Viewing Procurement Analysis Data

This section provides an overview of the procurement history inquiries

Page Name

Definition Name


Purchase Order List Page


View data in the current purchase order tables.

PO Inquiry selection criteria Page


Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Purchase Order List Page

Receipt List Page


View data in the current receipt tables.

Receipt Inquiry selection criteria Page


Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Receipt List Page

Voucher List Page


View data in the current voucher tables.

Voucher Inquiry selection criteria Page


Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Voucher List Page

Requisition List Page


View data in the current requisition tables.

Requisition Inquiry selection criteria Page


Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

PO History Inquiry Page


View purchase order data in the procurement history table.

History selection criteria Page


Retrieve data to the inquiry page. The data retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.

Receipt History Inquiry Page


View receipt data in the procurement history table.

Voucher History Inquiry Page


View voucher data in the procurement history table.

Supplier Information - Identifying Information Page


Enter supplier identifying information.

Conversations Page


Track ongoing discussions and conversations with supplier contacts.

You must enter the supplier and contact before you record conversations.

Purchasing Attributes Page


Enter basic purchasing information for an item.

Use the procurement history inquiry pages to view accumulated and summarized procurement history data. There are seven inquires available. They are:

  • Purchase order history inquiry.

  • Receipt history inquiry.

  • Voucher history inquiry.

  • Purchase order list.

  • Receipt list.

  • Voucher list.

  • Requisition list.

The data that appears in these inquiries varies depending on the user ID and the configuration of the associated inquiry profile IDs.

Field or Control


%CAN (percent canceled)

Percentage of the order that is canceled.

%RCV (percent received)

Percentage of the order that is received.

%REJ (percent rejected)

Percentage of the order that is rejected.

%RTN (percent returned)

Percentage of the order that is returned.

Amt Ordered (amount ordered)

Amount that is listed on the purchase order.

Bank Code

Code that is assigned to the bank from which the item invoice is to be paid.


Purchase order transaction currency.

Days Vary

Number of days by which the item may arrive early or late without being rejected and returned.

Early Ship

Number of days by which an item may arrive early without being rejected.

Gross Paid

Gross amount that is paid, not taking into account any discounts or adjustments.

Inquiry Results

Displays field values according to criteria that is defined for the user ID and associated inquiry profile IDs. These values are chosen to produce procurement analysis inquiries that are relevant to the user ID.

Inquiries initially retrieve only fields that are predefined. However, you can use the selection criteria page for each inquiry to alter the current view by selecting new search parameters to retrieve exactly the amount and type of information for which you are looking.

LT MAD (lead time mean absolute deviation)

Lead-time mean absolute deviation.

Late Ship

Number of days by which an item may arrive late without being rejected.

Num Receipts (number of receipts)

Number of receipts that are generated for the item.

Over Ship (over shipped)

Number of items by which the order may be overshipped without being rejected.

PO Count

Number of purchase orders that are associated with the receipt line.

Paid Amount

Amount that is paid on the purchase order, less any discounts or adjustments.

Pay Currency (payment currency)

Payment currency.

Receipt WT (receipt weight)

Weight of items that are received.


Receipt ID.

Unit PO (Purchasing unit)

Purchasing business unit.

Under Ships

Number of items by which the order may be undershipped without being rejected.

UOM WT (unit of measure weight)

Unit of measure for the weight of the item.

Supplier Cat ID (supplier catalog ID)

Supplier catalog ID.

Use the Purchase Order List page (PRCR_PO_LIST) to view data in the current purchase order tables.


Purchasing > Analyze Procurement > Review Procurement Information > Purchase Order Lists > Purchase Order List

Field or Control



Total line cost.

PO Date

Purchase order creation date.


Purchase order item unit cost.


Purchase order status.

VND Item (supplier item)

Supplier item code.

Use the Receipt List page (PRCR_RC_LIST) to view data in the current receipt tables.


Purchasing > Analyze Procurement > Review Procurement Information > Analyze Receipt Information > Receipt List

Field or Control



Source of the receipt.

PO Price

Purchase order item unit price.

PO Ship Amt (purchase order shipped amount)

Cost of the purchase order items that are shipped.

PO Ship Qty (purchase order shipped quantity)

Number of purchase order items shipped.


Purchase order status.


Receiving business unit.

Use the Voucher List page (PRCR_VC_LIST) to view data in the current voucher tables.


Purchasing > Analyze Procurement > Review Procurement Information > Voucher Lists > Voucher List

Field or Control



Total line cost.

Inv Date (invoice date)

Invoice issue date.

Recv Ship (receiving ship to)

Ship to location where the items are received.

Use the Requisition Inquiry selection criteria page (PRCR_REQ_SELECT) to retrieve data to the inquiry page.

The data that is retrieved is based on the selection criteria that you define in the inquiry profile for the user ID. Any defaults that you establish there appear on the inquiry page. You can override these defaults and define additional selection criteria on this page.


Click the Select button on the Requisition List inquiry page.

Field or Control


Business Unit

Business unit that generates the requisition.

Merchandise Amt (merchandise amount)

Cost of the total number of the items requested.

Name 1

Item supplier full business name.

Order Line

Order Management order line number for direct shipments.

Order Management BU (order management business unit)

Order Management business unit for direct shipment orders.

Order No (order number)

Order Management order number.

Requisition Date

Requisition creation date.

Requisition Price

Unit price of the requisition item.

Ship Via Code

Code for the shipping method designated for the item.

ShipTo SetID

SetID to which the item is to be shipped.


Requisition status.