Refining Production Control Factors

Note: Planned production orders in PeopleSoft Supply Planning are orders that have not been committed in the transaction system. The Planned Production component enables you to maintain planned production created by the solvers or planned production that you created manually. You can add or delete planned production in the Planned Production component.

The Production component enables you to maintain production from the transaction system. You cannot add or delete production orders in the Production component.

Page Name

Definition Name


Production - Production Page


Review and maintain general production order parameters.

Production - Operations Page


Review and maintain operation details and attributes for production orders.

Production - Resources Page


Review the machines, crews, and tools used by the production ID. You can include this information on the Detail Resource report.

Production - Times Page


Review and maintain operation time details for production orders.

Production - Components Page


Review and maintain production order component details.

Production - Outputs Page


Review and maintain production order output details.

Planned Production - Production Page


Review and maintain general planned production order parameters.

Production - Production Page

Planned Production - Operations Page


Review and maintain operation details and attributes for planned production orders.

Production - Operations Page

Planned Production - Times Page


Review and maintain operation time details for planned production orders.

Production - Times Page

Planned Production - Resources Page


Review the machines, crews, and tools used by the production ID. You can include this information on the Detail Resource report.

Production - Resources Page

Planned Production - Components Page


Review and maintain planned production order component details.

Production - Components Page

Planned Production - Outputs Page


Review and maintain planned production order output details.

Production - Outputs Page

Field or Control


Configuration Code

A non-active field that is related to a deprecated product.


This value appears by default from the task and determines the basis of the scheduling. Values are:

Labor Time: The start and due date of the operation can be based on the operation's labor time (labor intensive).

Machine Time: The start and due date of the operation can be based on the operation's machine time (machine intensive).

Longest: The start and due date can be based on the longest of the two times, evaluated for each time type in the operation.

For example, suppose that labor setup is 7 minutes, machine setup is 10 minutes, labor run is 20 minutes, machine run is 25 minutes, labor fixed run is 11 minutes, and machine fixed run is 7 minutes, the total operation time would be machine setup (10) + machine run (25) + labor fixed run (11) = 36 minutes.

Cumulative: The start and due date can also be based on the sum of the machine and labor time.

Operation Overlap % (operation overlap percentage)

Displays the percentage of processing time remaining at one operation before the next operation can start. An overlap percentage of 100 percent means that the next operation can start at the same time as the current operation. An overlap percentage of 5 percent means that 95 percent of the operation must be completed before the next can start. Operation overlap cannot be less than 0 percent or more than 100 percent, and there can be no overlap on the last routing operation sequence or prior to a subcontracted operation. However, the supplier can send the end item back in multiple shipments. Therefore, you can define operation overlap for a subcontracted operation.

Operation Sequence

Displays where you need the components in the manufacturing process. PeopleSoft Production Management uses the work center associated with each operation and the WIP location associated with each work center to determine where to deliver components. The component's issue method in combination with the operation sequence determines when and where the material is delivered and how the system updates inventory in the WIP location or the issue quantity on the component list. When the system sets the operation sequence to zero or an invalid operation sequence is specified, it is assumed that the component item is to be used at the first operation.

Original Start Date/Time and Original End Date/Time

Displays the date and time that the transaction system intends to start and end the operation.

Production ID

Displays the unique ID assigned to a production order or schedule in PeopleSoft Production Management.

Production Type

Specifies the production type. Values are:

  • Production: Used for regular manufacturing. The system uses the production BOM to determine the material that needs to be issued and consumed. The BOM is also used as the basis for valuation and for calculating cost variances. In addition, the system uses the specified production routing for the end item to determine the operations that are necessary to manufacture the end item.

  • Rework: Used when you need to do additional or repair work on a completed end item. In this case, the system can use a rework BOM to issue and consume material when you have a standard rework process that requires additional components. Whether or not you have a rework BOM, the system automatically adds the end item being reworked to the component list when you release the rework production ID. The system automatically applies the kit issue method to the end item being reworked when the component list is created. You can add other components to the component list as needed to repair or rework the end item, and the system uses the issue method set at the production area and item level for each component.

  • Teardown: Used when you need to break an end item down into its component parts and return the components to inventory. The system does not use a BOM for teardown production but issues the completed end item as the component. You designate the component parts that result from tearing down the end item as teardown outputs on the output list.

Send Ahead Quantity

Displays the number of units that must be accumulated or finished before they can be sent to the next operation and the next operation can begin. The send ahead quantity must be a positive number. Whether a whole number or a decimal appears depends on the item's UOM and quantity precision combination that was defined in PeopleSoft Inventory. For example, suppose that item ID A0007 has a UOM of EA and a Natural Round whole number combination, then you can only enter whole numbers.


Displays the planning sequence number that the system assigned to track planned orders during the planning cycle.

