Receiving Against a BOE

This section provides an overview of the BOE receipts and discusses how to Receive Against BOE

Page Name

Definition Name


Select Purchase Order - Search Criteria Page


Search for and retrieve BOE-related purchase order schedules to add to a receipt.

Maintain Receipts - Receiving Page


Create receipts for non-purchase order and purchase order line items.

Maintain Receipts - Receipt Line Details for Line Page


View receipt line details, including information about any associated BOEs. The page displays the originating BOE business unit, BOE ID, BOE type, and BOE line.

You can receive imported goods only after you have updated the BOE worksheet for the goods according to the customs authority assessment and have set the BOE status to Assessed. Generally, a factory location can receive goods only when they are associated with an assessed BOE.

When receiving imported goods, you must associate each receipt line must with a BOE. This association affects the timing of customs duty credit recorded in the CENVAT Value-Raw Material register and CENVAT Value - Capital Goods register.

Use the Select Purchase Order - Search Criteria page (PO_PICK_ORDERS) to search for and retrieve BOE-related purchase order schedules to add to a receipt.


  • Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts > Select Purchase Order - Search Criteria

  • Click the Select Purchase Order link on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page.

  • Access the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page in Add mode.

When receiving a purchase order schedule with a tax transaction type of Import (EXS_TAX_TXN_TYPE = DIMP), you are required to enter a BOE line for each receipt line. The quantity open for receipt is the quantity on the BOE line (BOE_LN.QTY_PO) selected for the purchase order schedule less the sum of the receipt line quantities (QTY_SH_NETRCV_VUOM) for the BOE line.

Field or Control


PO Unit

Enter the purchasing business unit associated with the BOE that you want to receive against.


Enter the BOE number for a BOE line that you want to associate with a receipt. BOEs available for selection meet the following criteria:

  • BOE type set to Home Consumption or Warehousing. Ex-bonded BOEs are not available for selection because ex-bonded goods have already been received using a warehousing BOE. Ex-bonded BOEs are used to move goods from a bonded customs warehouse to an inventory business unit by way of an interunit transfer.

  • BOE header status set to Ready or Assessed.

The search criteria that you enter in the ID field are interpreted by the system using the following hierarchy. Data is retrieved to the Retrieved Rows scroll area in an order that corresponds to the hierarchy.

  • The ID that you enter is a PO ID for a non-direct-import purchase order. If applicable, purchase order lines and schedules on this purchase order are included in the first possible set of rows in the scroll area.

  • The ID that you enter is a contract ID. If applicable, purchase order lines and schedules associated with this contract ID are included in the second possible set of rows in the scroll area.

  • The ID that you enter is interpreted as either the BOE ID or the purchase order ID referenced on the BOE line. If applicable, purchase order lines and schedules associated with this BOE ID are included in the third possible set of rows in the scroll area.

Retrieved Rows

Field or Control


PO Qty (purchase order quantity)

For purchase order schedules with associated BOE lines, the purchase order quantity reflects the BOE quantity.

Use the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page (RECV_WPO) to create receipts for non-purchase order and purchase order line items.


Purchasing > Receipts > Add/Update Receipts > Maintain Receipts - Receiving

After you have received goods for a BOE line using the Receiving page, you manually update the BOE line and set its status to Closed. Upon closing the BOE line, the system validates that the received quantity is equal to the BOE line quantity. You update the BOE header status to Closed when all BOE lines are in Closed status.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Receipts - Receiving page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Maintain Receipts - Receiving page

Receipt Lines

Field or Control


Receipt Qty (receipt quantity)

When receiving purchase order schedules with associated BOE lines, the default receipt quantity is the BOE quantity if you selected the Ordered Quantity option on the Pick Purchase Order page. The receipt quantity is the BOE open quantity that you selected the PO Remaining Qty option on the Pick Purchase Order page.

Existing receiving tolerances are overridden and the system validates that the receipt quantity does not exceed the BOE quantity.

Accept Qty (accepted quantity)

When receiving purchase order schedules with associated BOE lines, the default accept quantity is the BOE quantity if you selected the Ordered Quantity option on the Pick Purchase Order page. The accept quantity is the BOE open quantity, if you selected the PO Remaining Qty option on the Pick Purchase Order page.

Existing receiving tolerances are overridden and the system validates that the accepted quantity does not exceed the BOE quantity.

More Details

Field or Control


Allocation Type

Displays the allocation type for the receipt. The method selected is used when the receipt quantity is less that the quantity ordered. This field appears by default from the Purchasing Definition - Business Unit Options page. Values are:

  • FIFO (first-in-first-out): Allocations to the distribution quantities are fulfilled based on the sequence in which they are added to the purchase order schedule for purchase order receipts or the receipt line for non-purchase order receipts.

  • Prorate: The receipt amount is prorated across the distributions for the schedule based on what percentage the receipt amount is to the total purchase order schedule's distribution amount. For example, if 50% of the required items were received, each distribution line would be allocated 50 percent of its required quantity.

  • Specify: The user will specify the quantity received for each distribution line.

  • Split Distribution: Automatically assign the same Asset Grouping Sequence for both Serialized and Non-Serialized items to the same asset line across all the distributions. Each split unit will automatically be assigned the same asset grouping sequence number so that PeopleSoft Asset Management will assign the same asset ID to each fractional unit.

Note: Allocation type on receipt page defaults from the BU level. But if you specify a value for IN unit on PO distribution page, allocation type for its receipt will be FIFO.