Refining Forecasting Details

This topic discusses how to refine forecasting details.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Planning BOMs Page


Review at a summary level all of the components that comprise a planning BOM for a group of assembly items or product families in a specific business unit.

Review Aggregate Demand Items


Review the relationships between BOMs and aggregate items.

Review Demand Calendar Weights


Review the calendar attributes that determine the importance placed on the demand for a specific period.

Actual Forecasts Page


Review original forecast information from PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables (including items, quantities, and time buckets for comparison against actual demand), delete existing forecasts, and add new forecasts.

Net Forecast Page


Update forecast net forecast parameters such as forecast date, frozen flag, and demand priority.

Use the Review Planning BOMs page (PL_PLN_BOM_COMP) to review at a summary level all of the components that comprise a planning BOM for a group of assembly items or product families in a specific business unit.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Forecasting > Review Planning BOMs

Field or Control


BOM Quantity

BOM quantities enable you to enter product structures when the end item's specifications are in a base greater than one unit.

Effective Date and Obsolete Date

Displays the effective and obsolete dates for the components on the planning BOM. The system explodes to components only those forecasts that are in effect during this date range.

Use the Actual Forecasts page (PL_FCST_UNC) to review original forecast information from PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables (including items, quantities, and time buckets for comparison against actual demand), delete existing forecasts, and add new forecasts.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Forecasting > Actual Forecasts

Field or Control


Percentage Multiplier

Displays the percentage to increase or decrease all of the forecast quantities that appear in the forecast schedule. Percentage multipliers greater than 100 increase the forecast quantities; percentage multipliers less than 100 decrease the forecast quantities.


Click to apply the percentage multiplier. All of the forecast rows in the forecast schedule are impacted by the calculation.

Start Date/Time and End Date/Time

Displays the starting and ending dates that represent the period which the forecast quantity applies. For example, PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables might provide forecasts in monthly buckets. In this case, the start and end dates represent the start and end of the month for which the forecast quantity applies. The system uses the demand calendar weights to translate the actual forecast period information into the PeopleSoft Supply Planning forecast buckets.

Forecasted Quantity

This value represents the unconsumed total forecast for the corresponding period from PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables or PeopleSoft Inventory. This field is required.

Use the Net Forecast page (PL_FCSTFULFILL_DMD) to review adjusted forecast details.


Select any value in the Adjusted Forecast Quantity field on the Forecast Fulfillment Summary page.

Field or Control


Family Forecast

Select to indicate that the forecast was allocated to the item as a result of a planning BOM or aggregate demand relationship.

Forecast Date/Time

Displays the current date PeopleSoft Supply Planning intends to fulfill the outstanding forecast demand.

Original Date/Time

Displays the date that the forecast consumption process intended the outstanding forecast demand be fulfilled.

Forecasted Quantity

Displays the portion of the net forecast quantity for the date specified.


Select to change the status of the forecast to frozen; the solvers do not delay or cancel net forecast quantities that have been frozen.

Priority Rank

Displays a numeric value ranging from 1 (highest priority) to 999 (lowest priority) used by the planning engine to determine the order in fulfilling various independent demands, which include forecast demand. The priority 0 is reserved for the system.

Note: You cannot enter the value 0 in the Forecast Priority Rank field.

Include Quantity

Select to include the forecast in all of the planning functions. The system populates this field by default.

This option enables you to load a forecast in PeopleSoft Supply Planning and ignore the forecast during simulations. If you do not include the forecast quantity, the forecast appears on the net forecast maintenance page only; the forecast quantity does not appear on workbenches or reports and is ignored by solvers.


Select and click the Save button to cancel the forecast.

Note: Updates to the net forecast are not reflected in the solution until the next solver run.