This field appears in the Planned Production component only.

Work Center

Work center where the operation step and tasks are performed.

Use the Production - Production page (PL_PRD_HEADER) to review and maintain general production order parameters.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Production Control > Production

Field or Control


Show Supply

Click the Show Supply button to access the Show Supply page. You use the page to view details about the planning instance that includes the order details.

Show Demand

Click the Show Demand button to access the Show Demand page where you can review the order and order type and the due date for the production.

Status and Plan Status

Indicates where the production ID or production schedule is in the production cycle. Values are:

  • Canceled: This status cancels existing production quantities associated with a production ID. You can cancel production if the production status is Entered, Firmed, or Released. You cannot cancel a production ID with subcontracted operations if a PO has been generated against the production ID.

    You can change this status back to its original status, or to any status available to the original status. For example, if the original status was Firmed, you can change the Canceled status to Firmed or Released.

  • Entered: The system recognizes a production ID's quantity, start date, and due date, but the order has no operation list or component list. PeopleSoft Supply Planning considers Entered production IDs and production schedules as supply, but does not plan for operations or components. In addition, the system creates a display-only output list for Entered production. If production is for a single output item, an output list is generated with the end item listed as the primary item.

    You can change this status to Firmed, Released, or Canceled.

    This field value does not apply to planned production.

  • Firmed: A firmed production ID or production schedule has a quantity, start date, and due date, but the BOM and routing are frozen and the component and operation lists exist. In addition, the output list also exists and can be changed. You cannot generate a picking plan for a firmed order.

    You can change this status to Released or Canceled only.

  • In Process: When you have recorded production transactions such as issuing or consuming components and recording completions, scrap, or actual hours, the system automatically changes the production status to In Process.

    You can change this status to Canceled only.

    This field value does not apply to planned production.

  • Released: Production has a component list, an operation list, and an output, all of which can be modified. Additionally, each operation's start date, due date, and time are determined. Once released, changing a production ID can result in the deletion of the existing component list and operation list. The lists are then re-added, based on the new information associated with the production ID.

    You can change this status to Canceled only.

    This field value does not apply to planned production.

Production Area

Displays the production area where the process identifier (PID) is currently scheduled to be completed.

This field does not appear on the Planned Production component.

BOM Code

Displays the BOM used to generate the initial component list for the production order.

Routing Code

Displays the routing identifier used to generate the initial operation list for the production order.

Reference Routing Item

Displays the item whose routing is used to manufacture the end item. Each assembly item may have its own unique primary and alternate routings or reference another item's primary and alternate routings.

Start Date/Time and End Date/Time

Displays the beginning and completion dates and times for the production. You can reschedule the start and end dates.

Note: If you change the production start or end date, the system must reschedule all of the operations.

Start Quantity

Displays the quantity of the end item to be started in the production process. You can change the production start or end quantity.

Original Start Quantity andOriginal End Quantity

Displays the original start and end amounts for the production.

End Quantity

Displays the quantity of the end item that is expected at the end of production. It is adjusted for scrap and yield.

Completed Quantity

Indicates whether assemblies have been completed to stock, routed to another WIP location, or issued directly to another production ID.

This field does not appear on the Planned Production component.

Scrapped Qty (scrapped quantity)

Displays the number of assemblies that have been scrapped in the process.

This field does not appear on the Planned Production component.

Priority Rank

The system formats production priority rank based on the highest priority demand to which the production order or planned production order provides supply.


Select to change the order to frozen; the system does not reschedule or cancel frozen production orders during the solver process.

Frozen Substitutes

Select to prevent the solvers from suggesting substitutes for this production or planned production order.

Include Quantity

Select to include the production order in all of the planning functions. The system populates this field by default.

This option enables you to load an order in PeopleSoft Supply Planning and ignore the order during simulations.

If you do not include the quantity, the production order appears on the corresponding maintenance page only; the order does not appear on workbenches or reports and is ignored by solvers.


Select to approve an order manually. The system sends the production order back to the transaction system as an approved order. The production order bypasses the approval logic in the Post Updates process when committing the plan.

Use the Production - Operations page (PL_PRD_OPERATIONS) to review and maintain operation details and attributes for production orders.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Production Control > Production

Operation Summary

Select the Operation Summary tab.

Field or Control


Planning Start Date/Time

Displays the current date PeopleSoft Supply Planning intends to begin the operation.

Note: If you change the operation date and time, the system must reschedule all of the operations and production header date and times.

Planning End Date/Time

Displays the current date PeopleSoft Supply Planning intends to finish the operation.

Note: If you change the operation date and time, the system must reschedule all of the operations and production header date and times.

Ignore Capacity

Select to ignore the operation when consuming capacity against the work center.

Assembly Starts

Displays the number of assemblies started for the operation.

