Refining Plan Definition Details

This topic provides an overview of items in PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Business Units Page


Review all of the inventory business units associated with a planning instance.

Review Business Unit Calendars Page


Maintain manufacturing, shipping, and receiving calendars. Manufacturing calendars display the times that the business unit or work centers are available for production. Shipping and receiving calendars display times that the business unit is open to ship or receive inventory. For a specific calendar, you can navigate to a specific day to view the valid times for the day on the Daily Calendar page.

Calendars Page


Change, add, and delete manufacturing, receiving, and shipping calendar times.

Changing calendar times does not automatically reschedule supply or demand.

Items Page


Maintain general item information for an item in a planning instance.

Items - Attributes Page


Review item attribute information for an item in a planning instance.

Items - Forecast Page


Maintain item forecast information for an item in a planning instance.

Items - Quantity On Hand Page


Maintain the quantity on-hand information for an item in a planning instance.

Items - Stocking Periods Page


Maintain the stocking period information for an item in a planning instance.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning obtains all of the item information from the PL_BU_ITEMS table, which contains the combined data from the business unit item and the planning item definitions in the transaction system. PeopleSoft Supply Planning supports inventory items (configured and nonconfigured), planning items, and phantom items. The system includes items in a planning instance when the item is associated with one of the business units in the business unit group; when the item has a planned by option defined as a distribution, master, or material plan; when the item has a source code defined as make, buy, or planning; an when the item has a status defined as active, hold, or discontinue.

Inventory Items

Inventory items include demand and supply transactions and quantities on hand in the planning instance. PeopleSoft Supply Planning obtains attributes for inventory items from the transaction system and stores the attributes with the planning instance on the PL_BU_ITEMS table. You can generate new planned supply for inventory items, as defined by the options that you defined for the item on the sourcing template.

The system obtains the quantity on hand for each inventory item during the Load Planning Instance process (PL_LOAD_OPT). PeopleSoft Supply Planning calculates quantity on hand by summing the quantity available, quantity reserved, staged inventory quantities (interface and staged item quantities), quarantined quantities, and quantities shipped but not depleted.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning generates planned transfers or purchase orders (POs) for configuration-coded items only if these are valid sourcing options for the configurable item. The system assumes that you ran the Submit Production Request process (CP_PRDN_RQST ) to generate the configured production supply prior to running the Load Planning Instance process.

Planning Items

Planning items are noninventoried items used to define families for forecasting. Planning items cannot have individual transactions and do not use quantity on hand. PeopleSoft Supply Planning allocates forecasts for planning items to components of the planning items as defined on the planning bill of material (BOM) for the item.

Phantom Items

Phantom items are built but rarely stocked before they are used in the manufacturing process. In PeopleSoft Supply Planning, supply and demand transactions can exist with quantity on hand for phantom items. PeopleSoft Supply Planning explodes a phantom item BOM when the phantom item exists as a component on another BOM. If supply and demand exist directly for the phantom item, PeopleSoft Supply Planning nets the requirements and generates supply for the phantom item as necessary, using the sourcing template options that you defined for the phantom item.

Use the Review Business Units page (PL_BU) to review all of the inventory business units associated with a planning instance.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Review Business Units

Field or Control



Select to indicate that the associated business unit is defined in the business unit group.

The Load Planning Instance process includes business units needed for transfer order relationships that are not specifically defined in the business unit group. The Load Planning Instance process does not load items for non-primary business units into the planning instance.

Reverse Quarantine Quantity

Select to indicate that on-hold quantities are considered part of the quantity on hand.

Always Open for Shipping

Select to indicate that no closure calendars exist for shipping and the business unit can ship on all of the days and at all times. PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not create a corresponding shipping calendar in the planning instance when you select this option.

Available Inventory Balances

Select to indicate that the planning instance includes inventory balances from the transaction system.

If this option is not selected, the system sets all of the quantity on-hand values in the planning instance for the item and business unit combination to zero.

Always Open for Receiving

Select to indicate that no closure calendars exist for receiving and that the business unit can receive on all of the days and at all times. When you select this option, PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not create a corresponding receiving calendar in the planning instance.

Manufacturing Business Unit

If selected, indicates that the associated business unit is used for production.

Calendar Code

Displays the manufacturing calendar for the business unit

Round Component Demand

Select to round the component demand when generating planned orders.

BOM Explosion Date

Indicates whether the production components added to an order are based on the production start or end date.

Allow Substitution

Select to indicate that the solvers can fulfill the production component demand of an item with the available supply of a defined substitute.

