Creating Internal Supplier Excise Invoices Against a BOE

This section discuss how to Create Internal Supplier Excise Invoices Against a BOE:

Page Name

Definition Name


Internal Supplier Excise Invoice Search Page


Select receipt lines for internal supplier excise invoice creation.

Maintain Vndr Excise Invce IND Page(maintain supplier excise invoice IND)


Create and modify internal supplier excise invoices.

Internal supplier excise invoices in Ready and Posted statuses cannot be modified.

Use the Internal Supplier Excise Invoice Search page (EXD_SUP_INV_SRCH) to select receipt lines for internal supplier excise invoice creation.


Access the Maintain Vndr Excise Invce IND page in Add mode.

Click the Select Receipt link on the Internal Supplier Excise Invoice Search page.

Field or Control


Exc Doc Num Sr (excise document number series)

Enter an appropriate excise document number series for BOEs on the prompt page.

Excise Tx Type (excise transaction type)

BOE (bill of entry): As a result of selecting an excise document number series for BOEs, the BOE excise transaction type appears.

When displayed, the Supplier Excise Invoice Search page provides for the search and selection of BOE transactions instead of receipt transactions.

BU From

Enter the business unit associated with the BOE for which you want to create an internal supplier excise invoice.

Bill of Entry

Enter the BOE for which you want to create an internal supplier excise invoice.

Bill of Lading

Enter the bill of lading associated with the BOE for which you want to create an internal supplier excise invoice.

PO Unit

Enter the purchasing business unit associated with the BOE for which you want to create an internal supplier excise invoice.


Enter the purchase order associated with the BOE for which you want to create an internal supplier excise invoice.

Receipt Lines

Lines returned in the Receipt Lines scroll area are BOE lines in Closed status that have not already been assigned to an internal supplier excise invoice line.

Access the Exd Vnd Invoice page (Purchasing, Receipts, Maintain Vndr Excise Invce IND).

Note: All tax amounts that appear on this page reflect customs duty amounts.

Information on the BOE lines that you selected on the search page are copied to the internal supplier excise invoice. The common Customs Duty Determination and Calculation routines are not triggered for internal supplier excise invoices for which the excise transaction type is set to BOE. In addition, the Excise Duty and Sales Tax Determination and Calculation routines are not triggered. You cannot modify invoice line or tax details and the Calculate button is unavailable.

You create an internal supplier excise invoice for a BOE to enable the Register Update process to pick up the recoverable portion of the customs duty on the BOE. The nonrecoverable portion of the customs duty is passed to PeopleSoft Cost Management by the Receiver Interface process (PO_RECVPUSH). For this reason, when the excise transaction type is set to BOE, the nonrecoverable customs duty amount is always set to 0, and therefore the customs duty amount may not be the sum of the recoverable and nonrecoverable customs duty amounts. If the nonrecoverable amount were included on the BOE internal supplier excise invoice, the amount would be posted to the general ledger twice, once through PeopleSoft Cost Management and again through the Register Update process.

Field or Control


Excise Tx Type (excise transaction type)

BOE (bill of entry): As a result of selecting an excise document number series for BOEs, the BOE excise transaction type appears.

Value Register Update Flag

This option is selected once the value register has been updated for the selected internal supplier excise invoice.

Total Amount

Total merchandise amount for goods on the internal supplier excise invoice.

Total Tax Amount

Total customs duty amount for goods on the internal supplier excise invoice.

Recovery Amt (recovery amount)

Total recoverable customs duty amount for goods on the internal supplier excise invoice.

Non Recovery

Total nonrecoverable customs duty amount for goods on the internal supplier excise invoice.

Invoice Line

Field or Control


Item ID

Item associated with the BOE line, along with its description.


Unit price for the goods on the BOE line.

Accept Qty (accepted quantity)

Purchase order quantity from the BOE line converted to the standard unit of measure.

UOM (unit of measure)

Standard unit of measure for the selected item.

Assessable Value

Assessable value for the BOE line.

Assess Value

Assessable value of the goods from the BOE line.

Note: When the Excise Tx Type field is set to BOE, the Assessable Value and Assess Value field values are always equal.

Excise Amt (excise amount)

Total customs duty amount for the invoice line.

More Tab

Select the More tab.

Field or Control


EXD-NonRcvry Amt (excise duty - nonrecovery amount)

Recoverable customs duty amount for goods on the internal supplier excise invoice line.

EXD-Recov Amt (excise duty - recovery amount)

Nonrecoverable customs duty amount for goods on the internal supplier excise invoice line.


Transaction currency for the internal supplier excise invoice.

Source Information Tab

Select the Source Information tab.

Field or Control


PO Unit

Purchasing business unit on the BOE line.

PO No/PO Line/PO Sched (purchase order number/purchase order line/purchaser order schedule)

Purchase order details associated with the BOE line.

BU From

Business unit associated with the BOE line.

BOE Type

Displays the source BOE type. Values are:




Bill of Entry

Bill of entry that you are associating with the internal supplier excise invoice.

BOE Line

Bill of entry line that you are associating with the internal supplier excise invoice.

Bill of Lading

Bill of lading associated with the BOE.

Excise Tax Details

Field or Control


Tax Type

When the excise transaction type is set to BOE, this field displays the Excise tax type. However, tax amounts that appear on this page reflect customs duty amounts.

Tax Pct (tax percent)

When the excise transaction type is set to BOE and the calculation method from the BOE is set to % Value, it displays the percentage to be applied to the assessable value of the item to derive the customs duty amount.

UOM (unit of measure)

Unit of measure for the BOE line.

Tax Amount

Customs duty amount for the rate sequence based on BOE.

NRcvry Amt (nonrecovery amount)

Nonrecoverable customs duty amount for the rate sequence.

Recovery Amount

Recoverable customs duty amount for the rate sequence.