Showing Supply and Demand

This topic provides an overview of supply and demand display relationships, and discusses how to review supply and demand for an order.

Page Name

Definition Name


Show Supply or Show Demand Page


On the Show Demand page, view a list of orders that are to use the items supplied from the selected order. On the Show Supply page, view a list of orders, the outputs of which are to be used to satisfy the demands of the selected order.

Visibility to the relationship between supply and demand enables you to determine which supplies are impacted by a demand change and which demands are impacted by a supply change. Additionally, this information provides visibility into the overall production process, enabling you to determine the raw materials used for the finished product, even when multiple production orders are interspersed between procurement and final assembly.

When showing supply or showing demand, PeopleSoft Supply Planning dynamically creates supply and demand relationship information using a first in, first out (FIFO) netting approach.

Note: Show Supply and Show Demand inquiry pages are not intended to be used to predict how a solver creates a planning solution. PeopleSoft Supply Planning solvers do not view supply and demand through pegged relationships.

Note: TheShow Supply and Show Demand buttons are available whenever you review a specific order on a page within PeopleSoft Supply Planning. The Show Demand button appears for sales orders, quotes, buying agreements, forecasts, and extra demand. The Show Demand button appears for purchase orders. Both buttons appear for production and transfers.

Show Supply and Show Demand Inquiry Views

PeopleSoft Supply Planning displays supply and demand relationships using single level and indented, multilevel views. On Show Supply inquiries, single level views display only those orders that directly supply the current order. On Show Demand inquiries, single level views display only those orders that are directly supplied by the current order.

On Show Supply inquiries, indented multilevel views display all of the orders that supply materials to the current order. On Show Demand inquiries, indented multilevel views display all of the orders that are supplied directly or indirectly by the current order

Note: Show Supply and Show Demand inquiry pages do not include safety stock demands. PeopleSoft Supply Planning assumes that a future independent demand is to be linked to this supply.

Show Supply and Show Demand Inquiry Sort Order

The primary sort field for all of the supply and demand transactions for an item is the transaction date. Additionally, PeopleSoft Supply Planning uses secondary sorts. The sort order is:

  1. Transaction date and time (earliest to latest).

  2. Priority (highest to lowest).

  3. Quantity (smallest to largest).

  4. A combination of order type and order number or planned sequence number.

Note: PeopleSoft Supply Planning assumes that the quantity on hand for an item is available at the start of time. Consequently, quantity on hand is considered the first supply transaction.

Use the Show Supply, Show Demand page (SPL_SHOW_SUPPLY) to on the Show Demand page, view a list of orders that are to use the items supplied from the selected order.

On the Show Supply page, view a list of orders, the outputs of which are to be used to satisfy the demands of the selected order.


Click the Show Supply or the Show Demand button on any page within PeopleSoft Supply Planning where you can review a specific order.

Note: Information that appears on the page header refers to the order used as the starting point, which is referenced in the Order field at the top of the page.

Field or Control


Remaining Supply

Displays the outstanding remaining supply for the order.

Remaining Demand

Displays the outstanding remaining demand for the order.

Planning Due Date/Time

Displays the date and time that the demand needs to be fulfilled or the date and time that the supply is expected to be in inventory.

Ignore Safety Stock

The setting determines whether Safety Stock should be recognized as a Demand. The Default setting comes from the Safety Stock Option setting for the Planning Instance. However, you can override this setting and refresh the page to get the revised results.

Return To

Click to return to the page from which you accessed the Show Supply or Show Demand page.

Single Level

Click this button to view only those orders that directly supply the current order or that are directly supplied by the current order.

Indented Multi-Level

Click to display all of the orders that contribute to material supply for the current order or all of the orders that are supplied directly or indirectly by the current order. The indented view is a depth-first view based on the bill of material and transfer structures that displays the time-phased netted supply or demand information between related orders where the supply of one item is used to satisfy the demand requirement of another order. Production and transfer orders create this linkage.

The system considers the current order to be at level 0. Levels increase for each step the order is removed from the current order.

When using the indented multilevel view, click the Expand All button to expand the entire view, or click the Collapse All button to collapse the entire view.

Top Level Only

When showing demand, click to display top level demand only, which includes forecasts, sales orders, buying agreements, quotes, extra demand, material stock requests, and item transfers to business units outside of the current planning instance.

Bottom Level Only

When showing supply, click to display bottom level supply only, which consolidates identical supply tasks into one supply task.

Supply/ Demand Type Safety Stock

Displays the description of the order.

Order Details

Displays the show supply and show demand results below the page header. A short description containing the Order type, item ID, order number, and quantity appears to the supply chain. You can click the short description to display more information about the selected order.

Field or Control


Order Type

Displays the order type, if returned as Safety Stock.

Business Unit

Represents the business unit where the demand or supply occurs.

Item ID

On the Show Supply page, this code represents the item that is the output of this supply and required by the order on the previous level.

On the Show Demand page, this code represents the primary output item for production orders. For non-production orders, this code represents the demand item, which matches an item supplied by the previous order.

Required Quantity

Displays the total required quantity for this item, created by the order at the previous level.

Allocated to this Demand

Displays the allocated quantity from the supply that is to be used to satisfy the demand quantity. This field appears only when using show demand.

Demand Quantity

Displays the total demand quantity for the item. This field appears only when using show demand.

Demand Date/Time

Displays the date at which the required quantity is needed. This field appears only when using show demand.

Quantity From This Supply

Displays the allocated quantity from this supply that is to be used to satisfy the demand represented by the required quantity. This field appears only when using show supply.

Supply Quantity

Displays the total supply quantity for the item. This field appears only when using show supply.

Supply Date/Time

Displays the date at which the supply is available. This field appears only when using show supply.