Recording and Viewing Actual Labor and Machine Hours

The process for recording actual labor and machine hours for subcontracted production is similar to that of other production.

See Recording Actual Machine and Labor Hours.

Page Name

Definition Name


Production Selection Page


Select the production that you want to record actual machine and labor hours incurred during the production process.

Record Actual Hours Page

Record Actual Hours Page


Enter labor and machine hours for the selected production.

Review Actual Hours - Production Selection Page


Select a specific production ID or production schedule to view actual labor and labor information.

Record Actual Hours Page

Actual Hours by Operation Page


View actual labor and machine hours for a production ID or schedule by operation.

Record Actual Hours Page

Actual Hours Detail Page


View detailed information on actual labor and machine hours for a production ID or schedule by operation.

Record Actual Hours Page

Crew/Machine Resources Detail Page


View resource details for the crew or machine.

Record Actual Hours Page