Dispatching RFQs

This section provides an overview of the RFQ Dispatch and Print process and discusses how to run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Dispatch Quote Forms Page


Define selection criteria and run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process, the Email process, or the RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job.

The RFQ Dispatch/Print SQR Report process (PORFQ01) dispatches the RFQs one at a time or in volume in the background. This section discusses how to run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process.

When you run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process from the Dispatch Quote Forms page, you dispatch the RFQ. For hard copy reports only, select the Print Copy check box and specify the number of copies that you want. There is no separate page used to produce a report only.

When you run this process from the Dispatch Quote Forms page, on the Process Scheduler Request page you have three choices:



RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job (RFQDISP)

Select to run the RFQ Dispatch/Print SQR process (PORFQ01) and then the Email Application Engine process (PO_RFQ_EMAIL).

RFQ Dispatch/Print SQR Report process (PORFQ01)

Select to run only the RFQ Dispatch/Print process.

Email Application Engine process (PO_RFQ_EMAIL)

Select to run only the Email process.

When you use the email dispatch method, the RFQ Dispatch/Print process creates an output file in the location that you specify on the File Locations page. The Email process picks up the output file from the specified location and sends out an email message with the RFQ as an attachment. When the dispatch method is fax, the dispatch process creates an RFQ file and a fax control file in the locations that you specify on the File Locations page.

Dispatching RFQs by email requires that you run two processes: the RFQ Dispatch/Print process and the Email process.

To dispatch by email, you first must run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process to update the RFQ email queue table. You must then run the Email process.

The Email process is an Application Engine process that picks up the email output file created by the RFQ Dispatch/Print process in the location specified on the File Locations page and generates an email through the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol gateway. For ad hoc email notifications, it sends out a notification message without a file attachment; for email dispatches, it sends out a message with an RFQ document attached.

If you specify an RFQ contact on the Supplier Details page, the Email process sends the email to the address that you specify in the Email ID field on the Supplier Information - Contacts page. If you do not specify a supplier contact on the RFQ, the Email process sends the email to the address that you specify in the Email ID field on the Supplier Information - Address page:

  • If PeopleSoft eSupplier Connection is installed, the email includes a URL link that directs the email recipient to the pages where the recipient can review and respond to the RFQ.

  • If PeopleSoft Application Portal is installed, the Email process can also generate a tasklist entry, which appears on the Integrated Task List pagelet on the organization extranet homepage.

To simplify dispatching by email, you can use the RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job on the Process Scheduler Request page that you access from the Dispatch Quote Forms page. The RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job automatically runs the RFQ Dispatch/Print process and then the Email process.

If the dispatch method is EDX, the RFQ Dispatch/Print process does not create an output file but updates these EC outbound tables: RFQ_DISPHDR_EC and RFQ_DISPLN_EC.

Use the Dispatch Quote Forms page (RUN_PORFQ01) to define selection criteria and run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process, the Email process, or the RFQ Dispatch & Email multiprocess job.


Purchasing > Request for Quotes > Dispatch Quotes > Dispatch Quote Forms

Process Request Parameters

Field or Control


Fax Cover Page

Select the cover sheet to use for RFQs dispatched by fax in the same run of the process.

Miscellaneous Options

Field or Control


Test Dispatch

Select to do a test dispatch and run the RFQ Dispatch/Print process. If you select this check box, the process runs as usual, but the RFQs are not dispatched and their statuses are not updated.

Print Duplicate

Select to print the word Duplicate in the header section of the RFQ printout.

Print Copy

Select to produce a printed copy of each RFQ processed. If any of the purchase orders processed are by phone, fax, email, or EDX, the system prints a hard copy for review.

Number of Copies

If you select to print a copy, enter the number of copies that you want to print.