Common Elements Used in Operations and Recording

Field or Control


Production ID

The production order identifier.

Production Area

The area where the item is being manufactured.

Item ID

The name and description of the item being manufactured.

Op Seq (operation sequence)

The operation step where the item is being completed.

Config Code (configuration code)

A unique identifier for costing and inventory tracking purposes. The configuration code appears if the end item is a configured item.


The current status of the production.

Prdn Type (production type)

The type of production being manufactured. Values are Production, Rework, or Teardown.

Prdn Start Qty (production start quantity)

The beginning quantity being produced for the selected production. The system considers any operation yield.

Prdn End Qty (production end quantity)

The ending quantity being produced for the selected production. The system considers any operation yield.

BOM Code

The BOM priority code used during the production of this item.

Routing Code

The routing priority code used during the production of this item.

Revision code

The default value appears if the item entered is revision-controlled.

Source Cd (source code)

Indicates if the production is Make or Buy.


Click this link to initiate a data entry session and access either the Data Entry - Subgroup Method page or the Data Entry - Sample Method page in PeopleSoft Quality, depending on the data entry method that you specified when creating the quality control plan. On the Data Entry pages in PeopleSoft Quality, you record quality control information for the manufacturing process for the item and then access the Record Completions/Scrap page.

Note: The Quality link is available for each end item in the Output Details scroll area. You can transfer completions data to PeopleSoft Quality for each end item.