
Before you begin production:

  1. Review the production documents, if available, to determine if any of the items are serial- or lot-controlled, or if there are any subcontracted operations.

  2. Verify that all items that you'll be manufacturing have been assigned to a production area.

    • If the production item will have multiple outputs, you must define the outputs by using the BOM Maintenance - Outputs page before generating the production ID or production schedule.

    • If you're tracking an item within a production area with production IDs, first generate the production ID for the item that you want to produce.

    • If you're using production schedules, you can predefine the production quantity to be produced for a shift, or you can enter the quantity produced when recording end item completions.

  3. Verify that material has been issued directly to the production ID or that the production WIP locations have been stocked with adequate inventory.

    Use the Shortage report to identify any potential component shortages before beginning production.