Using Production Calendar Codes

With PeopleSoft Manufacturing, you can create standard and alternate production calendars for your enterprise to cover an entire year or a partial year. You create one or more calendar codes and enter calendar information for each code. You can assign alternate calendar codes to work centers whose hours of operation differ from that of the business unit. In addition, if you are using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, you can assign these calendar codes to resources.

You can assign a single calendar code and its associated calendar to multiple work centers if they have similar working and nonworking days.

This section discusses:

  • The process to define production calendar codes.

  • The scheduling hierarchy to determine available production time.

  • How to assign calendar codes to business units, work centers, and resources.

This diagram illustrates how the system finds the production calendar code used by the scheduling and planning functions. The system first looks to the work center, if no calendar code is defined, then the system looks to the business unit and then the resource (if PeopleSoft Supply Planning is used). If no calendar code is defined then the system uses the defined work week.

Defining calendars for business units, work centers, and resources

The scheduling and planning functions in PeopleSoft Manufacturing use a hierarchy to determine available production times and days:

  1. If a calendar code has been defined for the routing operation's work center, the system uses the calendar code assigned to the work center.

  2. If a calendar code hasn't been associated to the work center, the system uses the production calendar code defined for the business unit.

  3. If a production calendar isn't available, the planning and scheduling functions base start and due dates and times on a five-day work week.

    The system defines a five-day work week as Monday through Friday with one shift. The specific hours of operation for the shift are user defined. The defined shift must start and end on the same day.

If you are using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, the system creates a plan based on the calendars assigned to the particular resource or work center. If a calendar isn't associated with a resource or work center, the system uses the business unit's default production calendar to create a plan.

Once you create calendar codes and the associated run time calendar, you can associate them to the business unit, work centers, and resources. Once you attach the calendar code, its associated run time calendar code appears, indicating that the calendar is created and recognized in the planning and scheduling process.

Business Units

Assign the calendar code to the business unit using the Manufacturing Options page. If a calendar code is not associated with a work center, PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the calendar code defined on the Manufacturing Options page to schedule production for all work centers that do not have a work center calendar defined within the business unit.

Important! Designate only one calendar code as the business unit's production calendar. When you add the first calendar code for a business unit, PeopleSoft Manufacturing automatically defines it as the default production calendar.

Work Centers

Associate the appropriate alternate calendar code to the work center using the Work Center Attributes 1 page. If you associate a calendar code to a work center, PeopleSoft Manufacturing uses the calendar associated with the code to schedule production for this particular work center. PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses these calendars when you are doing aggregate capacity planning. If a calendar code isn't associated with a work center, PeopleSoft Manufacturing schedules production for the work center based on the default calendar associated with the business unit.

Production Resources

If you are using PeopleSoft Supply Planning, associate the appropriate calendar code to a resource—tool, machine, or crew—using the appropriate Planning Options page. If you associate an alternate calendar code to a resource, PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses this calendar to schedule production while optimizing the plan. If a calendar code isn't associated with the resource, PeopleSoft Supply Planning schedules production for the resource based on the default calendar associated with the business unit.