Running the Completions Update COBOL/SQR Process (SFPDCDRV)

The Prdn Compl/Scrap (SFPDCDRV) process (Production Completions and Scrap process) updates completions transactions that are staged by other processes, such as Edit Components updates, production completions, or subcontracted completions recorded through electronic data collection. In addition, you run this process to update production quantities for production schedule completions and scrap. You run this process if you selected Stage Compltns/Putaway on Save as the completions action on the Record Completions/Scrap page.

Page Name

Definition Name


Prdn Cmpl/Scrap Page


Update completions transactions that are staged by other processes and for production schedules.

Use the Prdn Cmpl/Scrap page (BCT_MG_REQCOMP) to update completions transactions that are staged by other processes and for production schedules.


  • Production Control > Process Production > Complete Production > Process Completions and Scrap

  • SCM Integrations > Process Transactions > Manufacturing > Process WO Completions

Field or Control


Unit and Request ID

Enter values for this process.


Click to run this request. Process Scheduler runs the Completions/Scrap Update process at user-defined intervals.