Maintaining Planning Engines

The Planning Engines component enables you to bring a planning instance into memory (start a planning engine), check the status of the planning engine, and remove the planning instance from memory when you have finished planning for the planning instance (stop the planning engine).

This topic discusses how to maintain planning engines.

Page Name

Definition Name


Planning Engines - Planning Engine Page


Start, stop, and view the status of a planning engine that is associated with a specified planning instance.

Planning Engines - Tracing


Use this page only if asked to do so by authorized PeopleSoft personnel. Adding values to fields on this page does not change the planning solution, but might significantly slow down the creation of a plan.

Planning Engine Domains Page


Review planning engine domains to determine available domains on which to load a planning instance, and to determine on which domain a planning instance is loaded.

Use the Planning Engines - Planning Engine page (PL_PROBINST_MAINT) to start, stop, and view the status of a planning engine that is associated with a specified planning instance.


Supply Planning > Create Plan > Planning Engines

Field or Control



Displays the status of the Load Planning Instance process for the corresponding planning instance ID or the last major data exchange that occurred for the planning instance.

Start Planning Engine

Click to start the planning engine for the corresponding planning instance.

Shut Down Planning Engine

Click to stop the planning engine for the corresponding planning instance.

Check Planning Engine Status

Click to determine whether the planning engine is loaded for the corresponding planning instance. The system displays a text message in the Return Message field.

Return Message

The system displays information in this field when you click the Start Planning Engine button, the Shut Down Planning Engine button, or the Check Planning Engine Status button.

For example, when you click the Start Planning Engine button, the system might display a message indicating that the planning engine is being started. If you click the Check Planning Engine Status button, the system might display a message indicating that an error has occurred (when appropriate).

Use the Planning Engine Domains page (SPL_DOMAIN_LIST) to review planning engine domains to determine available domains on which to load a planning instance, and to determine on which domain a planning instance is loaded.


Supply Planning > Create Plan > Planning Engines Domains

Field or Control


Refresh Domain List

Click to update the page and display the current status of all the domains that are listed. If you do not click this button, the system displays the status current at the time you first accessed this page.


The system populates this option if the domain is defined as the default domain on the Planning Engine Domains page.


Displays the URL for the corresponding domain, which normally represents a physical computer.