Using the Replenishment Method

To define storage locations, use the Storage Locations (STOR_LOCATIONS) component. To define storage area locations, use the Storage Areas (STORAGE_AREAS) component.

To define replenishment locations, use the Production Replenish Locations component (REPL_LOCATIONS). Use the REPL_LOCATIONS_CI component interface to load data into the tables for this component.

Use the replenishment method to stock components in the WIP locations at the work center where you use the component. These components are typically stocked to a defined on-hand quantity that you establish. During completions, the components are consumed from the WIP location. When the quantity on hand for an item falls below its replenishment quantity in that location, a workflow notification is sent to the stockroom, indicating the location must be replenished.

If you use PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can also use Kanban cards, pull tickets, and pull lists to communicate the replenishment request. Before you move components into replenishment locations, specify the replenishment point for each component that you manage by using the replenishment method. You must also specify the issue multiple that is used to replenish the WIP location. Define both of these parameters using the Define Business Unit items pages. If you use PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can also replenish the WIP locations directly from an inventory location, feeder line, or supplier using Kanban cards or online replenishment requests.

Page Name

Definition Name


Prdn Replenish Locations Page


Define production replenishment locations. This is required if you use PeopleSoft Flow Production. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing without PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can set up production replenishment defaults if you use the replenishment component-issue method.

Prdn Replenish Detail Page


If you have PeopleSoft Flow Production installed, define how WIP locations are replenished. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing without Flow Production, set up defaults if you use the replenishment component-issue method.

Prdn Replenish Locations Page

Use the Prdn Replenish Locations page (SF_REPL_INV) to define production replenishment locations.

This is required if you use PeopleSoft Flow Production. If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing without PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can set up production replenishment defaults if you use the replenishment component-issue method.


Inventory > Maintain Storage Locations > Define Prod Replenishment

Field or Control


WIP locations

Select the storage location for the item. The storage levels that appear depend on the storage structure established on the Inventory Options page.

Iss Mult (issue multiple) and Repl Point (replenishment point)

Define values for these fields.

When the quantity on hand in the WIP location drops below the specified replenishment point, the system issues a workflow replenishment request indicating that additional material needs to be supplied, and it uses the issue multiple that you specify on this page.

If you use PeopleSoft Flow Production, the system uses the issue multiple for the Kanban quantity.

Note: If you haven't installed PeopleSoft Flow Production, the system uses the replenishment point for only those items that have a replenishment mode of Backflush-Controlled.

WIP Min Qty (WIP minimum quantity)

Enter a value to indicate the minimum amount of the item that you want stored at the WIP location and that is not associated with a specific order.

WIP RPL Source (WIP replenishment source)

Select to specify where to send the PeopleSoft Flow Production replenishment request and which source supplies the WIP location. Options are:

  • Feeder: A feeder line creates subassemblies that it feeds into the main production line.

    Once you have used a specified quantity of the subassemblies, you send a replenishment signal to start production on the feeder line.

  • Inventory: You replenish the WIP location directly from an inventory location.

  • Supplier: You replenish the WIP location by directly receiving purchased components from a supplier.

Repl Max Qty (replenishment maximum quantity), WIP RPL Source (WIP replenishment source), WIP RPL Mode (WIP replenishment mode), WIP RPL Type (WIP replenishment type), and WIP RPL Method (WIP replenishment method)

If you do not use PeopleSoft Flow Production, these fields are unavailable. In that case, the system uses the default replenishment mode of Backflush Controlled and a replenishment method of Workflow.

Repl Max Qty (replenishment maximum quantity)

If you are using PeopleSoft Flow Production, this field is set to the maximum amount of the item that you want stored at any WIP location using the item. This quantity includes the item's on-hand quantity and any open requests already made. The system issues a warning if you perform a replenishment transaction that exceeds the replenishment maximum quantity.

Note: This field is available for only those items using the Manual replenishment mode.

Use the Prdn Replenish Detail page (SF_REPL_INV_DTL) to if you have PeopleSoft Flow Production installed, define how WIP locations are replenished.

