Common Elements Used to Understand Planning Problems

Field or Control


Show Supply

Click the button for an order to access the corresponding Show Supply page, where you can view a list of orders, the outputs of which are used to satisfy the demands of the selected order.

Show Demand

Click the button for an order to access the corresponding Show Demand page, where you can view a list of orders that use the items supplied from the selected order.

Business Unit

When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include in the results only for items or orders associated with a specific business unit. Leave this field blank to include all of the business units associated with the planning instance report layout.


When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include only those items or orders associated with a specific item category.

Configuration Code

A non-active field that is related to a deprecated product.


When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include only those customer orders for the specified customer.

Date Range

Select Use Planning Instance Dates to use the start and end dates defined for the corresponding planning instance. Click the Planning Instance Information button for the start and end dates defined for the planning instance.

You can also define a specific from and to date, or define a number of offset days from the report run date. Use the Offset feature to run the report on an ongoing basis without modifying the run control.

Demand Value Transacted

Select to sort by demand transaction value. Items with the smallest demand transaction valuation appear first in the report list.


When appearing a on search criteria page, select a value to include only those items or orders associated with a specific item family.

Family Forecast

The system populates this field if the forecast was allocated to the item as a result of a planning bill of material (BOM) or aggregate demand relationship (and not directly entered for the item).

When you add a forecast for a planning item, the system associates a forecast type of Forecast with the planning item, and adds forecast types Planning Forecast to the exploded children of the planning item. You can change the quantity of a planning forecast or delete it at any time. If you modify the quantity of a planning forecast, you must rerun forecast consumption to view the results reflected in the net forecast values.

From Date and To Date

The system selects only the criteria in the specified date range. When searching for violations and exceptions, consider:

  • For effectivity date violations and calendar violations, the system counts the exception if the exception date falls in the date range.

  • For inventory policy violations, the system counts the exception only if the occurrence of the error falls within the date range for the corresponding item.

  • For order sizing violations, the system counts the exception if the receipt date is in the date range.

Item Group

When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include only those items or orders associated with a specific item group.

Item ID

When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include in the search results only for the item specified. The value here represents the unique identifier that the system uses to track and retrieve the item. If you do not enter a value here, the system includes all of the items in the business unit that meet the specified search criteria.

Number of Transactions

Select to sort by the number of demand transactions. Items with the fewest demand transactions appear first in the report list.

Number of Units Transacted

Select to sort by the number of units transacted. Items with the fewest units transacted appear first in the report list.

Order Type

When appearing on a search criteria page, select the reschedule information that you want to include in the search results.

On the Planning Reschedule Report page, select the reschedule information that you want to include on the Planning Reschedule report.

Period Selection

Define the period end dates. Values are: Weekly and Monthly.

Planner Code

When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include only those items or orders associated with a specific planner.

Planned By

When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include only those items or orders associated with the specified planned-by types.

Primary Buyer

An item attribute that you establish when you create a planning instance from this hierarchy:

  1. Item Business Unit (PURCH_ITEM_BU.PRIMARY_BUYER).

  2. Item Purchase Attributes (PURCH_ITEM_ATTR.PRIMARY_BUYER).

  3. Item Category (ITM_CAT_TBL.PRIMARY_BUYER).

  4. Purchasing Loader Defaults (PO_LOADER_DFL.BUYER).

Planning Instance

Appears by default from the Installation Options - Planning page or User Preferences page. Planning instance IDs define a complete set of data that controls the items and business units for problem resolutions. Define planning instances on the Planning Instance Definition page. This field is required.


Select Exclude Within Tolerance to exclude all of the reschedule messages within the tolerance defined from the Planning Reschedule report.

Utilization Type

When appearing on a search criteria page, select a value to include only those items or orders associated with a specific item utilization type.

Supplier ID and Location

When appearing on a search criteria page, select values to include only the purchase transactions for the selected supplier and supplier location.