Expected Completions

Displays the number of assemblies expected to complete at the corresponding operation based on yield for the operation.

Operation Yield % (operation yield percentage)

Displays a percent of the quantity of goods expected to complete the production process.

PeopleSoft Supply Planning considers operation yield to increment the supply by the expected loss to meet demand at the completion of the manufacturing process.


Select the Details tab.

Field or Control


Quantity Completed and Through

Displays the number of assemblies that completed the operation successfully.

Quantity Scrapped

Displays the number of assemblies that were scrapped at the operation.

Operation Completed

Select to indicate that the operation is complete.

Field or Control


Original Start Date/Time andOriginal End Date/Time

Display the originally scheduled start and end dates and times for the operation.

Note: The Details tab does not appear on the Planned Production component.


Select the Attributes tab.

Field or Control



Select to complete the operation in a single run with no down time. For example, suppose that a plant operates Monday through Friday, this operation cannot start Friday afternoon and complete the following Monday.


Select to subcontract the operation.

Use the Production - Resources page (PL_PRD_RESRC) to review the machines, crews, and tools used by the production ID.

You can include this information on the Detail Resource report.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Production Control > Production

Field or Control


Crew Size

Displays the number of people in a given crew for the operation

Machine Resources

Displays the number of machines used at the operation

Resource Type

Displays the type of resource used. Valid resources are primary or alternate machine, crew, or tool.


Displays the machine, crew, or tool code, as well as the description.


Displays the availability of a resource for this work center.

Quantity Used

Displays the number of tools used at the operation. This option applies to tools only.

Use the Production - Times page (PL_PRD_TIMES) to review and maintain operation time details for production orders.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Production Control > Production

Field or Control


Type and Resource Type

Displays a value that appears by default from the routing information. Values are: Setup, Fixed, Run, Post Production, and In Transit.

Operation Time

Used in conjunction with the time unit, defines the amount of time to complete one unit.

Time Unit

Displays the unit of time for the corresponding operation time. For example, suppose that 5 appears in the Operation Time field, and Days appears in the Time Unit field, then the operation completes one unit every five days. The system determines the number of hours in a day by the work center's average daily hours, which are defined on the Work Center Definition page.

Operation Rate

Used in conjunction with the rate unit, defines the rate at which operations are completed.

Rate Unit

Displays the unit of time for the corresponding operation rate. For example, suppose that 3 appears in the Operation Rate field, and Units/Day appears in the Rate Unit field, the operation completes three units every day.

Include Setup

Select to indicate that the system considers setup in the operation lead time calculation. If you elected to include setup, the setup time is factored into the task or operation's lead time. The system always considers setup in the lead time calculation of the first operation, if setup is specified, regardless of the check box setting. This option applies only to planning labor setup and planning machine setup operation types.

If this option is not selected, setup can begin prior to any production units arriving at the work center. The system assumes that setup can occur at any time after the start of production and does not include it as part of the item's lead time, except at the first operation.

Use the Production - Components page (PL_PRD_COMPONENTS) to review and maintain production order component details.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Production Control > Production

Common Information

Field or Control


Component ID

Indicates the name of the component being used in the corresponding operation sequence.

Note: Components cannot be substituted once an issue or scrap has occurred. Substitutions always occur for the original component and not the current component.

Component Summary

Select the Component Summary tab.

Field or Control


Original Component ID

Displays the original component from the BOM that the system uses to create the component list. When the component ID and the original component ID do not share the same value, a substitution has occurred.

Scheduled Quantity

Displays the number of assemblies scheduled for production for the corresponding operation sequence.

Remaining Quantity

Displays the outstanding demand for the component at a particular operation sequence.

Note: Remaining quantity applies only to existing production orders and schedules. For planned production, the scheduled quantity and remaining quantity are the same.

For all orders other than orders in process, the system calculates outstanding demand using the CURR_SCHED_QTY.

For orders that are in process orders:

  • If the issue method is KIT or if the quantity code is ORD, the system calculates these outstanding demand codes:

    • Sets the demand quantity equal to CURR_SCHED_QTY.

    • Calculates the expected yield for the component using this equation: CURR_SCHED_QTY * (1 – YIELD/100)

    • Compares the result against the YIELD_QTY.

      Subtracts the smaller of the two from the demand quantity.

    • Subtracts the ISSUE_QTY from the demand quantity.

    • Compares the demand quantity against the sum of PEND_CONSUME_QTY + PEND_LOSS_QTY.

      If the sum of the pending quantities is greater than the demand quantity, the system uses the pending quantities as the demand quantity.