If you use PeopleSoft Manufacturing without Flow Production, set up defaults if you use the replenishment component-issue method.


Inventory > Maintain Storage Locations > Production Replenish Locations > Prdn Replenish Detail

Click the Production Replenishment Detail button on the Production Replenish Locations page.

Field or Control


Repl Point (replenishment point) and Iss Mult (issue multiple)

Define values for these fields.

Repl Max Qty (replenishment maximum quantity)

If you are using PeopleSoft Flow Production, enter a value to set the maximum amount of the item that you want stored at any WIP location using the item. It includes the item's on-hand quantity and any open requests already made.

Note: This field is available for only those items using the Manual replenishment mode.

WIP RPL Mode (WIP replenishment mode)

Select to indicate how PeopleSoft Flow Production generates replenishment requests for the item. Options are:

  • Backflush Controlled: You consume components from the WIP location while backflushing completions.

    When the quantity on hand falls below the replenishment point, the system automatically generates a replenishment request to bring the on-hand quantity back above the replenishment point. The replenishment request is a multiple of the issue multiple. For example, if the replenishment point is 60, the on-hand quantity is 30, and the issue multiple is 20, then the system generates a replenishment request for 40 to bring the on-hand WIP location quantity back above the replenishment point.

  • Kanban Card: The replenishment process uses Kanban cards as a manual request for material.

    Kanban cards are either entered or imported into the system and then printed out. A Kanban card would be attached to a box of components. Each Kanban card has a Kanban ID.

  • Manual: A visual indicator signifies that the WIP location needs replenishment, and you scan in the item ID and WIP location to generate a replenishment request for the specified issue multiple.

    This request includes the replenishment quantity and source location associated with that item and WIP location. This is largely used with electronic data collection.

Note: If you are using Kanban cards with PeopleSoft Flow Production, you can select a WIP replenishment type to designate whether you want the Kanban card to be used one time or to be reusable. This field is available only if you select Kanban Card for the WIP replenishment mode.

WIP RPL Source (WIP replenishment source)

Select to specify where to send the PeopleSoft Flow Production replenishment request and which source supplies the WIP location. Options are:

  • Feeder: A feeder line creates subassemblies that it feeds into the main production line.

    Once you use a certain quantity of the subassemblies, you send a replenishment signal to start production on the feeder line. If you select Feeder as the WIP replenishment source, the WIP Production Area field becomes available. Select the WIP production area that serves as a feeder line for the item.

  • Inventory: You replenish WIP location directly from an inventory location.

    If you select Inventory as the WIP replenishment source, the Source Location fields become available for entry. Select the source storage location that replenishes this item. The location field is not mandatory but, if completed, it must be a valid location. The storage levels that appear depend on the storage structure established on the Inventory Options Page.

  • Supplier: Use supplier replenishment to replenish the WIP location by directly receiving purchased components from a supplier.

    If you have selected Supplier as the WIP replenishment source, the Supplier ID and Supplier Location fields become available. Select the supplier ID and supplier location that directly replenish this item. You can override this before dispatch if necessary.

WIP RPL Method (WIP replenishment method)

Select to designate how the PeopleSoft Flow Production replenishment request is communicated. You must select Backflush or Manual as the WIP replenishment mode to use WIP replenishment methods. The WIP replenishment method options are:

  • Workflow: The system generates a worklist entry that links to the Production Replenishment worklist, and uses defaults for the item, quantity, and From and To WIP locations. You can override the values to complete the transfer.

  • Pull Ticket: You create a one-time replenishment request through either a backflush or a manual scan and run the pull ticket print process to print the pull ticket. This is similar to a one-time Kanban card.

  • Pull List: A pull list is a list of Kanban requests that you use in a manner similar to the one that you use for a pick list. You scan in Kanban IDs to transfer quantities. You run the pull list process on a scheduled basis that picks up all new requests. You scan in the Kanban ID from the pull list to transact each request.