Granting Document View Access

Page Name

Definition Name


Document Access Page


Grant view access.

Use the Document Access page (CS_DOC_ROLE_ACCESS) to grant view access.


Supplier Contracts > Create Contracts and Documents > Document Management. Click the Document View Access button on the Document Management page.

Use this page to provide viewing permissions for internal users and to review collaborators who have view permissions for this document. This enables you to associate view access roles for the document to enable broader user access to certain documents. Document administrators can also predefine a default set of roles so that certain roles can be supplied by default to newly generated documents automatically. You assign user permissions based on the user's role. Use the Role Name field to select the roles. Users with this role can only view the document. They cannot edit the document.

The system automatically updates the Collaborator Users with View Access grid with values from the Role Level View Access grid on the My Internal Contacts/Collaborators page. In addition, if document types are enabled, the system uses the view access information that is specified for the document type when you generate the document.