Reviewing Production Control Post Errors

This topic discusses how to review Production Control Post Errors

Page Name

Definition Name


Review Production Post Errors - Search Page


Define the search criteria for the production control post errors that you want to review.

Review Production Post Errors - Production Errors Page


View the production control errors that occurred from the Post Updates process.

Use the Review Production Post Errors - Search page (PL_PROD_EXCPT_SRCH) to define the search criteria for the production control post errors that you want to review.


Supply Planning > Commit Plan > Production Control > Review Production Post Errors > Search

Select the search criteria for the production post errors that you want to view. Select a unit or plan unit group; order type, and at least one error type.

Error Type

Field or Control



Select this check box to view cancellation, deletion, and closure errors that occurred in PeopleSoft Production Management and are associated with the search criteria that you selected.

Calendar Violation

Select this check box to view errors pertaining to calendar violations—order dates that are not valid for the manufacturing calendar or a five day work week—associated with the search criteria that you selected.

No Production Area

Select this check box to view errors pertaining to no production area—the item on the order does not have a valid production area—associated with the search criteria that you selected.

Order Changed

Select this check box to view order change errors associated with the search criteria that you selected. The order in PeopleSoft Production Management changes after being loaded into PeopleSoft Supply Planning.

Pick Plan Generated

Select this check box to view pick plan errors associated with the search criteria that you selected. The pick plan has already been generated for the order; therefore, you cannot apply changes.


Select this check box to view tolerance errors that are associated with the search criteria that you selected.

When you run the Post Updates process, you can decide how the system should handle the updates pertaining to the reschedule of orders that are within tolerance. One option is to post an error if the reschedule update is invalid.

See Posting PeopleSoft Supply Planning Updates to the Transaction System.

Illegal Substitution

Select this check box to view illegal substitution errors associated with the search criteria that you selected. The component substitute does not appear on the bill of materials as a valid substitute.

No Routing

Select this check box to view no routing errors associated with the search criteria that you selected. The production operation does not exist on the routing for the item on the order.

Previously Converted

Select this check box to view previously converted errors that are associated with the search criteria that you selected.

These type of errors occur if, for example, a planned production order is created but not applied before it is brought back into PeopleSoft Supply Planning. The next time that you run the Post Updates process, the planned production order may have already been converted into an actual production order from the last run. This may cause a doubling of the orders in the system.

Open Pegs

Select to include updates to orders that are pegged to unfulfilled demand.

Quantity Change

Select to view quantity change errors associated with the search criteria that you selected. The system changes the production order status to In Process. Quantity change for production orders with a status of In Process are flagged as error.

Use the Review Production Post Errors - Production Errors page (PL_PROD_EXCEPT_SPL) to view the production control errors that occurred from the Post Updates process.


Supply Planning > Commit Plan > Production Control > Review Production Post Errors > Production Errors

When this page initially appears, it includes all of the post errors that meet the selection criteria. You can view more information pertaining to the error by selecting the different tabs— Details, Quantity, Dates, Inventory Pegging, and Substitution.

Field or Control


Message Text

Displays error message text associated with each post error. Messages are:

  • A Pick Plan Has Been Generated for This Order - Must Resolve Pick Plan.

  • Cannot be Applied Due to Cancel, Delete, or Close.

  • Cannot be Applied Due to Order Change.

  • Invalid Calendar Date/Time for Production Header.

  • Invalid Calendar Date/Time for Production Operation.

  • Invalid Component Substitution at Operation.

  • Order was Rescheduled Within Tolerance.

  • Planned Order was Previously Converted.

  • Production Area Does Not Exist for Business Unit/Item/BOM/Routing.

  • Production Operation Does Not Exist On Routing.

  • Cannot Apply Quantity Change because Production is In Process.