Navigating in PeopleSoft Order Management

PeopleSoft Order Management provides custom functional area navigation pages that contain groupings of folders that support a specific business process, task, or user role.

Note: In addition to the PeopleSoft Order Management custom navigation pages, PeopleSoft provides menu navigation, standard navigation pages, and PeopleSoft Navigator.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide

This table lists the custom navigation pages that are used to navigate in PeopleSoft Order Management.

Customer Activities Center

The Customer Activities Center custom navigation pages are customized to the person in the organization who is focused on the customer business process.

Page Name



Customer Activities Center

Main Menu, Order Management

Access primary Customer Center menus and activities.

CSR Desktop

Click CSR Desktop on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the CSR Desktop subpage.

Quote Processing

Click Quote Processing on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the Print Quote and Quote Register report request pages.

Order Processing

Click Order Processing on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the Express Order Add/Edit, Create Order From Buying Agreement, Create Order from Quote, Processing Staged Orders/RFQs, Track Order, Print Sales Order, Sales Order Register, and Order Hold Workbench functions.

Customer Returns

Click Customer Returns on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the Create/Update RMA, Print RMA, RMA Register, Overdue RMAs, and Create RMA Adjustment Invoices functions.

Analyze Order Activity

Click Analyze Order Activity on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the Orders on Hold, Overdue Shipment, Order Changes, and Order Backlog report request pages.

Order Management Center

The Order Management Center custom navigation pages are customized to the person in the organization who is focused on all aspects of the order management, including business processes and data setup:

Page Name



Order Management Center

Main Menu, Order Management

Access primary Order Management Center menu menus and activities.

CSR Desktop

Click CSR Desktop on the Order Management Center page.

Access the CSR Desktop subpage.


Click Customers on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Contact Information, Customer Information, Conversations, Review Customer Information, and Reports functions.

Customer Information

Click Customer Information on the Customers page.

Access the Quick Customer Create, General Information, Dun & Bradstreet, Dun & Bradstreet Lookup/Order, MICR Information, Corporate Customer Tree, Corporate Tree Messages, Supplier Information, Electronic File Transfer Name, and Reimbursable Agreements functions.


Click Conversations on the Customers page.

Access the Update Conversions, Associate Keywords, Define Follow-Up Action, Select Conversations to Review, and Need Supervisor Review functions.

Review Customer Information

Click Review Customer Information on the Customers page.

Access the Attachments, Messages, Notes, and Credit Available functions.


Click Reports on the Customers page.

Access the Customers by Unit, Customers by SetID, Contacts by Unit, Contacts by SetID, Sold To Customer Master, Sold to Cust Relationships, Ship to Customer Master, Ship to Cust Relationships, and Ship Date Exceptions reports.


Click Products on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Advanced Product Search, Product Search Pagelet Ext, Identify Product Details, Review Product Information, Request Processes, and Reports functions.

Identify Product Details

Click Identify Product Details on the Products page.

Access the Definition, Attributes by UOM, Assign List Price, Kit Setup, Price Kit Component, Assign Product Group, Catalogs, Alternates, Attachments, Messages, Notes, Specifications, and Error Summary Queue functions.

Review Product Information

Click Review Product Information on the Products page.

Access the Definition, Product Kit, Aliases, Attachments, Messages, Notes, Specifications, and Where Used Product Component functions.

Request Processes

Click Request Processes on the Products page.

Access the Validate Product Load, Refresh Catalog Prompt Table, Update Kit Component Pricing, and Product Price Extract functions.


Click Reports on the Products page.

Access the Product Master, Product Catalogs, and Product Price List functions.

Pricing Configuration

Click Pricing Configuration on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Price List Reports, Create Pricing Information, Pricing Data Exchange, and Mass Updates functions.

Create Pricing Information

Click Create Pricing Information on the Pricing Configuration page.

Access the Price List Maintenance, Price List Advanced Search, Price Rules Maintenance, Price Rule Advanced Search, Arbitration Plan, Price Rounding Rule, Simulator, and Promotion Codes functions.

Pricing Data Exchange

Click Pricing Data Exchange on the Pricing Configuration page.

Access the Publish Pricing Data, Load Pricing Data, and Correct Staging Errors functions.

Correct Staging Errors

Click Correct Staging Errors on the Pricing Data Exchange page.

Access the Arbitration Plan, Price Rules, and Price List functions.

Mass Update

Click Mass Updates on the Pricing Configuration page.

Access the Price List Extract function.

Buying Agreements

Click Buying Agreements on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the Create/Update Buying Agreement, Refresh Prompt Table, Rebates and Penalties, Review Buying Agreement Info, Convert and Close Agreements, and Reports functions.

Rebates and Penalties

Click Rebates and Penalties on the Buying Agreements page.

Access the Verify Rebates/Penalties, Calculate Rebates/Penalties, and Load Rebates/Penalties Intrfc (Interface) functions.

