Defining Display Row Types

PeopleSoft Supply Planning enables you to create and maintain lists of available template rows for each workbench type.

This topic discusses how to define display row type lists.

Note: If you add new row types, you must also add the corresponding logic for calculating the row type on workbench and review pages. Predefined row types are delivered with calculations.

Page Name

Definition Name


Define Display Row Types Page


Define display row type lists of available template rows.

Use the Define Display Row Types page ( PL_WBENCH_ROWTYPES ) to define display row type lists of available template rows.


Supply Planning > Define Planning Attributes > Display Row Types

Field or Control



Enter a long and short description of the row that you want to make available for the corresponding workbench type.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning delivers row types for these display types:

  • Item-based.

  • Capacity-based.

  • Buyer-based.

Item-Based Display Type

PeopleSoft Supply Planning delivers these item-based row types:

Field or Control


Actual Forecast

Displays the actual, unconsumed forecast for the corresponding period.

Available to Promise (ATP)

Determines the projected available inventory that has not been committed to customer orders. PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses this algorithm:

ATP = Planned Receipts + Scheduled Receipts − Actual Demand − Carryover Demand

Planned Receipts + Scheduled Receipts = Total Supply row type

Total Orders row type + Dependent Demand row type = Actual Demand

Carryover demand occurs when ATP is driven below 0 in a time bucket. If this occurs, supply is consumed from an earlier time bucket. ATP is reported as a negative number in the first bucket if carryover demand is not satisfied. PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not print ATP and cumulative ATP in the past due bucket (as it does not apply).

Buying Agreements

Displays the demand quantity for this item that is generated by buying agreements

Cumulative ATP

Cumulative or running total of ATP.

Dependent Demand

Displays the demand quantity that occurs when the item is required to meet demands of another transfer, planned transfer, production, or planned production order.

Excess Inventory

The maximum amount of inventory that is allowable. The planned inventory on hand should never exceed this number. Excess is the defined excess level as of the end of the corresponding period. When you are summarizing multiple items, excess is the summarized excess levels for all items at the end of the corresponding period.

Note: When planned inventory on hand exceeds the excess inventory, PeopleSoft Supply Planning reports the violation in the exceptions inquiry only. The planning solvers do not solve for this condition.

Extra Demand

Displays demand quantity that you enter directly into a planning instance in the form of extra demand.

Independent Demand

Displays the total demand quantity from sales orders, quotes, buying agreements, stock requests, and extra demand.

Intransit Inventory

Interunit transfers that have been shipped but not received. Appears in the destination business unit only.

Net Forecast

Displays the forecast quantity that remains after the actual forecast has been consumed by actual demand.

New Planned Orders

The sum of planned production, purchases, and transfers for an item in a period.

Periods Of Supply

A forward-looking calculation of a period's planned on-hand balance, which determines how many days into the future a period's planned on-hand balance covers the total demand. When planned on-hand quantities are not enough to cover all of the total demand for a particular bucket, PeopleSoft Supply Planning prorates the number of days by the ratio of the planned on-hand quantity that is available over total demand. When not enough total demand is available through the periods reported, the Periods of Supply bucket displays 99999.

Planned On Hand

Displays the cumulative projected inventory balance from the beginning of the planning horizon. This includes the prior period's ending on-hand balance plus the total supply, minus the total demand for the current period.

Planned Production

Displays the suggested production orders that were created for this period when you generated the supply plan solution.

Planned Production Demand

Displays the component demand for this item that was caused by other planned production orders in the planning instance.

Planned Purchases

Displays the suggested purchase orders that were created for this period when you generated the material plan.

Planned Transfer Demand

Displays the demand for this item that was caused by planned transfer orders in the planning instance.

Planned Transfers

Suggested transfer orders that were created by PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Production Demand

Displays the total amount of demand (component demand) from planned production and scheduled production for this time period.

Production Supply

Displays the scheduled receipts from manufacturing for this time period. The receipts are in the form of production orders.

Projected On Hand

Displays the cumulative projected inventory balance from the beginning of the planning horizon. This includes the prior period's ending on-hand balance plus the known supply, minus the total demand for the current period. The projected on-hand does not include planned supplies in the calculation.

