Understanding Component Lists

When the system releases production to the shop floor, it creates a component list for the production quantity specified and associates it with the production ID or production schedule. With the creation of a component list, PeopleSoft Manufacturing provides you with the ability to alter the bill of material (BOM) to accommodate item substitutions or configuration changes. You can also associate attachments with each component on the component list.

Once you define a production area/item combination and create a production ID or production schedule for an item, you can verify and change the production requirements before or after releasing production to the shop floor.

You can create a component list by:

  • Manually changing a production ID or production schedule status from Entered to Firmed or Released or running the batch release process for a range of production IDs or production schedules.

    When the production status is changed to Firmed or Released for:

    • Regular production: The system copies the valid BOM in effect on the production due date or for the specified revision into the component list for the production ID or production schedule.

      For a configured end item, the component list comprises standard items, as well as the options and features selected for the particular configuration. For this type of production, a component cannot be the same item ID as the item ID being produced. Floor stock and expensed items appear for informational purposes only.

    • Rework production for an item without a rework BOM: The system creates a component list with the reworked end item as the only component and assigns the Kit issue method.

      The scheduled quantity is the same as the production quantity. If additional material is needed to complete the rework, manually add the items to the component list using the Edit/Issue Components page. Additionally, if component requirements are known prior to the start of rework, you can specify those components using the Update Component List pages. This enables you to issue the additional components, along with the end item being reworked, using the Material Pick Plan. The system issues any additional components required for rework production using the issue method set for each item at the production area/item level.

    • Rework production for an item with a rework BOM: The system bases the component list on the rework BOM and automatically adds the reworked end item as a component and assigns the Kit issue method.

      For the reworked end item, the scheduled quantity is the same as the production quantity. For additional components on the rework component list, the system calculates the scheduled quantity based on the quantity per component and the rework production quantity.

    • Teardown production: The system automatically adds the end item to be torn down as a component when the production is released and assigns the Kit issue method.

      You can't change or delete the end item, but you can add additional components if necessary. The scheduled quantity is the same as the production quantity. The system issues any additional components required for teardown production using the issue method set for each item at the production area/item level. These additional components can't be substituted. The scheduled quantity is the same as the production quantity.

  • Processing new production recommendations for production IDs and production schedules from PeopleSoft Supply Planning in PeopleSoft Manufacturing.

  • Recording an end item or production completion.

    If you specify a production schedule quantity or production ID quantity that still has a status of Entered or Firmed during the completions and scrap reporting process, the system prompts to release the production and creates the component list. The ability to release production during the completion process is dependent on the manufacturing business unit options.

  • Adding a production schedule after you have completed manufacturing an item.

    When you add a production schedule quantity at the same time that you record operation completions and scrap, the system automatically creates the production schedule, releases production, and creates the component list. After backflushing, components are consumed and costs are posted for the completed quantity.

  • Running the production configuration process for a configured order.

    When the production ID for the configured item is created, the status is automatically set to Released, and the component list is created based on the options and features selected during the configuration process.

The component lists created differ depending on whether the component list is for regular, teardown, or rework production or for a configured item. For regular production, the system uses the end item's BOM to create the component list. For teardown production, the component list consists of the item that you are tearing down, which is automatically issued using the Kit issue method. For rework production, the system bases the component list on the rework BOM if there is one and automatically adds the reworked end item as a component and assigns it the kit issue method. If a rework BOM doesn't exist, the system creates a component list with only the reworked end item as a component.

For a configured item, the component list is created using the options and features selected during sales order entry. You can modify either component list by adding new components, deleting existing components, or changing the quantity per assembly or per order, scheduled quantity, or component yield. You can't specify configured items as a component on a component list for a non-configured end item. Configured items can have other configured items as components. You can't change the rework or teardown end item on the component list.

This section discusses how to:

  • Create component lists for regular production.

  • Create component lists for rework production.

  • Create component lists for teardown production.

  • Modify the component list during the production process.

To create a component list for regular production, the system copies the item's BOM. The component list defines the required components for the production quantity. You define which BOM to use for production by selecting the appropriate revision of the BOM or using the BOM in effect at the time production is due.

Note: Components that are supplied by an outside supplier aren't included when creating the component list. These components are marked as subcontractor-supplied on the item's BOM.

Note: Floor stock and expensed items are included on the component list for informational purposes only. Although the system calculates and displays a scheduled quantity, these items aren't included in any pick plan and therefore won't be issued to production during the material release process.

When creating the component list, the system determines the scheduled quantities and current scheduled quantities for each of the end item's components. Scheduled quantity is based on this formula:

[(operation start quantity x quantity per assembly) / component yield]

The scheduled quantity is calculated based on the quantity of the end item started at the operation where the component is used. In addition, the system also initializes the components operation sequence and quantity per assembly or per order with information from the BOM. The components issue method defined for the end item within the production area is also defined at this time.

If you're adding a new component, the scheduled quantity is calculated the same as when a production ID is created (operation start qty * qty per assy)/component yield.

If you're changing the scheduled quantity, then the system calculates the quantity per assembly: QPA = (current component scheduled qty * component yield) /operation start qty. The operation start quantity factors in any planned yield loss or actual scrap that has occurred at prior operation sequences.

If you're changing the QPA, then the current scheduled quantity is recalculated using the operation start quantity at the operation sequence where the component is required.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing creates the component list for rework production somewhat differently than for regular production. When the rework production ID is released, the system adds the end item being reworked to the component list, with a scheduled quantity the same as the production quantity. The system assigns the kit issue method to the end item being reworked. Additionally, if the end item being reworked has a rework BOM associated with the rework production ID, the system calculates the additional component requirements and adds them to the component list on the rework BOM. The system issues any additional components required for rework production using the issue method set for each item on the production area/item level. The issue method defaults from the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing page; you can override it on the Production Area - Item Detail page. The operation sequence of the reworked end item is automatically set to 0. The operation sequence of the additional components reflects the operation sequence specified on the rework BOM. If you haven't predefined a rework BOM, you can add other components to the component list as needed to repair or rework the end item.

PeopleSoft Manufacturing creates the component list for teardown production by copying the item that you are tearing down into the component list with a scheduled quantity the same as the order quantity. If additional material is needed to tear down the item, manually add those components to the component list. The issue method for the end item being torn down is automatically set to Kit. The system issues any additional components required for teardown production using the issue method set for each item at the Production Area/Item level. The issue method defaults from the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing page; you can override it on the Production Area - Item Detail page.

You can modify the component list after the release of the production ID—even if production is in process. If you have already consumed or issued components on the component list, you can't delete those components from the production ID. However, you can:

  • Add, change, or delete other components.

    However, for teardown or rework production, you can't delete the teardown or reworked end item from the component list. Additionally, you can only add a configured item as a component if the end item is also a configured item.

  • Change the operation sequence.

  • Change component quantities.

  • Indicate whether the component is issued per assembly or per order.

  • Change the component yield.

When you modify a component list and if you are integrating to a third-party Manufacturing Execution System (MES), PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the Production Order Update Enterprise Integration Point (EIP) to publish a message to the MES with the transaction information. The MES then subscribes to that message and updates the MES information.

In addition, you can also view and edit a limited number of components associated with a production ID or production schedule. Select a subset of components by using various filters. Use this when you do not want to select all the components associated with the production ID or production schedule.