aisle, Level 1, Level 2 Level 3, and Level 4, that have been defined for each storage area.

Note: The completions process puts away items in their standard UOMs.

Directed Putaway

If you do not enter a storage location, you are not routing to a production ID, and you have activated Directed Putaway for the business unit, the system uses the Directed Putaway method to select a storage location. While running the Load Stage process, the system determines the location that best meets the predefined rules for Directed Putaway. You activate Directed Putaway and set up putaway rules on the Putaway Rules page in PeopleSoft Inventory.

Use the Record Completions/Scrap page (SF_COMPL_ID) to move completed end items to a production ID or to a storage location.


Production Control > Process Production > Complete Production > Record Completions and Scrap > Record Completion/Scrap

Enter a completed quantity and the last operation sequence to access the Route-To/PID Stor Locations (route to production ID and storage locations) scroll area.

Field or Control


Container ID

Select a value in the Output Details scroll area if you want to complete to a container. The system assigns this container ID to all the end items that are indicated as completed on the Record Completions/Scrap page. You can select from existing containers, or you can create a new container ID.

If the container ID is specified, you cannot route end items to a production ID, and the default To Prdn ID (to production ID) and Area fields are unavailable.

If an end item is lot-controlled, select the lot ID to which you're assigning the completed end items. The system assigns the specified lot ID to all the end items indicated as completed on the Record Completions/Scrap page. You can select from existing lots, or you can create a new lot ID.

To move completed end items to a stores or other inventory location, complete these tasks using PeopleSoft Inventory:

  1. Run the Load Staged Items process.

    The system suggests the location where the end item should be put away. If you have entered a location on the Route-To PID/Stor Locations scroll area, the system stocks the completed end items in the specified location. If you select Flag Items for Autoputaway, you can bypass the Stockroom Feedback process and run the Putaway page. To streamline the process, you can run the multistep process using PeopleSoft Inventory Auto Putaway.

  2. Run the Stockroom Feedback process.

    This page enables you to change the location suggested by the load staged items process.

    • If you're satisfied with the putaway location suggested by the system, you must first select the putaway check box, if it is not selected.

      Then click Putaway to initiate the putaway process.

    • If necessary, change the location, and then click Putaway to initiate the putaway process.

    • If you selected Flag Items for Autoputaway on the Load Staged Items page, you do not need to run the Stockroom Feedback process.

  3. Run the Putaway page.

    This processing page updates the stock location with the quantity received from the WIP location.

Putaway at Receipt Save Time

Use this option to initiate the putaway process after you have recorded completions and saved the page. This method creates a schedule process that automatically initiates the putaway process.