Create Substitute Supply

Select to indicate that the solvers can create new supply for substitute components to resolve constraints. If you do not select this option, the substitute algorithm can use on-hand quantities only.

This option is available only when you select Allow Substitution for the business unit.

Check Substitute First

Select to indicate that the solvers can attempt to use substitute components before using alternate sourcing options. If you do not select this option, the solver checks alternate sourcing options before using substitutes to resolve a constraint failure.

This option is available only when you select Allow Substitution for the business unit.

Use the Calendars page (PL_SHIFT_CAL) to maintain manufacturing, shipping, and receiving calendars.

Manufacturing calendars display the times that the business unit or work centers are available for production. Shipping and receiving calendars display times that the business unit is open to ship or receive inventory. For a specific calendar, you can navigate to a specific day to view the valid times for the day on the Daily Calendar page.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Calendars

Field or Control


Always Open for Shipping

Select to indicate that no closure calendars exist for shipping, and the business unit can ship on all of the days and at all times. PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not create a corresponding shipping calendar in the planning instance when you select this option.

Always Open for Receiving

Select to indicate that no closure calendars exist for receiving and that the business unit can receive on all of the days and at all times. When you select this option, PeopleSoft Supply Planning does not create a corresponding receiving calendar in the planning instance.

Use the Calendars page, which displays the times open or available per day (click the date on any calendar from the Review Business Unit Calendars or the date from the Calendars page to display the daily calendar).

The yellow calendar day indicates the current date. Grey calendar days fall outside of the month that currently appears.

Click the date on any calendar day to access the Daily Calendar page, where you can change, add, and delete calendar times.

Use the Items page (PL_BU_ITEMS_HDR) to maintain general item information for an item in a planning instance.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Items

Field or Control


Item Early Fence Date

Enter a value that falls between the planning instance start and end dates. This field is required.

Planned By

Displays the planned-by value defined in the transaction system item definition.

Standard UOM (standard unit of measure)

Displays the standard UOM defined for the item in the transaction system. The system displays all of the quantities in PeopleSoft Supply Planning in the standard UOM for the item.

Fixed Period (days)

Displays the number of days that the system looks ahead for demand when determining the amount of supply covered by an order.

Low Level Code

A number that identifies the lowest level in the supply chain at which a particular item appears. The system does not calculate net requirements for a given item until all of the gross requirements have been calculated down to that level. The system assigns a low level code of -1 to indicate that the low-level code has not been calculated and -999 to indicate the low-level coder could not be calculated. You can calculate low-level codes when running the solvers.

Planning Item Precision

Represents the decimal precision for quantities in the standard UOM.

Reference Routing Item

Displays the item whose production routing the system uses when generating new planned production.

Average Order Quantity

Displays the average order quantity defined in the transaction system, often represented by the batch or lot size used to supply the item.

Inventory Item

Select to indicate that this item is a finished good, a component of a manufactured assembly, a subassembly, buildable inventory, a purchased component, or a raw material.

Phantom Item

Select to indicate that the associated item is a phantom item. The system uses these items to drive demand straight through the phantom to the BOM components, which eventually become inventory items. Phantom items can have quantity on hand and individual transactions for supply and demand.


Select to indicate that the item is being discontinued. The system displays a discontinue date when you select this option. It plans no further supply for an item beyond this date.

Lot for Lot

Select to indicate that the item has no order modifiers. Solvers attempt pegging and quantity matching between demands and supplies when you select this option.

Configuration Code Generation

A non-active field that is related to a deprecated product.

Rounding Rule

Displays the rounding method that the system applies to calculations not involving yield.

Use the Items - Attributes page (PL_BU_ITEMS_ATTR) to review item attribute information for an item in a planning instance.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Items

Field or Control



Displays the primary buyer for the item. The system uses this default hierarchy when selecting a value:

  • Item business unit.

  • Item purchase attribute.

  • Item category.

  • PO loader defaults.

Use the Items - Forecast page (PL_BU_ITEMS_FCST) to maintain item forecast information for an item in a planning instance.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Items

Field or Control


Demand Fence Date

A time fence before which the forecast demand for the item is not considered (or consumed) by the planning engine. Any value that you enter must fall between the planning instance start and end dates. This is a required field.

Solvers consider only actual orders as demand before this fence.

Forecast Fulfillment Size

Displays the standard quantity used to break large forecast demand into smaller forecast tasks. When the forecast demand of a planning period cannot be met completely, the planning engine determines which smaller forecast tasks can be delayed or canceled, thereby satisfying part of the forecast demand while maintaining plan feasibility. If you do not define this value (or use the default value 0), the system creates a single forecast task for the forecast demand of the item in that planning period.

