Understanding Yield by Operation in PeopleSoft Manufacturing

In many manufacturing processes, some parent items (such as subassemblies, primary items, or final assemblies) are lost during manufacturing. This loss manifests itself as assembly scrap, which can result from breakage, poor quality, or nonconformance to specifications. Operation yield enables you to specify the quantity of goods expected to make it through the process. The expected lost can then be incorporated into the cost of the usable end items. Additionally, planning can take into account process yield and increment the demand by the expected loss so that demand is still met once the manufacturing process has been completed. This function enables you to specify a yield percentage on the routing operation step and calculates the additional resources necessary to meet the scheduled quantity with the anticipated yield loss.

The system calculates the quantities required at the beginning of each operation sequence based on the yield percentage. When you create new production, you can enter either the beginning or ending quantities, and the system calculates the other quantity automatically.

Determining Order Quantities Using PeopleSoft Supply Planning

When you use yield by operation and you want to ensure that the demand quantity is met, use an inflated production quantity. This enables the ending production quantity to fulfill the demand should a standard yield loss occur.

Determining Operation Yield Percentages

You can specify a yield percentage at each routing operation by using the Define Routings - Summary page.

Note: You do not have to use yield by operation. If you do not anticipate any yield loss during the production phase, you'll accept the default yield percentage value of 100 percent yield (or accept the default values) at all operation sequences.