PeopleSoft Manufacturing Reports: General Description

This table lists the PeopleSoft Manufacturing reports. All the reports that are listed are SQR reports. If you need more information about these reports, refer to the report details at the end of this section.

Report ID and Report Name



Run Control Page


BOM Report

Lists the components on either manufacturing or engineering BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > Create a Bill of Material

  • Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > Bills of Material > EBOM Report



Routing Report

Lists the routing information for manufacturing or engineering routings.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > Resources and Routings > Routings > Routing Report

  • Engineering > Routings > Engineering Routing Report > Routing Report



Compare Routings Report

Lists the differences between two manufacturing routings, two engineering routings, or one manufacturing routing and one engineering routing. Comparisons can also based the same item with different routing codes.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > Resources and Routings > Routings > Routing Comparison Report > Routing Compare Report

  • Engineering > Routings > Eng Routing Comparison Report > Routing Compare Report



Master Routing Where Used Report

Lists all items that reference another item as its master routing along with production data. This report is used in both Manufacturing and Engineering.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > Resources and Routings > Routings > Master Rtg Where Used Report

  • Engineering > Routings > Eng Master Routing Where Used > Master Rtg Where Used Report



Resources Where Used Report

Lists where resources are used on work centers, tasks, routings, and in production.

Manufacturing Definitions > Resources and Routings > Resources Where Used Report



Compare BOMs Report

Lists the differences between a manufacturing and an engineering BOM, or two engineering BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > BOM Comparison Report > BOM Compare Report

  • Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > EBOM Comparison > EBOM Compare Report



Work Centers Where Used Report

Lists the tasks, routings, and production associated with either a selected work center or a range of work centers within a particular business unit.

Manufacturing Definitions > Tasks and Work Centers > Work Centers Where Used Report



Tasks Where Used Report

Lists the routings and production associated with either a selected task or a range of tasks within a particular business unit.

Manufacturing Definitions > Tasks and Work Centers > Tasks Where Used Report



BOM Cost Report

Lists the component costs on either manufacturing or engineering BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > Generate Costed BOM Report > BOM Costed Report

  • Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > EBOM Costed Report



Item Where Used Report

Lists all the BOMs on which an item appears either as a component or a substitute for a component. You'll find this information useful when you want to analyze the impact component changes can have on all existing BOMs.

  • Manufacturing Definitions > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > Item Where Used

  • Engineering > BOMs and Revisions > Reports > Item Where Used



Material Readiness Report

Determines the material readiness of a production run by checking the available quantity of component materials.

See Running the Material Readiness Report.

Production Control > Process Production > Release Production > Material Readiness Report




Production Close Process Report

Lists closed production schedules or production IDs, and details the variances incurred. Combine sort options to narrow down the production close information that is reported. For example, close only those production IDs within a selected production area for a single item. Use the Report Only Mode to view the production that can and can't be closed as well as the variances that can be generated as a result of an accounting close.

Production Control > Close and Analyze Production > Close Production



Production Reopen Process Report

Lists the before and after status of the production ID or area/item that needs to be reopened. Combining numerous sort options assists in narrowing down the production reopen information that is reported. For example, reopen production only for those production IDs within a selected production area for a single item. Use the Report Only Mode to provide a preview of the financial impact of reopening production without creating reversing entries.

Production Control > Close and Analyze Production > Reopen Production



Production Variance Report

Lists variances for production IDs or production schedules for a specified production due date/shift and above a minimum monetary amount. Variances include configuration, usage, component yield, lot size, routing process, rework, teardown, production mix variance, and outside processing.

Production Control > Close and Analyze Production > Production Variance Report



Potential Production Variance Report

Lists potential production variances that exist in production above a monetary amount, prior to closing for accounting production IDs and schedules. The report can be generated when in a production status of in process, pending complete, complete, and closed for labor. Variances include configuration, usage, component yield, lot size, routing process, rework, teardown, production mix variance, and outside processing.

Production Control > Close and Analyze Production > Potential Prdn Variance Report



Material Shortage Report

Lists production shortages as well as surplus inventory. Report options include a summary report or a report that ignores surplus quantities.

Production Control > Close and Analyze Production > Shortage Report



Dispatch List

Lists production ID or production schedule information, including operation and task details for each work center or range of work centers. Use this document to review the type and quantity of production that will be occurring at a particular work center or range of work centers for a specified date or range of dates. Selects production information by production start date or due date, or lists production that is past due. Additional report information includes component information for each work center/operation, operation start and due dates/times, subcontracted operation information, and production and operation level text.

Production Control > Process Production > Release Production > Print Dispatch List



Production Documents

Lists the component list, operation list, and work center, resource, and schedule information for a particular production ID. Print production documents for production IDs with a production document status of Ready to Print, reprint production documents, or print production documents for the specified production IDs regardless of the production document print status.

Production Control > Process Production > Release Production > Print Production Documents



Production Report

Lists all scheduled production for a specified range of actual start dates, production statuses, and production IDs and production schedules. Sort by actual due date, item ID, production area, production due date, or production start date.

Production Control > Define Production > Reports > Production Report



Efficiency and Utilization Report

Lists variances and utilization by operation, work center, production ID, and production area/item for both labor and machine. Report earned and actual labor by work center with or without the production ID or production schedule detail.

Production Control > Close and Analyze Production > Efficiency and Util Rpt



Component Where Used in Prdn Report

Lists the production IDs or production schedules where specified components are used in production. This report can be sorted by item ID, production due shift, production start date, or production ID. Also lists substitute information for the component, and can include production with a status of Firmed, Released, In Process, Pending Complete, Complete, Closed for Labor, and Closed to Accounting.

Production Control > Define Production > Reports > Component Where Used Report



Production Schedule by Area Report

Lists total production quantities by item for each calendar day within a 14-day period for each business unit and production area. Includes number of items scheduled for completion for each day. Sort by inventory item and production due date.

Production Control > Define Production > Reports > Schedule by Area Report



Subcontracted PO Report

Lists purchase orders and PO numbers for subcontracted production IDs with the statuses of Firmed, Released, In Process, Pending/Complete and Complete. Sort by production start date of the subcontracted production ID, by the purchase order due date, production area, production item, purchase order number, or purchase order due date.

Production Control > Process Production > Subcontract Production > Subcontracted PO Report



Subcontract Components Report

Lists the production IDs and the components associated with subcontracted operations.

Production Control > Process Production > Subcontract Production > Subcontract Components Report



Material Picking Plan

Generates picking plan instructions for stockroom processing. Lists all items to be picked by location, component, or production ID and production schedule for a specified production start date range. Picking plan options include the PUSH or PULL method.

Production Control > Process Production > Issue Materials > Create Picking Plan



Genealogy Exception Report

Generate a report that lists those serial production IDs that have genealogy inconsistencies.

Production Control > Process Production > Production Genealogy > Genealogy Exception Report