Defining Preferred UOM

To define preferred UOM, use the UOM Mappings component (CC_UOM_XREF).

This section discusses how to define preferred UOM

Page Name

Definition Name


List of Merchant UOM (list of merchant unit of measure) Page


Some suppliers are capable of entering level three data (line item information); therefore, UOM may show up for some statement lines. Displays a list of UOM that comes from the bank statement. Once the corresponding UOM is entered, data is moved to the preferred UOM when you save this page.

Preferred UOM Page


Maintain the translation between the merchant UOM and system UOM (stored in UNITS_TBL). The statement load process is based on the information that you entered here to convert the UOM.

Use the List of Merchant UOM (list of merchant unit of measure) page (CC_UOM_NM) to some suppliers are capable of entering level three data (line item information); therefore, UOM may show up for some statement lines.

Displays a list of UOM that comes from the bank statement. Once the corresponding UOM is entered, data is moved to the preferred UOM when you save this page.


Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Definitions > Unit of Measure Mappings > List of Merchant UOM

Field or Control


Merchant UOM

Displays the UOM used by the merchant.

Unit of Measure

Displays the UOM mapped to the merchant UOM.

Use the Preferred UOM page (CC_UOM_XREF) to maintain the translation between the merchant UOM and system UOM (stored in UNITS_TBL).

The statement load process is based on the information that you entered here to convert the UOM.


Purchasing > Procurement Cards > Definitions > UOM Mappings > Preferred UOM

Use the fields on this page to edit the preferred UOM that you defined on the List of Merchant UOM page.