Purging Requisition Load Requests

This section provides an overview of the Purge Requisition Load Request Application Engine process (PO_RLRQPRG) and discusses how to run the Purge Requisition Load Request process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Purge Reqload Requests (purge requisition load requests) Page


Set parameters for the Purge Requisition Load Request process and initiate the process.

Use this process to purge purchase requests that accumulate on the PO_REQLOAD_RQST table. This table is used to store purchase requests that are loaded by the Purchasing Requisition Loader process.

To increase system performance, PeopleSoft recommends that you run the Purge Requisition Load Request process regularly, depending on how often you execute the Purchasing Requisition Loader process.

Use the Purge Reqload Requests (purge requisition load requests) page (RUN_PO_RLRQPRG) to set parameters for the Purge Requisition Load Request process and initiate the process.


Purchasing > Requisitions > Purge Load Requests > Purge Reqload Requests

Field or Control


Purge Processed Rows

Select this check box to purge the purchase requests on the PO_REQLOAD_RQST table that are in Processed status.

Purge Error Rows

Select this check box to purge the purchase requests on the PO_REQLOAD_RQST table that are in Error status.

System Source

Select the system source for the requests that are to be purged.

Requesting Loader Bus Unit (requesting loader business unit)

Select a business unit. If you do not specify a business unit, all requisition loader business units are processed.

Requisition Request ID

Select a requisition request ID on which to run this process. If you enter a value here, specify a requesting loader business unit. Values include the available IDs for the selected business unit. Entering a value here further refines the selection that you make by specifying a requesting loader business unit.

Date Selection

Specify a date selection operation. This field value combines with other operation modifiers to define a date selection operation for capturing Purchasing Requisition Loader requests to purge. Values include:

C (current date): Defines the date selection operation based on the current date and the operation modifier in the Operand field.

M (current date minus days): Defines the date selection operation based on the current date, the operation modifier in the Operand field, and the number of days that you subtract from the current date by using the Nbr Days (number of days) field.

N (no selection by date): Prevents the use of a date selection operation.

P (current date plus days): Defines the date selection operation based on the current date, the operation modifier in the Operand field, and the number of days that you add to the current date by using the Nbr Days field.

S (specified date): Defines the date selection operation based on a date that you specify and on the operation modifier in the Operand field. When you select this value, the Date Sel Date (date selection date) field is activated.


Enter an operand to modify the date selection operation. An operand is the modifier that is appended to an operation. In this case, the value in this field combines with the value in the Date Selection field to define the date selection operation that the system uses to collect the Purchasing Requisition Loader requests for purging. The value that you enter here can also combine with the value in the Nbr Days field to further define the date selection operation. Values include:

< ( less than selection date): The date selection operation captures only Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests with process dates that are less than the selection date. The process date is the date on which the Purchasing Requisition Loader process processed the request and created the requisition.

<= (less than or equal to selection date): The date selection operation captures only Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests with process dates that are less than or equal to the selection date.

<> (not equal to selection date): The date selection operation captures only Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests with process dates that are not equal to the selection date.

= (equal to selection date): The date selection operation captures only Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests with process dates that are equal to the selection date.

> (greater than selection date): The date selection operation captures only Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests with process dates that are greater than the selection date.

>= (greater than or equal to selection date): The date selection operation captures only Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests with process dates that are greater than or equal to the selection date.

Nbr Days (number of days)

Enter a number of days to be used as an operation modifier. This operation modifier combines with the values in the Date Selection and Operand fields to define the date selection operation. If you select a date selection value that requires a number of days, enter the number here.

Date Sel Date (date selection date)

Enter a specific selection date other than the current date. The date that you enter here is the basis for the date selection operation that is used to collect Purchasing Requisition Loader process requests for purging. This field becomes available for entry when you select S (specified date) in the Date Selection field.