Defining Attribute Groups

To define attribute groups, use the Attribute Groups component (QS_ATTRIB_SET). This topic provides an overview of attribute groups and discusses how to define attribute groups.

Page Name

Definition Name


Attribute Labels Page


Define the attribute and the labels that are used for the defect, cause, and corrective action components.

Attribute Codes Page


Maintain attribute codes for their associated attribute categories for an attribute group.

Attribute groups are categorized lists of defect, cause, and action codes that you relate to one or more control plans. The system uses the lists as prompts during data entry and alarm review to assist in the classification of problems and corrective measures that are associated with a subgroup.

Using attribute codes, you can:

  • Apply them to inspection samplings during quality data collection and alarm review activities.

  • Provide qualitative annotation against a process.

  • Present concise selection lists when noting product defects or indicating responses to out-of-control conditions.

  • Enable detailed Pareto analysis of individual elements.

Attribute groups are made up of various categories: defects, probable causes, and corrective actions. Each category comprises one or more components that, when combined, form complete phrases. During data entry, the system builds attribute phrases as individual components are selected. You can analyze the resulting attribute phrases in their entirety or by individual components to investigate root problems or causes.

The following attribute categories are available:

  • Defect components.

  • Cause components.

  • Corrective action components.

Defect Components

You can define up to three levels of defect components:

Defect Component 1


Defect Component 2


Defect Component 3








Cause Components

Cause components typically identify a problem that affects the process that you are monitoring. You can define up to two levels of cause components:

Cause Component 1 (Problem)

Cause Component 2 (Affecting)



Temperature Setting

To Low

Corrective Action Components

Action components describe what actions are taken in response to problems or out-of-control conditions. This is a single component.

Use the Attribute Labels page (QS_ATTRIB_SET) to define the attribute and the labels that are used for the defect, cause, and corrective action components.


Quality > Establish Control Plans > Attribute Groups > Attribute Labels

Field or Control


Attribute Group

Enter a name for the group.

Defect Component 1, 2, and 3

Define a label for each of the defect components. Enter new labels for the components or use the defaults. Entering a blank label disables that component from entry and selection. That is, the system does not generate a pick list for that specific attribute component during data entry or alarm review.

Cause Component 1 and 2

Define a label for each cause component. Enter a blank label to disable a component.

Corrective Action

Define a label for the corrective action codes.

Note: You cannot blank out all labels, such as disable all components, for an attribute category. If all labels are blank, the system inserts default labels when it saves the group.

Use the Attribute Codes page (QS_ATTRIB_DEFN) to maintain attribute codes for their associated attribute categories for an attribute group.


Quality > Establish Control Plans > Attribute Groups > Attribute Codes

When this page initially appears, all the attribute codes that are associated with all components of the attribute group appear. Select a particular type of attribute component to view its codes.

Field or Control


Attribute Component

Select the type of attribute that you want to view or define. Types include:

  • List All Attribute Components: Displays all the different attribute components. This selection is read-only.

  • Action Component, Cause Component 1, Cause Component 2, Defect Component 1, Defect Component 2, or Defect Component 3: Select the attribute component type that you want to add, delete, or modify the code list for.

Attribute Type

Displays the type of attribute, such as action, cause, or defect component. This field appears only when you select List All Attribute Components in the Attribute Component field.


Enter a unique code for the attribute type.

Attribute Text

Enter the actual text that is used to build an attribute phrase.


Select the check box if you want to deactivate the code. Inactive codes are not available for selection during processing.