Review Buying Agreement Info

Click Review Buying Agreement Info on the Buying Agreements page.

Access Customer Buying Agreement, Customer Quotes, Buying Agreement Usage, Line Summary, and Line Usage functions.

Convert and Close Agreements

Click Convert and Close Agreements on the Buying Agreements page.

Access the Convert Agreement by Customer, Convert Agreements to Orders, and Close Buying Agreement functions.


Click Reports on the Buying Agreements page.

Access the Agreement Renewal and Agreement Status reports.

Electronic Commerce

Click Electronic Commerce on the Customer Activities Center page.

Access the Source Code Exclusions, Identify Order Changes, Process Staged Orders/RFQs, Delete Staging Tables, Correct Staging Errors, and Review Staging Details functions.

Correct Staging Errors

Click Correct Staging Errors on the Electronic Commerce page.

Access the Header, Line, Schedule, Address, Note, User Defined Reference, Option Header, Option Detail, and Correct Order/RFQ Errors functions.

Review Staging Details

Click Review Staging Details on the Electronic Commerce page.

Access the Header, Line, Schedule, Address, Note, User Defined Reference, Option Header, and Option Detail functions.

Quotes and Orders

Click Quotes and Orders on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Create/Update Quote, Create/Update Order, Express Order Add/Edit, Create/Update Counter Sale, Update Price, Process Orders, Track Sales Rebates, Create OM Billing Entries, Create Credit Card Trans, Review Order Information Review Customer Information, Review Product Information, Order Hold Workbench, Lot Allocation, and Reports functions.

Update Price

Click Update Price on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Update Price Discrepancies, Price Check EDI and XML Orders, Reprice Order, and Global Price Updates functions.

Process Orders

Click Process Orders on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Order Completion, Apply/Release Order Hold, Apply/Release Credit Hold, Release Demand to Inventory, Update Schedules, View Schedule Change Results, Delete Schedule Change Results, Close Order, Update Commission Information, Sales Order/Quote Copy, and Screen for Denied Parties functions.

Track Sales Rebates

Click Track Sales Rebates on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Identify Sales Rebate Info, Request Sales Rebates, and Request Sales Rebate Interface functions.

Create OM Billing Entries

Click Create OM Billing Entries on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Mark Lines for Billing, Process Mark Lines for Billing, and Process OM Billing functions.

Create Credit Card Trans

Click Create Credit Card Trans on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Identify Pending Transactions, Request Credit Card Process, and Load Credit Card Interface functions.

Review Order Information

Click Review Order Information on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Track Order, Summary, Summary by Bill-To/PO, Summary by Sold To, Shipments by Header, Shipments by Line, Shipments by Schedule, and Financial Sanctions functions.

Review Customer Information

Click Review Customer Informationon the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Addresses, Attachments, Credit Available, Messages, Notes, Review Credit Card History, Purchase History, and Customer Deposits functions.

Review Product Information

Click Review Product Information on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Alternates, Attachments, Messages, Notes, Product Kits, Kit Availability, Price Availability, and Item/Product Availability functions.


Click Reports on the Quotes and Orders page.

Access the Print Quote, Quote Register, Print Sales Order, Sales Order Register, Order Changes, Orders on Hold, Order Backlog, and Overdue Shipments functions.

Customer Returns

Click Customer Returns on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Create/Update RMA, Review RMA Information, and Reports functions.

Review RMA Information

Click Review RMA Information on the Customer Returns page.

Access the Customer Addresses, Customer Shipment History, OM Shipment History-Header, OM Shipment History-Line, and OM Shipment History-Schedule functions.


Click Reports on the Customer Returns page.

Access the RMA, RMA Register, and Overdue RMAs functions.


Click Claimbacks on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Claimback Contract, Generate Claims/Accrue Revenue, Product Profitability Report, Default Claimback ID, Claimback Claims, and Review Claimback Information functions.

Claimback Claims

Click Claimback Claims on the Claimbacks page.

Access the Claimback Mgr Notification, Claimback Claims Print, Settlement Mgr Notification, Incoming Payment Reconcile, Claims Management Workbench, Claim Details, Claim Reconciliation, Claim Settlement Inquiry, and Claim Incoming Payment functions.

Review Claimback Information

Click Review Claimback Information on the Claimbacks page.

Access the Claimback Accrual Inquiry and GL Accrued Revenue functions.

Analyze Sales

Click Analyze Sales on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Forecast Sales Bookings, Forecast Products, Build Analysis Cube, and Product Profitability Report functions.

Order Management Definitions

Click Order Management Definitions on the Order Management Center page.

Access the Order Management Foundation, Order Management Business Unit, and Common Definitions functions.

Order Management Foundation

Click Order Management Foundation on the Order Management Definitions page.

