Generating Spend History

This section provides an overview of the Spend History Application Engine process (PO_SPND_HIST) and discusses how to run the Spend History process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Update Spend History Page


Set up run-control information for the Spend History process and run it. This process generates spend history information for use by the Procurement Operations Home Page, several SRM Dashboard pagelets, and procurement spend pivot grids.

Use this process to gather and bucket the dispatched purchase order spend information. This process will collect purchase order and contract amounts by month or period, summarized by a buyer within a period. When running the process you will specify a reporting entity ID, that defines a set of business units, calendar ID, currency code, and rate type. Only those purchase orders for the business units specified on the reporting entity will be included. The calendar ID is used to bucket the purchase order spend by period. The currency code and rate type are used to convert the purchase order's monetary amounts into a single currency when viewed by the buyer.

After you run the Spend History process you can view the results using several pagelets in the Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) Dashboard.

See Understanding the SRM Dashboard.

Use the Update Spend History page (PO_SPEND_HIST_RC) to set up run-control information for the Spend History process and run it.

This process generates spend history information for use by several SRM Dashboard pagelets.


Purchasing, Analyze Procurement, Update Spend History

Field or Control


Reporting Entity ID

Select the reporting entity ID. This reporting identity determines what currency and rate to convert purchase order amounts to and in which period to group purchase order spend.


Select this option if you want to select a date range relative to the current period. Selecting relative enables you to set up the run control once and when it executes, it will always pick up the defined number of periods relative to the period in which it was run. If you want to include specific periods, clear this option and select the specify option instead.

Start - Cur Period Minus (start - current period minus)

Eight (8) appears by default. Enter the number of periods prior to the current period you want to generate spend history for.

End - Current Period Plus

Three (3) appears by default. Enter the number of periods ahead of the current period you want to generate spend history for.


Select this option if you want to specify a start and end period. When this option is selected for the run control, you must change the periods specified each time the process is run in subsequent periods.

Start Period and Start Year

Enter the start period and year you want to generate spend history for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.

End Period and End Year

Enter the end period and year you want to generate spend history for.

The number of periods or specific period and year entered here must exist on the calendar tied to the reporting entity specified on the run control. If you enter a period or year not associated with the calendar for the reporting entity, the system will reset the period and year to what is on the calendar associated with the reporting entity.