  • Otherwise, the system calculates the outstanding demand quantity as: (NEW_PRDN_QTY – QTY_COMP_AND_THRU – QTY_SCRAPPED) * SF_QTY_PER * (100/YIELD) + PEND_CONSUME_QTY + PEND_LOSS_QTY

Note: The system determines QTY_COMP_AND_THRU and QTY_SCRAPPED by analyzing the operation list associated with the component list. If the operation sequence of the component is equal to zero, or if the operation sequence is not a valid operation list sequence, the system obtains these two quantities from the first operation for the assembly item. If the operation sequence of the component has a valid operation list sequence, the system obtains QTY_COMP_AND_THRU from that operation list sequence. In this case, QTY_SCRAPPED is equal to the sum of QTY_SCRAPPED from all prior operations. If no operation lists exist for the production ID, the system uses quantities from the production ID header. The system sets QTY_COMP_AND_THRU equal to COMPLETED_QTY and sets QTY_SCRAPPED equal to SCRAP_QTY.


Select the Quantities tab.

Field or Control



Displays the number of components required based on per assembly or per order.


Displays the component requirements, expressed as an amount per assembly with a unit of 1 or per order, an amount regardless of the order size.


Displays the expected percentage of usable components in a batch of components issued to production.

Issue Quantity

For components using the issue or replenishment material issue method, displays the quantity consumed from the WIP location for the component and is charged to work in process. For components using the kit method, this is the quantity issued directly to the production ID.

Yield Loss Quantity

Displays the quantity scrapped during the end item process and consumed from the WIP location.

Pending Issue Quantity

Displays the quantity used based on the quantity completed at the operation multiplied by the quantity per assembly. If the component's quantity is expressed as per order, this is the per order quantity. The per order quantity is completely consumed at the first backflush. This quantity has not yet been consumed from the WIP location due to material shortages.

Pending Yield Loss Quantity

Displays the quantity of components scrapped during the end item process but not yet consumed from the WIP location due to material shortages.

Note: Substitutes require the system to recalculate the quantity per and current scheduled quantity.

Note: The Quantities tab does not appear on the Planned Production component. However, some fields on this tab appear on the Planned Production Component Summary tab.


Select the Details tab.

Field or Control


Component Issue Method

Indicates how the end item's components are issued for production. Values are:

  • Issue: Use picking plans to translate requested stock into material picking instructions for stockroom processing.

  • Kit Method: Issue material directly to a production ID rather than to the WIP location, thus preventing other orders from using the material.

  • Replenish Method: Use when you want only a fixed quantity to sit on the shop floor (especially when space is a constraint) or when there are items that do not need to be allocated to specific orders or to a production run.

  • Component Issue: The system looks at the component's issue method defined at the business unit and item level to determine how to issue the component to the shop floor.

Note: The Details tab does not appear on the Planned Production component.

Use the Production - Outputs page (PL_PRD_OUTPUTS) to review and maintain production order output details.


Supply Planning > Refine Plan > Production Control > Production

Common Information

Field or Control


Output Type

Displays the type of output associated with the BOM. Values include Primary, Co-product, Recycle, Teardown, and Waste.

  • Primary: If you have only one output on this BOM, then it is the primary output.

  • Co-product: An item that is produced as part of the manufacturing process along with the primary output. It shares the cost of the process, and there may be independent demand in PeopleSoft Supply Planning for this item. Orange juice and orange concentrate are examples of co-products.

  • Waste: A by-product can be a waste product that needs to be disposed.

    Recycle: A by-product that can be used as an input to other processes. The by-product is incidental to the process and has a relief (negative) cost for recycle by-products or a disposal (positive) cost for waste by-products.

    Waste by-products might not have cost associated with them. Usually, there is no independent demand for by-products. Orange pulp is an example of recycle by-products.

Output Item

The item must be an existing, inventory, and standard costed item. Output items cannot be floor stock or expense items.

Output Summary Tab

Select the Output Summary tab.

Field or Control


Remaining Quantity

Outstanding supply for the co-product and by-product. Calculated as Scheduled Quantity - Completed Quantity.

Resource % (resource percentage)

Displays the resource allocation percentage. This field indicates the percent of the BOM quantity each co-product represents. It is used during completions to determine what percentage of the components should be consumed for each co-product and primary item.

This field does not appear on the Planned Production component.


Select the Details tab.

Field or Control



Displays the component requirements, expressed as an amount per assembly with a unit of 1, or per order, an amount regardless of the order size.

Scheduled Quantity

Displays the quantity expected from the production reduced by production scrap.

Completed Quantity

Displays the number of assemblies completed.

This field does not appear on the Planned Production component.

Inventory Pegging

Select the Inventory Pegging tab.

Field or Control


Peg Status

Displays the pegging status of the line item.

  • Unpegged: This line item does not have pegged demand.

  • Open: This line item is pegged to demand that has yet to be fulfilled.

  • Completed: This line item is pegged to demand that has been fulfilled.

Field or Control


Peg Details

Click the link to display the pegged demand information. This column will only be available if the Peg Status is Open or Completed.