Purchase Supply

The scheduled receipts from suppliers for this period. The receipts are in the form of purchase orders.

Safety Stock

The defined safety stock level that is expected for the item as of the end of the corresponding period. When you are summarizing multiple items, the safety stock represents the sum of safety stock levels for the items that are being summarized as of the end of the corresponding period.

Sales Orders/Quotes

Displays the quantity of orders that were generated by customers, including real orders and any quotes that have been included in the planning instance.

Scheduled Production

The total amount of demand from production, with statuses of Entered, Firmed, Released, Dispatched, and In-Process.

Scheduled Production Demand

Displays the total amount of demand (component demand) from scheduled production for this time period.

Scheduled Purchases

The sum of purchases, with statuses of Firmed and Open.

Scheduled Receipts

Displays the total quantity for this period from these row types: Scheduled Production, Scheduled Purchases, and Scheduled Transfers.

Scheduled Transfer Demand

Displays the total demand quantity for this period caused by scheduled transfers.

Scheduled Transfers

Displays the total amount of supply from transfer orders arriving at the destination business unit for this time period.

Starting On Hand

The cumulative inventory level at the beginning of the period. The history begins with the starting quantity for the planning horizon.

Stock Requests

Internal and external inventory orders (for noninterunit transfers only).

Total Demand

Defined as the sum of net forecast, customer orders, interunit orders, and dependent demand. The total demand consists of both independent and dependent demand.

Total Supply

Displays the total quantity of actual supply and new planned orders.

Transfer Demand

Displays the scheduled transfers to other business units in the form of transfer orders.

Transfer Supply

Displays the scheduled receipts from other business units in the form of transfer orders.

Capacity-Based Display Type

PeopleSoft Supply Planning delivers these capacity-based row types:

Field or Control


Available Capacity

The total capacity that is available for a period, measured in hours or units.

Overload Capacity

The amount that exceeds the available capacity (required capacity less available capacity when greater than zero).

Required Capacity

The amount of capacity that is consumed by production operations using a resource in a specific period, measured in hours or units.

Unused Capacity

Leftover capacity (available capacity less required capacity when greater than zero).

Utilization Percentage

The ratio between required capacity and available capacity when the available and required capacities are greater than zero.

Buyer-Based Display Type

PeopleSoft Supply Planning delivers these buyer-based row types:

Field or Control


Supplier Scheduled Purchases

Represents actual purchases for item and supplier or schedule group and supplier combinations.

Supplier Planned Purchases

Represents the total of planned purchases for item and supplier or schedule group and supplier combinations.

Previous Schedule's Approved Quantity

Displays the quantity on the last schedule that the supplier approved for supplier-scheduled items.

Current Schedule's Required Quantity

Displays a supplier scheduled item's current quantity.

Other Supply

Represents the combined total of all transfers, all production, all actual purchases not included in the item and supplier combination, and all planned purchases not included in the item and supplier combination.

Total Demand

Represents the combined total of net forecast, sales orders, quotes, buying agreements, transfers, stock requests, production demand, and extra demand.

Starting On Hand

The cumulative inventory level at the beginning of a defined period. The history begins with the starting quantity for the planning horizon.

For past due buckets, this value is determined by the inventory quantity on hand. For all other buckets, this value is determined by the planned on-hand inventory from previous buckets.

Projected On Hand

Displays the cumulative projected inventory balance from the beginning of the planning horizon. This includes the prior period's ending on-hand balance plus the known supply, minus the total demand for the current period. The projected on-hand does not include planned supplies in the calculation.

Planned On Hand

Displays the cumulative projected inventory balance from the beginning of the planning horizon. This includes the prior period's ending on-hand balance plus the total supply, minus the total demand for the current period.

Safety Stock

The minimum quantity of stock that is planned to always be in inventory to protect against fluctuations in demand or supply. This value represents the safety stock effective on the end date of the period.

Excess Inventory

The maximum amount of inventory that is allowable. The planned inventory on hand should never exceed this number. This value represents the excess stock that is effective on the end date of period.

Note: When planned inventory on hand exceeds the excess inventory, PeopleSoft Supply Planning reports the violation in the exceptions inquiry only. The planning solvers do no solve for this condition.