Understanding Procurement History Analysis

Analyzing procurement data provides you with information about procurement trends and can assist you in managing supplier relationships. PeopleSoft Purchasing enables you to accumulate and analyze summaries of purchasing, invoicing, and receiving transactions.

PeopleSoft Purchasing provides you with an Application Engine process for generating procurement history data based on a reporting entity. The reporting entity controls how procurement history information is accumulated into monthly or periodic buckets and for which business units to collect procurement information. You configure a procurement analysis inquiry profile for a user ID based on reporting entity, candidate view, and how the user wants the procurement data to appear on the inquiry page.

PeopleSoft delivers seven procurement views: Requisition List (PRCR_LST_ARQ_VW), PO Schedule List (PRCR_LST_APO_VW), Procurement History (PRCR_HST_AAA_VW), Receiving List (PRCR_LST_ARC_VW), Receiving History (PRCR_HST_SVN_VW), Voucher List (PRCR_LST_AAP_VW) and Voucher History (PRCR_HST_VND_VW). Each view is mapped to one of the five inquiry types: History, PO List, Receiver List, Requisition List and Voucher List. In addition to the system delivered views, you can create your own view for your own aggregating and viewing purposes as long as the view created is a subset of the ones delivered by PeopleSoft.

Understanding the Procurement Analysis View Creation Process

To create a view that is eligible for use in procurement analysis:

  1. Define the new Structured Query Language view by using PeopleTools Application Designer.

    The fields in this view should be based on fields in a view that is available in the View ID field on the View Candidate Setup page.

  2. Modify the view text of the procurement analysis valid candidate view (PRCR_VALID_VIEW) to include the new view by using PeopleTools Application Designer.

  3. Create the new view as well as the valid candidate view (PRCR_VALID_VIEW) by using PeopleTools Application Designer.

    This step creates the view in the database by using the PeopleTools definition.

  4. Access the View Candidate Setup page to set up the new view, associate it with an inquiry type, and make the view eligible for selection in the inquiry profile setup.

See the product documentation for PeopleTools: Application Designer Developer's Guide