Forecast Priority Rank

Displays a numeric value ranging from 1 (highest priority) to 999 (lowest priority) used by the planning engine to determine the order in fulfilling various independent demands, which include forecast demand. The priority 0 is reserved for the system.

Note: You cannot enter the value 0 in the Forecast Priority Rank field.

Forecast Adjustment Action

Displays the adjustment method used by forecast consumption when allocating forecasts from larger periods (typically, forecasts from PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables) to smaller periods (typically, planning periods used in PeopleSoft Supply Planning). The system uses No Adjustment as the default value.

Weight Profile

Displays the PeopleSoft weight profile that the system uses to convert the forecast periods in PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables into daily intervals for establishing the forecast buckets in PeopleSoft Supply Planning. The Load Planning Instance process will assign a default weight profile if PeopleSoft Publish Forecast tables are not used or a weight profile is not defined for PeopleSoft calendars.

Explode Demand for Consumption

Select to indicate that the system explodes sales order demand or transfer demand through lower levels for the item for forecast consumption.

Aggregate Demand

Select to identify the item as representing a group of items for forecast consumption. For an aggregate demand item, you establish aggregate demand children. The forecast for the aggregate demand children is rolled up to one demand total for the aggregate demand item. Forecast consumption is then performed at the aggregate-item level rather than at the individual-item level. You can identify both planning items and inventory items as aggregate demand items.

Forecast Consumption Method

Identify which demands are included in forecast consumption.

Use the Items - Quantity On Hand page (PL_BU_ITEMS_QOH) to maintain the quantity on-hand information for an item in a planning instance.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Items

Field or Control


Base Currency

Displays the currency of the planning instance. Define the base currency of a planning instance on the Load Planning Instance - General page.

Unit Cost

Displays the primary ledger unit cost for an item converted into the base currency of the planning instance.

Quantity on Hand Date/Time

Displays the date and time at which the quantity fields were populated during the Load Planning Instance process.

Quantity Available

The available quantity of the business unit, which represents a subset of the quantity on hand, reflecting the total item quantity that can be used to fulfill demand. If soft reservations processing is in effect for the item, the Quantity Available field contains the total item quantity that can be reserved for orders by the Material Reservations process (INPLDMND), or through the Material Stock Reservations component. If soft reservations processing is not in effect, this field reflects the total item quantity you can include on push picking plans or confirmed as picked by the Picking Confirmation process (INPBCONF). Once quantity is soft reserved for the business unit or allocated from a specific storage location, the quantity available for the business unit is decreased and the quantity reserved is increased.

Quantity Reserved

If soft reservations processing is selected, this field represents the total item quantity reserved or hard allocated for all demand lines within the business unit that have not yet been depleted. If soft reservations is not selected, this field represents the total quantity allocated from specific storage locations for all demand lines in the business unit that have been confirmed but not yet depleted. The Quantity Reserved field value also includes nettable, available work in progress (WIP) quantity, regardless of whether soft reservation processing is in effect.

Staged Interface Quantity

Displays the quantity received, but not staged for putaway in inventory.

Staged Item Quantity

Displays the quantity staged but not putaway.

Quarantine Quantity

Displays the quantities in storage areas that are on hold or restricted. The Load Planning Instance process populates this value only if the you selected the Reverse Quarantine Quantity option for the business unit.

Shipped Not Depleted Quantity

Displays the quantity which has been recorded as shipped but has not been physically depleted from the inventory balance of the item.

Inventory Quantity On Hand

Displays the sum of the quantity available, the quantity reserved, the staged interface quantity, the staged item quantity, and the quarantine quantity, minus the shipped not depleted quantity.


Select to indicate that the quantity on hand was manually overridden in the planning instance.


If you change the inventory quantity on hand, click to reset the quantity on hand to its original value.

Projected Useup Quantity On Hand

Displays the remaining quantity on hand for a phase-out item at the useup date.

Note: This option is only available if the item has an affiliated phase-out attribute.

Use the Items - Stocking Periods page (PL_SAFETY_STK) to maintain the stocking period information for an item in a planning instance.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Definitions > Items

Field or Control


Start Date and End Date

Defines the period for which the corresponding safety and excess stock information are established in PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Safety Limit

Displays the minimum quantity on hand you want to maintain to satisfy unexpected requirements.

Excess Limit

Displays the maximum quantity on hand you want to maintain to satisfy unexpected requirements. Any value that you enter in this field must be greater than the value defined in the Safety Limit field.