Understanding Mobile Inventory Management Item Stock Inquiries

Use the Item Stock Inquiry page on a mobile device to check the stock quantities of items within a PeopleSoft Inventory business unit. Using the Item Stock Inquiry page, enter the PeopleSoft Inventory business unit and the item ID to display the stock quantities within the material storage locations of the business unit.

Additional information can also be displayed including; serial IDs, lot IDs, any storage containers that hold the stock, the item status of the stock (Open, Restricted, Hold, or Rejected), staged date, nettable status, and if the stock is non-owned.

To review item stock levels using a mobile device:

  1. Select the Item Stock Inquiry component on the PeopleSoft Mobile Inventory main menu.

  2. Verify the business unit is the correct inventory business unit on the Item Stock Inquiry page.

  3. Scan or enter the item ID in the Item field.

  4. Click the Fetch button.

    The system provides inventory information about the item that you selected including the total quantity of the item, all of its locations, and the quantities at each location.

Additional Fields Available for the Item Stock Inquiry Page

The following fields from PeopleSoft Inventory can be displayed on the Item Stock Inquiry page of the mobile device if you customize your display.

  • The Last Transaction and Last Transaction Date fields can display the type of transaction and the date of the last activity performed on this item stock.

  • The Available Quantity field includes all item stock in an open inventory status that has not been reserved, allocated, promised, backordered or pegged. The Available Quantity value can help you determine the stock available to fulfill orders or transfer requests.