Access the Brand, Buying Agreement Type, Channel, Claimback SetID Options, Claimback OMBU Groups, Classification, Competitor Codes, Contact Type Codes, Division, Hold Codes, Holds Setup, Image Location, Messages, Mass Change Definition, Order Groups, Order Source Codes, PTD Pricing Calendar, Product Category, Rebate and Penalty Definition, Rebate and Penalty Table, Restock Fees by Reason, Return Type Codes, Sales Rebate Setup, Shipping Priority Codes, Syndicated Data Type, Team Mbr Commission Schedules, Team Member Sales Quotas, Territory, and Template Role functions.

Order Management Business Unit

Click Order Management Business Unit on the Order Management Definitions page.

Access the Order Management Definition functions.

Common Definitions

Click Common Definitions on the Order Management Definitions page.

Access the Codes and Auto Numbering, Currency, Customers, Distribution Accounting, File Locations and Images, Location, Market Rates, Notes, Products, Sales and Use Tax, Shipping and Receiving, Team Members, Units of Measure, User Preferences, VAT and Intrastat, and Excise and Sales Tax functions.

Codes and Auto Numbering

Click Codes and Auto Numbering on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Reason Codes, Auto Numbering, Auto Numbering by BU, and Auto Numbering By Installation functions.


Click Currency on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Currency Code, Currency Codes (Euro), Currency Code Report, Currency Exchange Calculator, Currency Quotation Method, and Currency Denominations functions.


Click Customers on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Conversation Subjects, Conversation Subject Topics, Conversation Follow-Up Actions, Conversation Keywords, Standard Industry Codes, Dun and Bradstreet, Customer Group Table, and Salutation Table functions.

Distribution Accounting

Click Distribution Accounting on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Distribution Code, Distribution Rules, and Distribution Sets functions.

File Locations and Images

Click File Locations and Images on the Common Definitions page.

Access the File Locations and Image Location functions.

Fulfillment Definitions

Click Fulfillment Definitions on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Reservation/Backorder Defaults and Sources of Supply functions.

Reservation/Backorder Defaults

Click Reservation/Backorder Defaults on the Fulfillment Definitions page.

Access the Arbitration Plan and Rule Defaults functions.

Sources of Supply

Click Sources of Supply on the Fulfillment Definitions page.

Access the Arbitration Plan and Rule Entry functions.


Click Location on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Country, Country Statistics, Division Area Code, Fax Location, Location, Region Codes, Region Type Codes, and State functions.

Market Rates

Click Market Rates on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Cross/Reciprocal Rate Calc, Market Rate Definition, Market Rate Index, Market Rate Type, and Market Rates functions.


Click Notes on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Note Types and Standard Notes functions.


Click Products on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Product Group Table functions.

Sales and Use Tax

Click Sales and Use Tax on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Authorities, Authorities Report, Codes, Codes Report, Ultimate Use Code, and Tax Supplier Geo Code Update functions.

Shipping and Receiving

Click Shipping and Receiving on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Carrier Table, Class of Trade Code, Commodity Code, Distribution Network, Freight Terms, Harmonized Tariff Code, Ship Via Codes, and Freight and Transportation functions.

Freight and Transportation

Click Freight and Transportation on the Shipping and Receiving page.

Access the Arbitration Plan and Rule Entry functions.

Team Members

Click Team Members on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Support Team Members, Team Members Personal Data, and Team Member Types functions.

Units of Measure

Click Units of Measure on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Units of Measure and Units of Measure Report.

User Preferences

Click User Preferences on the Common Definitions page.

Access the AP User Preferences Report, Define User Preferences, and User Preferences Report functions.

VAT and Intrastat

Click VAT and Intrastat on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Intrastat and Value Added Tax functions.


Click Intrastat on the VAT and Intrastat page.

Access the Country Characteristics, European Commodity Code, Fiscal Regime/Statistic Proc, Nature of Transaction Code, and Port and Airport Definition functions.

Value Added Tax

Click Value Added Tax on the VAT and Intrastat page.

Access the VAT Transaction Type, Express VAT Code, VAT Authority, VAT Code, VAT Accounts by Business Unit, VAT Country Options, VAT Entity, VAT Use Type, VAT Apportionment, VAT Defaults, Service VAT Treatment Defaults, Business Unit Interunit Option, Business Unit Interunit Pairs, VAT Report Definition, VAT Return XML Tags, and VAT Setup Validation Report functions.

Excise and Sales Tax

Click Excise and Sales Tax on the Common Definitions page.

Access the Tax Component, Tax Dependency Code, Tax Calculation Code, Tax Determination, Tax Category, Excise topic, Tax Authority, Form Name, Form Code, Customs Item SION, Customs Benefit Scheme, Registration Details, Organization details, Excise Document Number Series, Tax Location, BU Tax Applicability, Supplier Tax Applicability, Customer Tax Applicability, Item Tax Applicability, Item BU Tax Applicability, and Product Tax Applicability functions.