Creating Planning BOMs

To create planning BOMs, use the Planning BOM Maintenance component.

This topic provides an overview of planning BOMs and discusses how to define planning BOMs.

Page Name

Definition Name


Planning BOMs Page


Create and maintain components that make up a planning BOM for a group of assembly items or product families.

A planning BOM is an artificial grouping of related items that you can use to forecast demand. Using a planning BOM, you can facilitate the master scheduling and material planning processes by reducing the number of items that the planner needs to forecast.

On the Planning BOMs page, you can create and maintain at the summary level all components that make up a planning BOM for a group of assembly items or product families in a specific business unit.

Note: To define an item for use as the parent ID on a planning BOM, you must define the item as a planning item. To define an item as a planing item, you must select Planning in the Source Code field on the Define Business Unit Item - Manufacturing: General page.

You can also use a planning BOM to split the forecast among multiple items. For example, you might forecast item SR1001 at 50 percent of the forecast, item SR1002 at 30 percent, and item SR1003 at 20 percent.

Use the Planning BOMs page (PL_BOM_MAINT) to create and maintain components that make up a planning BOM for a group of assembly items or product families.


Supply Planning > Define Planning Attributes > Planning Bills of Material

Field or Control


BOM Quantity (bill of material quantity)

The BOM quantity acts a scaling device that enables you to enter a structure when the planning item's specifications are in a base that is greater than 1 unit.

Component ID

Select the name of the component to use in the planning BOM. The component can be a planning item.

Effective Date and Obsolete Date

Define the effective dates for the components of the planning item.


Define the component quantity (expressed in terms of a percentage) of the planning item. The forecast amounts at the parent level are multiplied by the quantity for the component to determine the forecast to be associated with the component.